Bombshell |720p|

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  1. Columnist: Bizzy the Kitty
  2. Biography: [Florida Man] [Trial's in Tainted Space player] [Hardcore Minikit Collector] [Header made by @DelArcadiaZZ] [G+ Vet]

Charles Randolph / Against the backdrop of the 2016 United States presidential election, Fox News' anchor, Megyn Kelly, finds herself embroiled in controversy, after questioning the Republican front runner, Donald Trump, on his misogynistic comments. But, on July 6, 2016--as the network's former anchorwoman, Gretchen Carlson, sets in motion a maelstrom of events for refusing to exchange sexual favours with Fox News mogul, Roger Ailes--other journalists, like the ambitious producer, Kayla Pospisil, come forward. Now, three wronged women are about to reveal the toxic world of sexual harassment in a workplace environment, bent on bringing down the powerful CEO. However, are Megyn, Gretchen, and Kayla the only ones who didn't get along with the boys? / Duration: 1 hour 49 minute / Jay Roach / Average Rating: 6,9 of 10 stars / &ref(,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg)
¡ÈAngerment striding¡É? ¡Èriving¡É? Oh great, another newly made up term that all the SJWs feminists will start using. Great. What a joke! With the exception of Margot Robbie. all acting laughable. Either over the top performance or unbelievable. Unlikeable characters, all of them! The totally deep voice of Megan was obviously somehow dubbed or taken down an octave somehow. I didn't know Nicole Kidman had a pointy chin til this movie. Made her somehow look awful. The wigs. I cant wait to watch it??. This breaks my heart?. El escÃndalo (bombshell. Woman look soooo different w short hair ! Wow, I must say I love long. I'm generally quite liberal and as a dual NZ-US citizen, I am a registered Democrat, but I must say, I do genuinely respect Megyn Kelly as a reporter and a journalist. She's really good when it comes to interviewing people, asking hard questions and addressing the subject matter when she is interviewing people (such as her interview with Vladimir Putin.
Beverly Young Nelson has finally admitted that she forged a portion of the infamous high school yearbook that she and attorney Gloria Allred used as proof of her accusations against U. S. Senate candidate Roy Moore. And in yet another blow to the credibility of ABC News, the disgraced, left-wing network downplayed the bombshell by presenting this admission of forgery as adding ¡Ènotes¡É to the inscription. Worse still, the reporter actually coaches Nelson, puts words in her mouth, downplay the enormous significance of her deceit. Beverly Young Nelson, one of the women accusing GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct, tells @GMA it ¡Èsickens¡É her to think what might happen if Moore is elected. ? ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) December 8, 2017 ¡ÈNelson admits she did make notes to the inscription, ¡É ABC News tells us. ¡ÈBut the message was all Roy Moore. ¡É ¡ÈBeverly, he signed your yearbook, ¡É ABC News reporter Tom Llamas says. ¡ÈHe did sign it, ¡É she replies. ¡ÈAnd you made some notes underneath. ¡É ¡ÈYes, ¡É Nelson says. And then, after a woman admits to forging a document used in a campaign to destroy the Republican nominee for the U. Senate in Alabama, ABC News quickly moves on as though it is not news of extraordinary consequence. Llamas also fails to ask any follow-ups, such as ¡ÈIf the explanation is this simple, why wait all these weeks to offer it? ¡É Or, ¡ÈWhy did you lie? ¡É Nelson is accusing Moore of attempting to assault her when she was just 16-years-old. With the election just four days away, this admission of forgery could not come at a better time for Moore. Nelson and Allred are planning a news conference Friday, but nothing will overcome the forgery admission. How can anyone believe anything she says after admitting to such a thing? Early reports are that Nelson and Allred will produce an expert to prove the rest of the yearbook is not a forgery. So a proven forger is bringing in her own expert. What an insult to the people of Alabama. Another problem with Nelson is that she has a motive to lie and forge: as a circuit judge, Moore ruled against her in a 1999 divorce case. The Moore campaign has been pressuring Nelson and Allred for weeks to submit the yearbook for independent handwriting analysis. Now everyone knows why that request was rejected and ignored. With Nelson now thoroughly discredited, this leaves two accusers against Moore. One is Leigh Corfman, who claims Moore molested her as a 14-year-old child. She is the most credible of the three, but the narrative behind her story, that Moore¡Çs abuse resulted in Corfman¡Çs living a troubled life of ¡Èdrinking, drugs, boyfriends, and a suicide attempt, ¡É is directly contradicted by contemporaneous court records. Moore¡Çs final accuser is Tina Johnson, a woman who claims Moore groped her butt in his office in 1991. But, again, as was the case with Corfman and Nelson, the left-wing media outlets reporting these allegations (the Washington Post, ) either failed to fully vet the accusers or withheld crucial context. Thanks to New Media¡Çs going behind these discredited outlets to fact check the reporting, we now know that Johnson did not tell the entire truth. She was not in Moore¡Çs office ¡Èon business. ¡É If she was in Moore¡Çs office at all, it was due to a bitter custody battle where Moore represented Johnson¡Çs mother, who was trying to gain custody of Johnson¡Çs 12-year-old son based on the claim that Johnson was an ¡Èunfit, absent, and unstable mother. ¡É If the media and the accusers and Gloria Allred told the full truth to begin with, they would all be more credible. As far as the accusations against Moore involving his wanting to date teenage girls, those are trumped-up charges, utter nonsense. The age of consent in Alabama was and is 16. Moreover, 40?years ago, it was not at all uncommon in the South for a?32-year-old man to seek a much younger bride. So not only did Moore not break the law, he was not violating any social mores. Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.
