4.7 stars - temokube


  1. Columnist - Douglas H Millis
  2. Resume Exposing the slick con of the Corp media as they focus on political puppets instead of the background Corp Capitalists (the media bosses) who pull their strings

Country: Canada
Average Ratings: 5,9 of 10
Brief: What happens when you realize that to achieve your dreams you have to live a nightmare? Rose is a quiet, demure, unassuming woman in her looks and actions. Her dream is to become a famous designer in the fashion world, but a terrible accident leaves Rose scarred beyond recognition. She seeks out a radical untested stem cell treatment. The treatment is nothing short of a miracle and wallflower Rose turns into the belle of the ball. It all seems to good to be true. She is now everything she wanted to be. But everything in life comes at a price and this new found perfect life is no exception
Sylvia Soska
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Rabid bat. Please stop comparing yourself with Judicial Watch. it's a broken record. Just get on with your message and thank you for all you do. This seems like a movie version of LINE Webtoon zombie comic. a very similiar one. who aggre.
This is scary.


Level 1 Rabies is terrifying. PSA, if you are bitten or scratched by a wild animal, you MUST get a rabies shot. If the disease progresses past a certain point, around when you show symptoms, it will be irreversible and you will die a horrid death. Edit: Since this comment is getting upvoted, I'd like to use the visibility to post this video. WARNING: HUMAN DEATH BY RABIES NSFL level 2 Yup pretty much certain death. If by some miracle you do survive by some variation of the Milwaukee protocol you're still going to have significant brain damage. level 2 Once I got bit by a duck and I was paranoid I might get rabies but I googled it and only mammals carry it so I was in the clear. level 2 To emphasize the point, past a certain point with rabies, you WILL die. Not maybe, not perhaps, not most likely. Rabies is one of the few diseases which is 100%, completely fatal. level 2 Also, you must wash your wound with soap and water ASAP for 15 minutes and clean with detergent/ ethanol (or rinse it with water if nothing else is available). Soap reduces infection risk by more than 50% if I remember well (could find the reference) Then always go to take your shot, even if you're vaccinated! Rabies vaccine gives you more time for getting the shot but is not actually protecting you fully from the disease. edit: posted first without finishing.. level 2 Especially true if you're around bats. They will bite you and you won't even realize it, terrifying if they happen to have rabies and you don't even realize you got bit. level 2 Yeah taking a course on killer microbes. Rabies isn’t actually curable per say. You take a series of shots so the disease doesn’t infect you post exposure and dies in your body. Once you are infected then you have a whole host of issues that come with that. If you don’t get immunized you absolutely will die. If you can’t find the animal that bit you, or you are not sure then it’s recommended that you get the shots regardless. Just to be safe. level 2 Unless you are insanely lucky. A girl from my home state survived without the vaccine. She was bitten by an infected bat and developed symptoms a few weeks later. I believe they put her in a coma and gave her something else. She’s now an adult and has kids. level 2 Myth: Three Americans every year die from rabies. Fact: Four Americans every year die from rabies. level 2 What is up with the eerie background noise? I was waiting for a scary pop up towards the end. level 2 Rabies is one of those weird diseases that progresses so slowly towards your brain that you can take the vaccine after already being infected and it'll still work. Though they also give you other good stuff like immunoglobulin. Particularly when bit on an extremity, it can take weeks for it to slowly travel up your nerves. level 2 Woah didn't realize it was that bad. level 2 Wtf it's 2019 and there's still no true cure for rabies? That's scary to know.... I'll be thinking about that the next time I see those damn trash panda's outside my window. level 2 That video was fucking terrifying.
Late post but it looks more like a roundworm infection from snooting around in racoon feces for undigested nuts. or possibly just an inner ear infection. Rabid fox. I'll read the book. Rabid animals. I Do not think that is rabies. They are known to eat fermented fruit. They like geting drunk. There is a vid of a place where a bunch of them are drunk all the time. Rapidement. Level 1 Another Good Bot Moderator of r/PublicFreakout, speaking officially Score hidden ? 11 days ago ? Stickied comment The following re-uploads of this video are available: Mirror #1 (provided by /u/tuckbot) Note: this is a bot providing a directory service. If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them. look at my programming level 1 He did not see that "boy" coming! Hit him like a slap in the face. level 2 Why did that offend him so much? level 1 He reminds me of Ron weasleys rat. level 2 I knew I recognized the face level 2 Awe man, don't compare this ass to Timothy Spall. level 2 I see angry John level 1 For thinking he's so much better then everyone I'd expect him to be in better shaped. Dude nearly died just barely yelling. Hard to believe he thinks himself genetically superior level 2 Hitler would have gassed this dude he's so far from the master race. Probably twice with as big as he is. level 1 "Imma git my gun! " Christ, I love suburban cowboys. You live in a planned development with your mom, Boomer. Calm your ass. level 2 Clearly he’s not all there mentally, and by the looks of it his mom has to deal with this often which is terribly sad. level 1 Rabid dog is right. He is consumed with hate. So very sad. level 1 An actual public freak out. Wonder it’s not more popular? Really odd. level 2 Because reddit has a lot of dudes who would sooner emphasize with the racist. level 2 I looked at how many people watched the video from this sub. Almost 7 thousand people These kinds of vid don't do well in this sub due to its userbase level 1 Fat can accumulate in your intestines and liver and give you diabetes, this guy is a perfect example what happens when fat accumulates around your brain and makes you mentally disabled A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public. Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved.
