Blood on Her Name [no registration]

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Star - Bethany Anne Lind. Abstract - Blood on Her Name is a movie starring Bethany Anne Lind, Will Patton, and Elisabeth Röhm. A woman's panicked decision to cover up an accidental killing spins out of control when her conscience demands she return the dead man's body. rating - 7,9 of 10. Score - 25 Votes. &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg). writed by - Matthew Pope.
Blood on her name trailer 2019. Blood on her name embargo.

Blood on her name movie review

Blood on her name 2019 download. Blood on her name (2019) english. Blood on her name the movie. Blood on her name bande annonce vf. Blood on her name movie 2020. Blood on her name full movie. Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 I’m going to start off by answering this one question that everyone had about the experiment **Q: I’ve stayed away for ‘** x’ amount of days, I don’t go crazy like that A: Keep in mind that you may not be on stimulant gas when you stay awake for your own work. The stimulant gas actually prevents the pineal gas from producing any melatonin. So the participants do not feel the need to sleep and the brain is not aware if it should sleep or not. That’s the main aim of this experiment, to find out how long the brain is capable of going without sleep. So usually if there was no stimulant involved the participants would be fine for longer as their brain would shift to a phenomenon known as ‘microsleep’. In this case the participant's mind does not even know whether it should sleep or not. Another reason for the worse effects are probably due to the fact that we force our participants to also complete day to day tasks and also cook their own food. This puts extra pressure on the brain. They are also not provided coffee or energy drinks. Many of the participants were noted to use their electronics more after Day 2 night which might also contribute to the effects. Now let’s continue with the logs: Day 4: Dr Warnicke has noted that all participants are no longer accidently dozing off into sleep and they all remain awake at all times. This is probably an effect of the stimulant gas. Julia has been painting in her room since the morning. She is drawing paintings of a woman with bloodied hair and several wounds in her abdomen. The woman’s face is never painted in each of the paintings. Surprisingly the paintings are very high quality and well painted. She drew about 10 paintings in 4 hours. She stopped after she ran out of paint and canvas. We will deliver more canvas and paint to her room through the food larder type cupboard we put in her room. Dr Nguyen suspects that Julia may be thinking about harming Sophia as illustrated in the paintings. Dr Williams disagrees. Adam has moved from his bed to the corner in his room where the presumed ‘dark figure’ is. He is standing facing the corner and has been standing motionless since morning. His brain waves are those of a person in REM sleep. His heart rate is concerningly low at 50bpm. Connor has stopped whispering to himself and went down to make breakfast in the morning. He fryed his eggs in milk and ate them. Our medical team will be monitoring him in case he falls ill. Connor has typed up unintelligible things in his officework today. Sleep is for the weak I am not weak For I do not sleep I will rise strong I am winning all along Ethanisgoingtobeatme Nohewon’t PleaseIwanttosleep Sleepsleepsleep -------------- Dr Williams speculates that Connor is experiencing auditory hallucinations and is subconsciously typing the conversations up. This can be useful to provide insight into his feelings. Connor seems to be paranoid of Ethan. Sophia is standing outside Julia’s bedroom staring at the door. She has not tried opening the door. Ethan has broken his laptop after losing an online game. He threw it at the floor. We are deciding whether we should provide him a new one. After that Ethan went down to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and started cutting up pieces of butter and eating them raw. He will also be medically monitored Samantha is reading the books that we have provided her. She has been doing that since the morning. After finishing one book she repeated the phrase ‘I will sleep soon’ 420 times and then picked out another book. She is the most stable of all participants. Day 4 (night) Julia went out of her room while Sophia was still standing outside the door. We only know that Sophia attacked Julia as only Dr Williams was on the night shift at the time. She refused to recount what happened and was quite hysterical. Dr Warnicke sent Williams home for a few days. Based on the camera feeds we can currently see, Traces of Julia’s intestines can be seen in Sophia’s room while the rest of her body lies in her room. Her eye’s are missing. Sophia has returned to her room and is sitting there staring at the wall. She has painted random shapes with Julia’s blood on that wall. We locked away Julia’s room and extracted her body. Dr Warnicke the relieving coordinator decided to keep the experiment running. Dr Warnicke advised us not to look through the past recording to see what really happened with Julia. We have also not yet listened to Connor’s recordings