Im not buying the like/dislike ratio for a minute. Apparently the 8 Million opening weekend was men's fault. HAHAHAHA. ?? women! Here before comments are restricted ?.

El esc c3 dalo (bombshell) new. Megan Kelly is so famous person to make a movie? Lol. Seems big money sponsored by Mr Put. And why it¡Çs not enough December 23, 2019 Both Kayla and Jess are composites?characters meant to tell the stories of women who could not speak for themselves. Lionsgate The best scene of Bombshell, the based-on-a-true-story dramatization of sexual harassment at Fox News, is one that never really happened. In it, Kayla, a young and ambitious producer at the network, gets an opportunity that doubles as currency at Fox News: a private meeting with Roger Ailes, the chairman and CEO. Knowing that he has the power to make her career in journalism?less aware, at the time, that he also has the power to break it?Kayla sits on Ailes¡Çs couch, thrilled. She tells Ailes about her career. He listens for a moment. And then he gives her an order: ¡ÈStand up and twirl for me. ¡É Kayla is confused. She is uncomfortable. But she does as she¡Çs asked. She gives a quick spin, her mouth frozen in a tight smile, attempting to make light of the move. The camera focuses on her face. Ailes?his initial warmth growing colder as he issues commands?asks her to hike up the bottom of her dress. She resists. He asks again. Finally, she complies, as the interaction she had thought was a job interview congeals into something else. She pulls up the hem of her dress. Ailes, played by John Lithgow, breathes heavily. She pulls the dress up higher, her hands trembling, until her underwear is exposed. The scene is intimate. It is invasive. It is painful to watch. That¡Çs in part because it is shot so unsparingly. But it is also because the assault Bombshell ¡Çs camera depicts is not physically violent. The abuse here is psychological. Kayla, without realizing it, has walked into a battle for her dignity. The writer Jill Filipovic explained the scene¡Çs power like this: ¡ÈReading about sexual harassment dulls it. Seeing it is a crucial reminder of how repulsive and destructive Ailes, and sexual harassers like he was alleged to be, can be. ¡É So it is notable, in that regard, that the woman in the scene is one of the characters in Bombshell who is not based on a specific person. Kayla Pospisil, played by Margot Robbie, is instead a composite figure?a woman woven from the stories of multiple real-life people. She is the product of a literature review, basically: Kayla¡Çs experiences in the film are summaries of several of the allegations made about Ailes in sexual-harassment lawsuits that Fox News employees brought against the network. Her character is also informed by interviews Bombshell ¡Çs filmmakers conducted with many of the women who made those claims. While nondisclosure agreements have kept many of those women publicly silent, Kayla, in a sense, gives them a voice. Kayla is one of three women at Bombshell ¡Çs center; the other two are Megyn Kelly (Charlize Theron) and Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman). Bombshell is a work of uncanniness. Starting with the makeup that transformed Theron into Kelly, the film¡Çs pleasures and its indictments come in large part through its painstaking re-creations of real-life people. Kayla, though, suggests the limitations of the simulacrum. It is revealing that one of the main characters, in this film that has marketed itself as a retelling of the sexual-harassment story at Fox News, is a work of fiction. But Bombshell is primarily Kelly¡Çs story. She is the one who is capable of breaking the movie¡Çs fourth wall, speaking directly to the audience. She is the one whose arc, in the film, bends the most sharply. There is an inherent challenge in that arrangement: To tell the story of workplace sexual harassment through the experience of Megyn Kelly is ¡Ä to tell the story of workplace sexual harassment through the experience of Megyn Kelly. It is to have a tale told by a narrator who is, if not fully unreliable, then deeply fraught. Read: Megyn Kelly¡Çs original sin Bombshell nods to that tension. It features a brief clip of one of Kelly¡Çs more infamous on-air moments: her glib insistence that ¡È Santa just is white. ¡É The film also features, along the way, assorted acknowledgments of the Fox News complicity machine?chief among them, representations of the many women at the network who had succeeded within its rigged system and who therefore had a vested interest in maintaining that system as it was. (If you are not a fan of Jeanine Pirro, the Fox News host who recently wrote a book titled Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy, Bombshell provides several scenes that will leave you feeling fully