Rabid dogs. We have a phenomenal new product to reveal to you here today, and we're calling it the iRabid Coyote. (Audience hoots and hollers just like, um, coyotes attacking their prey... Raid aventure. Rabid 1977. Lmao Nick Jonas in Midway. Rabid jotaz. Rabid rabbit. When one started my heart?. Rabid 2019. Rabidity. Tiny home in Sulani with little huts that arent closed off so they dont count as a room and micro home in the center where SIMSIMSIE RULES.
“its zombies again” zombie movies straight up shading themselves at this point ?. Rabid human. Level 1 My son wasn't bitten by a bat, one brushed up against him. He didn't tell me right away because it "didn't bite him. " We went to the ER two weeks later. The doctor said it is not always a bite, it can be only saliva. And when a bat is in the house, they treat the whole family. The shots were in the arm, and my son said it was no big deal. So please please, with any exposure to a bat (possibly rabies), get yourself or kids treated. level 2 Ten years ago a bat flew into my hair (long hair, so it was traumatizing for the both of us) and it never occured to me that I should see a doctor. level 2 When in doubt, go get poked. It's better than if you actually get bit and have to get the series of shots on top of wound injections. level 2 Only one human has ever survived a confirmed case of rabies. That case is called the milwakuee protocol, it invlovled a prolonged medically induced coma and may have been a fluke. If you have a close enconter with any stray dog or coyote or especially a bat. Go get the shots. level 2 When you say you went to the ER two weeks later, what made you do that? Was he having symptoms or something? I thought once you see symptoms it’s pretty much bad news.... level 2 When I was a teen, a bat got into my oldest brothers room(attic) and his girlfriend woke me and my other brother up. They were letting it fly around and trying to catch it. I grabbed a wooden box top and smashed it out of the air. Scooped it up without touching it, took it outside and put it down. They thought I was mean. I care about all animals and only kill when necessary. I felt this was one of those times. level 2 Just a heads up, the whole house would not always need shots depending on the situation. When in doubt, discuss the situation with your local public health epidemiologist through the health department (if in the US). Ask your doctor if they are following guidelines from the health department or CDC if they recommend everyone in the area get shots. The doctors are not always up to date on rare rabies exposures. The shot series cost me over $12, 000, so this is not a small thing to get “just in case”. Talk to your doctor about your risks in your situation. level 2 At summer camp, we were playing pranks changing signage above the cabin doors. Behind one sign a bat was sleeping. When I lifted the sign, my mouth was open, and the bat fell into my teeth knocking him out. After the bat recovered and flew off, I thought maybe I should visit the nurse. She told me rabies shots are nasty and why go through that. This is the difference between church camp in the sixties and now. level 2 I was bitten by a bat when I was 13. I had to get rabies shots. Had to get like 10 shots in one day, arms, thighs, butt cheeks, stomach then come back every other week for a little booster in my arm for like 3 months. It effing sucked. level 1 While the title is one of the most bad ass things I've read, it doesn't seem absurd or weird or funny in a way that would have it belong here. level 2 This is some quality Joe Rogan bait if I ever saw it. level 2 It's because he isn't from Florida. level 2 I’m convinced most of the people here either don’t entirely understand The Onion or have never even visited the site or read the paper.
Rabid raccoon behavior. Rabid wolf. I think the percentage is more like. 005. Rabbids. Rabideaux's iowa la. THANK GOD THEYRE SLOW lmfaooo same. There's not too many people. Stupid Welsh and Celtic. (Also. This is like all those people who get angry that I am multilingual) I think I have used an interpreter 5 times in 4 years... Not a massive amount. Health tourism is really rare and if she wants to watch people fucking die because we deny them emergency care she can come do it herself. I am not her executioner. I have met a single health tourist and he had the audacity to have a heart attack on a flight! I know. What a cunt. He could have waited till he landed but he had to have one on a flight. And currently immigrants pay more in tax so the NHS is paid for. Seriously? The people bitching about immigrants don't live around immigrants. You want to solve housing? Prevent sales of council houses and place actual fucking laws on HMOs. Tax second and third houses. Build modern 3 bedroom medium density housing. Remove stamp on first time buyers. Control house prices. Immigrants aren't coming over here, paying catastrophic rent and then surviving on whatever dregs universal credit gives you. This is the equivalent of thinking that a banana costs 10 quid. Being really really out of touch with reality. So I used to work in another industry heavily recruiting immigrants. Restaurants. Schools actually are often kept open thanks to immigrants who keep numbers sufficiently up. As for being bilingual... Come on. Do you get how small that sounds? Lady who speaks single language feels bad that she's never learnt another. That's like me smashing pots because I really wish that I learnt pottery but don't have the time to learn anymore... She's an idiot. No one's stopped her from doing what she wants. She has.
Rabid movie 2019.