Adam went out of his room for the longest time today and walked around the house chanting things. He returned to his room after being unable to access Sophia’s room since she locked it. Upon closer inspection of Julia’s paintings which we have now extracted from her room, they are looking more and more like her own dead body. Connor sliced 20 cuts across his chest today. Ethan grabbed the knife from him and cut himself as well. They then laughed hysterically and started playing ping pong in the games room. Day 5 Dr Chaudhary was found unexpectedly dead in his home today. The cause of dead appears to be a suicide bringing the death toll of this experiment to 2. Dr Williams is now on suicide watch and all of us have to live inside experiment HQ for the remainder of the experiment. Dr Warnicke has called in another doctor who did not tell us his name. He appears to be from the higher government and has taken our video logs and audio logs of Connor for ‘further study’. Luckily I saved myself copies before they came. Today Samantha ran out of books. We purposely did not provide anymore to see her reaction. She experienced severe psychosis. She started screaming at us Why don’t you guys just leave me alone? Do you find this amusing? I want to sleep I can’t (unintelligible jumbled up phrases) She then repeated this 25 times while pulling at her hair. She then managed to compose herself and went down to the games room. She asked Ethan if he could play ping pong with her when she saw Connor and him playing. Ethan agreed and she won from him every game. This made Ethan extremely agitated and he started to show signs of physical aggression. Samantha quickly ran up to her room. Ethan ran after her and kept on trying to break her door for at least 5 hours. Samantha was crying hysterically in her room. ------------ I will go get some sleep now. More logs are coming soon We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep. (Shakespeare).

Blood on her name 2019 trailer

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Blood on Her name index.

Blood on her name ? sânge pe numele ei (2020

I leave dinner to pick up the phone, cupping my hand over my mouth in the hallway. “Who is it? ” There's a second of feedback, a high whining noise, and then a response. “Jim’s not here. ” “Sorry? Who’s Jim? In fact, who is this? ” I ask a flurry of questions, but as I ask the third the line goes dead with a click. My mouth is a little dry. Something about the voice unnerved me. It had been so unplaceable, so vague, and, as I try to remember, I can’t place whether it was male or female, young or old, British or American. I close my eyes, try to recall it in greater detail, but whenever I hear snatches of it in my memory they make me feel sick, uneasy, and so I stop. The thought obviously keeps building momentum in my mind because as I enter the room again, I sit down, and in response to my wife asking who was that? I look her colleague’s husband (who’s name I am supposed to have remembered) dead in the eye and ask: what’s your name again? He looks startled: Martin, it’s Martin. Oh, I respond, I thought, maybe- My wife raises an eyebrow, and I fall silent. I try and play it off as a joke, but it falls flat. The rest of the dinner is a mess of awkward silence and the brittle sound of cutlery on china. Try as I might, I can’t get those words out of my head, those words in that impossible voice: JIM’S NOT HERE. I’m sitting on the bus the next day, heading to the station to work on a few forensic reports when I take a peek at the young man’s phone next to me. It’s nosey, sure, but sometimes I can’t help myself. There’s something so thrilling about peeking into a stranger’s life, however brief it is, and you never know what you might read; apologies, filthy messages, a strange medical search history, mundane accounts of their day. But this time, there’s only one message on his phone. His thumbs aren’t moving at all, and, instead, he’s staring at it. Crisp, and clear, at the top of his mobile phone, in a little white bubble: JIM’S NOT HERE. I’m taking extra hours here and there, trying to squeeze in time with my family when I can. Work passes in a flash, at the speed of routine, and when I think on my day as I travel home I realise I can’t remember a single thing about it: like forgetting your commute the moment you arrive, or realising you haven’t heard a single lyric of your favourite song. I apologise to my wife, again, for embarrassing her. She’s still a little grumpy, but she pecks my cheek when I start cooking, and I know that it’ll only be temporary. I read to my son, Jake, for half an hour, and my wife comes in to say goodnight. My wife tells me she misses me, once we’ve put Jake to bed, saying it softly and quietly into my neck: so close that her lips move against my collarbone. I know what she means. I miss her too. I tell her I’ll be one moment - I need to check I double-locked the door, and as I head down the stairs I hear an ear-splitting scream. Jake’s room. It takes both of us a few seconds before we’re at Jake’s door, opening it, to see him in a ball, in the corner of his room, wide-eyed and pale, shaking. My wife bends down to hold him whilst I give the room a quick scan: no-one. My wife’s trying to find out what’s