vindicated. ) But the main way the film wrestles with the complications of its own story is by eliding them. Kelly may be the star of the show; Kayla, however, is its moral center. (Carlson?who was the first to come forward with allegations of sexual harassment against Ailes?is something of the side character in the trio. ) The scene between Kayla and Ailes is what roots the film as it explores the legal battle that led to Ailes¡Çs ouster from the network. It is through Kayla that the horrors and humiliations of sexual harassment are brought to the film¡Çs screen. ¡ÈI¡Çve never filmed anything as excruciating, ¡É Bombshell ¡Çs director, Jay Roach, said of that interaction. It¡Çs understandable, in some ways, that the character doing that work in the film would be fictional. My colleague Conor Friedersdorf, writing after the publication of the report about an unnamed woman¡Çs sexual experience with Aziz Ansari and the New Yorker story ¡ÈCat Person, ¡É argued that fiction can be functional. Invented stories, he suggested, could be the most efficient way to talk about the things so many people wanted to be talking about when it came to those stories: the gray areas of consent; sex that is bad not in a criminal sense, but in another way. The benefit of ¡ÈCat Person¡É was that those discussions could be had about people who did not exist. Fiction affords a kind of freedom. Read: ¡ÆCat Person¡Ç and the impulse to undermine women¡Çs fiction Nonfiction brings complications. Megyn Kelly, with her glib comments about Santa and blackface and ¡È thug mentality ¡É?with all the work she did to build up the network that has helped bring America so low?is a notably difficult vehicle for discussions of justice. But Kayla Pospisil is not. Kayla is no more and no less than what Bombshell tells us she is. She makes few demands, of her screenwriters or of her audience. She brings none of the baggage that comes with a real existence. In some ways, that¡Çs a productive thing. Robbie¡Çs performance is masterful, and Kayla¡Çs lack of specificity makes her an apt stand-in for the many people at Fox News who are not part of the story Bombshell is telling. But Kayla, a figure informed by everyone and therefore by no one, also makes the movie smoother and easier than it might be. The character frees the film of the obligations that come with telling true stories about real people. That freedom, however, also allows a story about sexual harassment to wander, at times, into the realm of the fanciful. You can see this in another composite character in the film: Kayla¡Çs best friend at the network, Jess Carr, played by Kate McKinnon. McKinnon has described her character as a ¡Ècloset liberal and closet gay woman. ¡É Her presence allows Bombshell to point out that Fox News is a more complicated place than its broadcasts might make it seem. But McKinnon¡Çs character allows Bombshell to do something else, as well: to serve up a scene in which Jess and Kayla are lying in Jess¡Çs bed, ostensibly having slept together. Was the scene between these two composite characters making a point about the secret lives of women? Maybe. Would Laura Mulvey also have some things to say about it? Probably. Bombshell is rendered in the style of Vice and The Big Short (its screenwriter, Charles Randolph, also wrote the screenplay for the latter). Here, too, are wide-ranging tragedies expressed through an aesthetic that verges on cartoonish. The film?its pun of a title offers a hint at what¡Çs to come?has a kaleidoscopic quality. It is primary-colored and stylized and dizzying. It is, like the cable-news network that is its subject and its setting, shiny and hectic. But Bombshell ¡Çs message, for all that, is straightforward: All women, no matter their politics, deserve to work in environments that are respectful and safe. That is an important argument, and Kayla, ambitious and vulnerable and fictional, expresses it well. Kelly and Carlson, however, complicate it considerably. Those women, as real and historical figures, have contributed to the rise of a network that has often made a mockery of the very things Bombshell celebrates: collaboration, courage, justice. Fox News has made its reputation and its money by delighting in division?by insisting that some women are more deserving than others. That is the uncomfortable fact of this film. Kayla helps Bombshell elide it. What would the film have looked like had her character not been part of its universe?had Bombshell reckoned more directly with its real and deeply flawed heroines? It wouldn¡Çt have been as sleek. But it might have been more revealing. We want to hear what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor or write to Megan Garber is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where she covers culture.
