THE MIMIC-Snowman University - Rich Tokyo Suburban Exploring in Jiyugaoka...

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[いつも仲間と] Rich Tokyo Suburban Exploring in Jiyugaoka 自由が丘の散歩

So today we are here at 福梅本舗 in 自由が丘 in Tokyo and this is a place that specializes in 梅干し.
Now you might be wondering what 梅干し is.
It’s like a pickled plum and depending on the way that it is prepared it can really really sweat or it can be really really really salty.
Japanese people have been eating 梅干し for thousands of millions of years as far as I know.
So we’ve come to this store today to kind of talk about 梅干し and try a variety of different 梅干し and learn basically about…
…so great about 梅干し.
I can’t talk today.

自由が丘’s like really upper class.
Everyone here seems to be really rich and own expensive houses.
What’s up (??)?
What’s up (??)?


There’s mint, fresh apricot and the one I chose for Kit is Lemon Vanilla

Let’s take a look at some of the products that rich people use on their pets.
For the music lover…
Relaxation music for dogs and cats.
For those of you who have children as well, there’s relaxation music for pets and kids and then we have feather extensions for your pets.
I’m pretty sure these were popular in America (for like?) 6 months.
But now you can do it to your dog’s hairs as well.

Oh good boy!
Good boy!
Show us your new hair!
You look great!