wrong, asking him over and over and over again, stroking his hair, holding him. He can’t speak for a while, and instead he just sort of moans, this low, cracking moan that comes from his stomach. But, when we’re both sat on the floor with him he opens up. “He’s here. He’s here. He’s here and I saw him, I saw him at my window, looking in, he was watching me and smiling and, and, and-” He starts crying again, his small confession obviously taking all his energy, and I make a show of peering out of his window, checking all of his closets, under his bed. I think I’m running on adrenaline at this point, discounting the possibility of there actually being anyone real there, seeing as Jake’s room is on the second floor, and it’s only when I turn to comfort him that it clicks. Attempting to calm him down, I crouch down in front of him, and, as proof that I’ve surveyed his whole room I say: “He’s not here. ” As soon as those three words leave my mouth I feel sick, my hands go clammy. They have some significance, I’m sure, but I can’t place exactly what. I don’t know who he is, or why it’s so significant, but the fact that I’m saying it now too makes my chest tight. I said he, but it was all too clear who I meant ? what I meant: JIM’S NOT HERE. Something is wrong. I sleep in fits for the rest of the week, tossing and turning. A few days later I wake to the sound of a loud creak, footsteps on our wooden floor downstairs. I listen for a while, trying to determine whether it’s Jake grabbing a drink from the fridge, but as I strain to catch more I feel a chill. Cold air sneaks its way under my blanket, up my thighs until I’m shivering, muscles tensing from the cold. Shit. Someone’s opened the door. Leaving my room, I grab the baseball bat at the top of the stairs and flick on the lights: hello? There’s no response, and as the lights flicker on I can see Jake, stood, eyes closed, in front of our front door. It’s wide open, and a soft breeze has blown in a few leaves, which twitch on the floor around his feet. “Jake? ” No response. I walk down the stairs, silent, trying to see if there’s anyone on the other side of the door, but there’s noone. Jake’s mumbling something, eyes still closed: sleepwalking. Careful not to wake him, I put the bat down, and as I reach to pick him up his eyes snap open. “I let him in. ” “What? Who? Who did you let in Jake? ” He says it three more times in quick succession: “I let him in, I let him in, I let him in. ” He then starts to breath faster and faster, and I’m reminded of the nightmares he used to have as a child, the witches and the monsters under his bed, and having to hold him until he fell asleep in my arms. He’s sleepwalked before, this isn’t the first time, and my paternal instincts overcome me. “Hey, Jake, don’t worry. It’s a bad dream. I’m here - I’m here - I’m here. ” That seems to calm him down a little, and he lets his head rest against my chest as I take him upstairs. But, as I check I’ve double-locked the door after he’s fallen back asleep, I can’t get those words from my mind. JIM’S NOT HERE Jake begins to draw in his spare time, the same image, over and over: a face dominated by empty eyes, a wide toothy smile, a sense of malice. He sits in his room, and draws the same face on sheet after sheet of paper, until his floor’s covered. Trying to take his mind off it, on the weekend I take him to a gallery. I figure that if he’s expending this much creative energy, there might be a way to funnel it into something other than nightmares, something productive. He holds my hand and stays close to me the whole time, even when I try and encourage him to explore. The gallery’s pretty empty, and I know the owner fairly well, so I’m more than happy for him to wander on his own, find a piece that inspires him, make his own decisions. I’m checking my phone, responding to a text from my wife about what to have for dinner, when I look down to see that Jake’s gone. I breathe a sigh of relief: he’s found something. That being said, I’d still like to know exactly what he’s found, and so I pick up my speed a little, walking round the several rooms to see if I can spot him. My heart starts to beat a little faster when I can’t find him in any of the main rooms, and as I approach the front desk, the owner must be able to tell that I’m a little scared because he smiles and pre-empts my question: “Jake’s found a little exhibit he likes. Don’t worry - this way. ” And I follow him through a little doorway I hadn’t noticed, into a room that’s empty except for two things: Jake, sat on the floor, sketching frantically into his notebook; and, in front of him, a giant, cream canvas, that must be about 30 feet long, which displays three words in a clear, black font. JIM’S NOT HERE Waking life starts to take on the texture of a bad dream. Daily activities become strange, obscured. I find myself watching milk swirl in coffee for ten minutes, find myself absorbed in fabric swirls on the back of bus seats. And all of this is seeped with an unexplainable terror, a pressing and urgent anxiety that something is deeply and truly wrong and that whatever it is, it’s on it’s way. Work’s no help. The week after the gallery we’re called in to take apart a recent crime scene: a suspected murder suicide. A father went