Margot Robbie has beauty, brains, and talent. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2020 Format: Blu-ray Bombshell, when you analyze it rather than falling for the emotions it wants you to, is not actually trying to educate or improve a culture of sexual harassment in the workplace. (That¡Çs just my opinion, mind you. ) It seems on the surface like a necessary movie because of the badly needed Me Too Movement, which started with Harvey Weinstein¡Çs downfall in late 2017 but had an earlier model of success in Gretchen Carlson¡Çs lawsuit against Fox News chief Roger Ailes. The movie makes no attempt at objectivity, which I think is its major weakness. If it was going strictly by what people have said on the record, rather than using anonymous sources, the movie would have some merit. But the bulk of the encounters and exchanges in the movie are fictionalized, which the moviemakers say is okay because they¡Çve talked to lots of people who currently and formerly work at Fox?so just trust them to be accurate in the movie, they say. The character of ¡ÈKayla¡É played by Margot Robbie is part of my complaint. I was okay with the way the Gretchen Carlson (played by Nicole Kidman) lawsuit against Ailes was depicted, but Kayla is a fictional character who is initially an idealistic and naïve Fox loyalist, working there as her dream job, until Kate McKinnon¡Çs lesbian character makes Kayla an instant lesbian (they meet at work, then next scene they¡Çre together in bed) and Kayla becomes one of Ailes¡Ç sexual conquests. Then she joins in the lawsuit. She doesn¡Çt seem at all like a realistic character to me because she wouldn¡Çt be so eager to become a lesbian if she was actually as dedicated to the religious conservatism as she originally is. Nor would she need her lesbian partner to help her understand that Ailes is doing the wrong thing to her. That subplot is just stupid. The excessive profanity in some parts of the movie felt to me like a distractor which seemed only intended for dramatic effect (like anger can only be expressed in a movie if you have lots of cussing), not like how the incidents would have happened. Roger Ailes seems accurately depicted by John Lithgow?who looks COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in this role. Charlize Theron did a very good job with prosthetics and vocal work on taking on the look and overall demeanor of Megyn Kelly, who was somewhat late in joining Gretchen¡Çs cause against Ailes but nonetheless very credible. I think the movie¡Çs most important point is that Gretchen Carlson, while getting an apology and payment from Fox News for wrongful termination due to her unwillingness to have an affair with Ailes, still cannot talk about specifics. It seems only a half-victory until those ¡Ènondisclosure¡É codes get changed. I have Megyn Kelly¡Çs book Settle for More and consider it to be the best resource about that period of Trump¡Çs ascendancy and Ailes¡Ç downfall in 2015-2016. She gives specifics in that book about her complex history with Ailes, which are accurately described in conversations in the movie Bombshell. But if Bombshell is meant to be helpful for enlightening people about sexual harassment in the workplace, it hurts itself with a tone of vitriol throughout, such as Kate McKinnon¡Çs fictional lesbian who works there saying?in a quote in the trailer which also is in the movie?¡ÈThe world is a bad place, people are lazy morons, minorities are criminals, sex is sick but interesting. ¡É All the other Fox News people, in their one-or-two-sentence cameos by actors who are supposed to somewhat resemble them, are depicted as out of touch or overlooking Ailes¡Ç misbehavior. The movie seems to be primarily just about hurting Fox News. It also brings up the unsubstantiated lawsuit by Andrea Mackris against Bill O¡ÇReilly in which she said he harassed her and called her while using a vibrator on himself. His termination from Fox, unlike Ailes¡Ç, was not adjudicated properly; Gretchen had compiled audio evidence on Ailes¡Ç harassment which never was released to the public but was taken to court and adjudicated by the Murdochs (the family which allowed Ailes to create Fox News). O¡ÇReilly was terminated almost immediately after a New York Times article about payments to settle sexual harassment cases with several women, but due to his own nondisclosure agreements was not allowed to defend himself or correct what he says were inaccuracies in the article, and settlements do not equate to admissions of guilt. Settlements by payment and nondisclosure agreements are sometimes used to prevent public, long-term court cases that hurt the family of the accused, which is O¡ÇReilly¡Çs defense. The movie did a disservice by equating the Ailes case with the O¡ÇReilly case. O¡ÇReilly is only referred to and has an actor doing a couple lines as he has a conference, not a major part of the movie. But I feel the movie¡Çs grouping of