Noone: Me: What that mouf do. Raid nature. Rabid animal. Rabid rabbits. Rabid cat. Rabid movie. Rabid squirrel. Hey bud that's just scary ?? Said in the most casual way ever to a seizing Raccoon. Rapid'news. * PLOT TWIST * At the end, the old man got infected. He tried to hide it from them but it was too obvious. As they try to do something to help him, he bites both of them. They know they dont have much time left. As we see their transformation, the camera slowly go away as we see Nick, Ellis, Coach and Rochelle running away from the infecteds as they make their way to the top of the roof.

This literally looks like a Lifetime or Hallmark movie. The editing, cinematography, directing choices, and half the acting are exactly what you would expect if hallmark tried to make a horror rather than a christmas film this year. Some of the scenes are full on something you would expect to see in a student film!
and dear lord. If the Soska's keep insisting to act in their own movies they should really take some acting lessons. many of the scenes that are supposed to be scary come off as funny for how silly and poorly executed they are... The way they handled the crash and the first time the tentacle emerges were so bad I burst out laughing, the face prosthetic was clearly a rushed job that again takes the viewer away with how un convincing it was, the acting is so consistently cheesy that it must have been a directing choice rather than the will of the actors(who I have seen kick ass in other movies) and the sheer amount of blatant stock footage shots again made it feel more like a lifetime movie. I was excited for this film when I heard that Paula Fairfield was doing sound design (did sound for the dragons and creatures in Game of Thrones) But it's clear she only worked on a few creature scenes amounting to probably no more than 8 minutes of screen time, because all the other sound was, again, just as generic and boring as a lifetime movie. it's clear that American Mary was a fluke for being such a great movie, because every other project they've done got worse and worse. The only thing that genuinely impressed me was some of the practical effects, prosthetics, and set pieces in the final 10 mins of the film. but even then, those effects were still surrounded by more poor cine and editing. Basically the Soska's achieved with 5 million what some film school graduates achieve for free during their end of year projects.
That was creepy. Rabid remake. Isnt this girl from the show “secret life of the American teenager “ as Ashley ? Ive always seen her play a role like this idk why.

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