crazy, shot his wife and two kids, and then turned the gun on himself. We arrive as they’re taking the bodies out, and I watch as the two tiny body-bags are loaded into the truck. My heart breaks, as it does with every crime scene. I take a moment, deep breath in, deep breath out. I am helping. This happens. I am present. I put on our plastic suit, the mask, and enter the living room. It’s a mess of blood, and the coffee table has been overturned where the wife evidently tried to escape. The flash of a camera, and the hushed conversations of detectives and the other forensic teams take on the rhythm of rain, as if this is somehow natural. I busy myself, taking samples, working my way round the room. As I take hair and blood samples from the feet of an overturned chair, I find a small, crumpled note. Opening it, I read, written in pencil: not here. As we move through each and every room, I find the same small notes, tucked away, like some sort of morbid scavenger hunt; not here, not here, not here. For some reason, although I can’t say exactly what, I don’t tell anyone else about them, and, instead, keep them in my palm. The last room we enter is the twins. We all take a moment outside, mentally prepping ourselves for what might be inside. I open the door, bracing myself to see blood, signs of a struggle - but, instead, nothing. A normal, tidy girls room. And in the centre, a waterc
Blood on her name movie dvd release date. Blood on her name parents guide. Blood on Her names. Watch blood on her name online. Blood on her name 2019 movie trailer. I rewatched Parasite yesterday here in Seoul (the local multiplex chain owned by the company that produced the film was hosting special showings in celebration of the Oscar wins), and I noticed some thematically-relevant details, some of which non-Korean audiences wouldn't be able to catch or fully appreciate, so I thought I'd share them here. First, the dialogue. A notable feature of the Korean language is the strict separation between its formal and informal register. Obviously, all languages will distinguish between professional/official usage and casual/intimate usage (e. g. tu vs vous in French, or American customer service reps saying "How may I assist you" instead of "How can I help you"). However, in Korean (as in Japanese), this divide is baked into the grammar in a way that makes the social and hierarchical dynamics of every conversation and interaction almost painfully explicit. The film plays with this linguistic feature to illustrate the theme of crossing or blurring "the line" between the classes, as frequently alluded to by the Nathan Park character. That is, the line between the formal and informal register gets blurred when the lower-class members manage to cross over to the other side, and its usage also reflects who has the upper hand when the lower-class characters are fighting amongst themselves. The interactions between Ki-jung (the poor sister; art tutor) and Yeon-kyo (the rich mom) are full of interesting examples of the former, the most obvious being the scene where they are standing outside the house, discussing hiring Mr. Kim (poor dad) as the Park family's new driver. The expectation here is that both should be speaking in the formal register, with the Rich Mom occassionally lapsing into casual speech due to her seniority and status as employer. However, in that scene, Ki-jung reciprocates with lapses of her own that are bold and frequent enough to stand out as jarring and borderline unrealistic to a Korean viewer. Given Korean social norms, just the age difference alone should be enough for Ki-jung to adhere strictly to the formal register, but she ends up speaking to the Rich Mom almost like a close friend or immediate family member, while barely keeping up appearances. To a Korean audience, this gives a subtle but powerful indication that Ki-jung has managed to be accepted very deeply into the Rich Mom's confidence, and is treated as a peer, not just an employee. The crossing of lines in this particular relationship is also illustrated using cinematography, in the earlier art therapy job interview scene where Ki-jung is spouting nonsense about Da-song's drawing to the comically receptive Rich Mom. In that scene, the 180 degree-rule is broken dramatically when the Rich Mom gasps tearfully in reaction to Ki-jung asking about Da-song's traumatic event. In that moment, the camera crosses over to the other side of the forbidden line, from behind Ki-jung's back while showing Rich Mom's horrified face. And from then on, the shot reverse shot between the two characters in that scene consistently violates the 180-degree rule. This is a genius way of cinematically showing that Ki-jung's infiltration has achieved a level of success that her other family members haven't quite managed. By the way, in that scene near the end where Mr. Park and Mr. Kim are crouching behind bushes wearing indian headgear? Same shot reverse shot editing, but the 180-degree rule is preserved, as Park ruthlessly quashes Kim's slight incursion over the line. This is, of course, the default expectation, but still, the contrast was palpable for me, as I had noticed the first violation, was on the lookout for another, and it never happened. Going back to the dialogue, the interactions