him with Ailes, and implication that ¡Èeveryone¡É who worked at Fox knew Ailes was a dirty old man, were inaccurate. Even though Roger Ailes had a lot of Trump¡Çs conspiracy theory mindset, I think it oversimplifies him by portraying him and the Fox News reportage as bigoted. If I were you, I would pass this one up, and instead read Megyn Kelly¡Çs book Settle for More. Reviewed in the United States on December 23, 2019 Format: Prime Video Theater review. Possible spoilers. Director Jay Roach might not seem like the director for an expose like this given his resume (Austin Powers movies, Meet the Fockers, Dinner for Schmucks) but he pulls it off. Some of the credit would seem to go to writer Charles Randolph who was responsible for ¡ÈThe Big Short. ¡É This film has much of that style. That is narration, superimposed facts, etc. The film is focused on Roger Ailes (excellent John Lithgow in a fat suit and heavy facial makeup) who single handedly put Fox News on the television map. His marketing acumen may have been successful but he also left a bevy of female staffers humiliated at best and sexually assaulted at worst. There are 3 women at the center of the story. Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman) is the first to bring Ailes¡Ç misdeeds to light. She had gone from a rising star on the Fox morning show to a less visable host in a late afternoon time slot. Why? She had shunned Ailes¡Ç sexual advances. She leaves the network fairly early in the movie and sues Ailes personally. In an award-worthy performance, Charlize Theron plays Megyn Kelly who remains at the network but is under scrutiny because of the 2016 presidential debate where she asks candidate Donald Trump about his treatment of women in the past. Ailes and indeed Fox were backers of Trump and were stunned by the question. Kelly suffered the consequences for a long time and later acknowledged Alies had come on to her earlier in her career. The third woman is Kayla Pospisil (Margo Robbie). Kayla is an amalgam of actual women at Fox over the years. She¡Çs highly supportive of the network and Ailes from the beginning. She is also hungry for advancement and manages to get Ailes¡Ç attention. In a scene that had most of the audience squirming in their seats, Ailes auditions Kayla by modeling in front of him. He urges her to keep hiking up her skirt in order to see her legs ? ¡ÈIt¡Çs a visual medium he suggests. ¡É All the women are great. Theron in particular captures not only the look of Kelly but the slightly arrogant and aloof physical persona. It¡Çs an amazing transformation. If ¡ÈBombshell¡É can be criticized it would be because the film doesn¡Çt go very deep into the workings of Fox. We get a surface view as the attention is on Ailes, less so on the network or his boss, Rupert Murdoch (Malcolm McDowell). In small but interesting roles, Kate McKinnon shows up as a closeted lesbian producer and confidant of Kayla¡Çs. Connie Britton plays Ailes wife Beth, a supporter of her husband until a startling scene in the final act. Mark Duplass plays Kelly¡Çs husband Doug Brunt and Allison Janney is Susan Estrich, Ailes lawyer. In spite of the content, this is a fast moving, highly entertaining and important film. Highly recommended. Reviewed in the United States on March 2, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I expected this movie to be an expose on Roger Ailes, and it was to a degree. But the movie went on to make all of the men at Fox News look completely exploitive of women, and/or mindless minions of the organization. It portrayed Megan Kelly as the only smart, legitimate journalist at Fox. One who everyone held in high esteem, with her entourage following her through the halls of Fox. And all the men lusting over her. And I mean ALL of the men. The movie also implied that avid viewers of Fox are witless followers of the "cult" that Ailes created, and conservatives are gullible and feebleminded. I was personally offended, and shut it off after about 30 minutes. Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Slow, I say SLOW..... not worth the $15. 00 I spent Reviewed in the United States on February 29, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Found the movie captivating, and no one else is telling this story. I'm a conservative and a female and thinks this story needs to be told. This is not an anti-conservatives movie. It's an anti-sleaze bag movie. Reviewed in the United States on February 27, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I loved Nicole, Charlize and maggots performance, all did spectacular work. the makeup deptmt earned every bit of the golden Oscar, Charlize was turned into Megan Kelly's doppleganger. and to see Margot Robbie vulnerable was truly heart breaking, def a tear jerking scene or two came from her performance. all the women killed it, nailed it... cant forget the amazing job that roger ailes put in, perfection. A+ work in entertainment.