between the poor characters are also rich with subtext expressed through register. In the beginning, the pizza place owner complaining to Chung-sook (poor mom) about QA issues with the folded boxes is also speaking in the informal register in a way that is gratingly, almost aggresively disrespectful considering the age difference. Also of note is the scene between Chung-sook and Moon-gwang (former housekeeper) when the bunker is first revealed. Moon-gwang starts out speaking with extreme deference, while Chung-sook arrogantly lapses into the informal register, but when the other family members enter the scene, their registers become reversed instantly. The Korean audience at last night's showing erupted in laughter when Moon-gwang told Chung-sook to STFU due to the blatant shift in her tone of speech, which might also have been apparent in the subtitles, but probably not to the same visceral degree. There are also some details about the scholar's rock that I haven't seen discussed on reddit. For one thing, in the scene where Ki-woo is leaving the house for his first tutoring session, we see Poor Mom in the background vigorously scrubbing the scholar's rock with a toothbrush. That sight would probably have left Min-hyuk's grandfather (the rock's original owner) apoplectic, as the supposed value of these rocks lie in the way that they have been sculpted by nature, which means every crease and wrinkle is part of what makes the rock special. Subjecting it to such rough abuse would obviously cause minute alterations and damage, thus defeating the purpose of owning such an item. I saw this as a subtle indication of the lack of habitus (cultural knowledge/awareness shared by the upper class) on part of the Kim family. Also of note is a throwaway line by Min-hyuk when he is presenting the rock to the Kims. I don't know if this detail made it into the subtitles, but he says that his grandfather started collecting scholar's rocks when he was a cadet in the Korea Military Academy, which is basically Korea's West Point. This is an evocative snippet of characterization, because that means his grandfather was a career officer during the time period that Korea was ruled by military dictatorships, and would thus have been in a position of some power. The Korean military has also been plagued with corruption until fairly recently, which together was enough to make me wonder how a cadet could have affored these expensive collector's pieces, and just how exactly Min-hyuk's family became rich enough to comfortably afford him studying abroad. Another quirk that kind of confused me was when Mr. Park whispers in his wife's ear about his suspicions of his then-driver drugging a girl and having sex with her in his car, the wife blurts out something about meth and cocaine. Obviously, these are uppers, and not what a Western audience would immediately think of when considering date rape drugs. However, drug usage is so effectively suppressed in Korean society, and common knowledge on the subject so minimal, that the average moviegoer would only ever have heard of weed and meth (by its Japanese brand name philopon, which is the word the wife uses). Thus, references to, say, ketamine or rohypnol would entirely have gone over the audience's heads, which may have been a consideration in Bong writing the scene the way he did. It's even possible that Bong himself is unaware of such matters and didn't realize the discrepancy. Either way, the scene does make sense if we assume the Rich Mom only knows about, and has access to, her husband's drugs of choice, but Western audiences might have had difficulty fully appreciating just how deviant the Parks' drug habits are by Korean standards, and how dangerous and life-endingly damaging such an allegation would be under the Korean justice system. Hence their decision to avoid any untoward attention by keeping the whole affair as hush-hush as possible. That's all I can think of right now that you'd have to be Korean to pick out, but yesterday's viewing, which was my second time watching the film, left me with a whole new appreciation for how much detail and foreshadowing is crammed into every frame: For example, in the scene where Ki-woo asks Da-hye "do I fit in? " while looking out the window at the birthday party, there's a vertical line through the window dividing the two, and Da-hye is leaning against the line as if she's trying to cross. In the fantasy scene near the end where Ki-woo has bought the rich house and Mr. Kim emerges from the basement, Ki-woo is staring up at the clouds in reference to his earlier line to Da-hye about cloudwatching as an affectation or pretension, and Chung-sook is standing on the exact spot that Mr. Kim was shown burying Moon-gwang's corpse, staring down at the ground, which also contrasts with Ki-woo who is looking up. When the Kims are drinking beer together in their home, everyone switches to a more expensive imported brand after they all succeed in infiltrating the rich house, except for Chung-sook, who still drinks the cheap domestic brand. I wonder if that has anything to do with how she was the only one to escape the whole ordeal relatively unscathed. I also loved the way the janitor with the cleaning machine intruded on Chung-sook and Ki-woo's moment at the end when they were paying their respects to Ki-jung. That was such a Bong Joon Ho thing to do. There was a thing with oral fixation and infantalization of males, with Mr. Park sucking on a refrigerated package of boyak (Korean medicinal brew), and the bunker-dweller sucking on a bottle of milk during his first appearance. There were also a lot of interesting choices in cinematography, like how the semi-basement house was frequently shot with the camera at ground level instead of from the basement floor. This stood out in the peach fuzz scam sequence when Mr. Kim is rehearsing his lines while being coached by Ki-woo. Mr. Kim is standing on something and comfortably in frame, but the other characters are way below and barely visible.... and so on and so forth. There's a lot
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Blood on her name watch. Blood on Her named. Blood on Her name. Blood on her name online sa prevodom. Blood on her name 2020 movie. Blood on her name movie wiki. Blood on her name plot. We have more deaths, and we have more betrayals. We have more marriages. EW Interview, TWOW Tease: 26 June 2014 On this sub, I often see posts about who will be the major characters who could die, but I was thinking that sometimes a good backstabbing/betrayal is just as good. With that in mind, what are some possible betrayals that you could see happening in TWOW/ADOS? A Couple Possibilities Barristan Selmy: Its theorized/possible that Barristan could betray Dany and join fAegon. This quote could imply Barristan fighting with the Golden Company: That night Tyrion Lannister dreamed of a battle that turned the hills of Westeros as red as blood. He was in the midst of it, dealing death with an axe as big as he was, fighting side by side with Barristan the Bold and Bittersteel as dragons wheeled across the sky above them. In the dream he had two heads, both noseless. His father led the enemy, so he slew him once again. Then he killed his brother, Jaime, hacking at his face until it was a red ruin, laughing every time he struck a blow. Only when the fight was finished did he realize that his second head was weeping. -ADWD, Tyrion II Friends in the Reach Its possible that numerous houses in the Reach, do not fully support the Tyrells and could be turned to fAegon. Laswell Peake rapped his knuckles on the table. "Even after a century, some of us still have friends in the Reach. The power of Highgarden may not be what Mace Tyrell imagines. " -ADWD, The Lost Lord Three Treasons Didn't really want to include this because its the type of thing that is talked about non stop and will probably end up dominating the comments, but the post didn't feel right without including it since its such a big plotline going forward and I realized that some of the possibilities that I included on this list could technically end up being one of the treasons. Three treasons will you know. Once for blood and once for gold and once for love. At least 1 or 2 of these treasons are yet to occur. The North Remembers The Manderlys (as well as several other possible northern lords) betray the Boltons in the Battle of Ice "Soon I must return to the feast to toast my friends of Frey, " Manderly continued. "They watch me, ser. Day and night their eyes are on me, noses sniffing for some whiff of treachery. You saw them, the arrogant Ser Jared and his nephew Rhaegar, that smirking worm who wears a dragon's name. Behind them both stands Symond, clinking coins. That one has bought and paid for several of my servants and two of my knights. One of his wife's handmaids has found her way into the bed of my own fool. If Stannis wonders that my letters say so little, it is because I dare not even trust my maester. Theomore is all head and no heart. You heard him in my hall. Maesters are supposed to put aside old loyalties when they don their chains, but I cannot forget that Theomore was born a Lannister of Lannisport and claims some distant kinship to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. Foes and false friends are all around me, Lord Davos. They infest my city like roaches, and at night I feel them crawling over me. " The fat man's fingers coiled into a fist, and all his chins trembled. "My son Wendel came to the Twins a guest. He ate Lord Walder's bread and salt, and hung his sword upon the wall to feast with friends. And they murdered him. Murdered, I say, and may the Freys choke upon their fables. I drink with Jared, jape with Symond, promise Rhaegar the hand of my own beloved granddaughter … but never think that means I have forgotten. The north remembers, Lord Davos. The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done. My son is home. " -ADWD, Davos IV Numerous things can count as a "betrayal", for instance sacrificing a child to the flames is betraying that child's trust or warging the mind of a disabled person, but in this post my focus hopes to be more on factions or betraying one liege for another, etc. TLDR: Let's come up with some good example of possible betrayals in the upcoming books.
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Reporter: Leilani Holmes
Info: I'm Leilani, a UK actor who screenwrites & makes films. I like tea & physics.









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