More disinformation.
So this is the daily life of Harley Quinn, Queen Atlanna, and Queen Ravenna.

Fight for your right Gretchen. El escándalo (bombshell. El esc c3 dalo (bombshell) karaoke. Fifteen years after winning an Oscar for playing serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster, Charlize Theron is once again utterly unrecognizable as Megyn Kelly in Bombshell, the new drama about the culture of sexual misconduct and harassment at Fox News that led to the downfall of the network's then-chairman and CEO, Roger Ailes ( John Lithgow). Locking in that stunning transformation was a months-long process, though, for Theron (who is also a producer on the film), makeup artist Kazu Hiro and the production team. "We did a lot of tests to make sure we were on the right path, so it wasn't like I waited months and then saw myself for the first time, " Theron told Yahoo Entertainment at the film's Los Angeles press day (watch above). "It was quite a process, and where we started and where we ended up was just exponentially [improved]. ¡Ä It so surpassed what I was hoping for. And Kazu Hiro gets all the credit for that. He knocked it out of the park. His work is flawless in this film. " Charlize Theron (left), Megyn Kelly (right) Lithgow admitted he was also skeptical of roles requiring heavy prosthetics, but was also won over by the skills of Hiro, who won an Oscar two years ago for turning Gary Oldman into Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour. "Boy, did he ever bring me around, " Lithgow said. "As soon as he put that face on I was like, 'Wow, give me more. '" Their costar Margot Robbie looks very much like Margot Robbie in the role of Kayla Pospisil, but there's a good reason for that: the character is a fictionalized composite of Fox News staffers. Although she didn't need to sit in the makeup chair for hours, the 29-year-old Australian said she was struck by the subject matter and determined to humanize their plight. "I had a lot of research to do, " she said. "Fortunately ? unfortunately, I should say ? there are so many accounts of what women have experienced, not just at Fox News but various workplaces around the world. So there was a lot to read. "And I also feel like I've been having these conversations my whole life, with people who've experienced sexual harassment, not necessarily at the workplace but anywhere. It doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to understand how horrific that could feel when you are standing in that office with Roger Ailes. " Bombshell is now playing in select theaters and opens nationwide on Friday. Watch the trailer: Read more on Yahoo Entertainment: Charlize Theron admits to feeling 'conflicted' about portraying Megyn Kelly: 'I personally felt uncomfortable' Charlize Theron is ¡Æreally hoping¡Ç Megyn Kelly sees ¡ÆBombshell¡Ç Megyn Kelly reacts to Charlize Theron playing her in 'Bombshell' Want daily pop culture news delivered to your inbox? Sign up here for Yahoo Entertainment & Lifestyle¡Çs newsletter.

She's an attractive woman, she MUST be out to sleeping with every man out there, single or married. I rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain...
Bikini Pro Diana Graham demonstrates her favorite ab exercise and shares her secret to making any ab move effective. Check out the video below and get to work on your own set of Bombshell abs! If a tight & round bombshell booty is what your after, then you can't miss this week's video training tip. In this week's Bombshell Training Tip, Nicole Nagrani shares her quick backside superset to your booty looking just the way you want it. The Bombshell Booty doesn't come from luck or genetics - it's shaped thought lots of hard work. And lots of lunges! The secret is how to lunge the right way and make every rep an effective butt-shaping tool. This week¡Çs Bombshell Tip of the Week comes from IFBB Bikini Pro Lacey DeLuca and she's got two unique exercises to help you build a better booty! Check out the video for detailed instructions and demonstrations. This week¡Çs Bombshell Tip of the Week comes from IFBB Bikini Pro India Paulino and the focus is triceps. No one wants those loose, flabby underarms and the way to prevent them is smart training. In this week's Bombshell Under Construction Tip, IFBB Figure Pro Ann Titone demonstrates some of her favorite compound movements that burn calories without wasting time. In this week's Bombshell Under Construction Tip, IFBB Figure Vanessa Campbell shows you part two of her high intensity plyometric workout. In this video, the focus is lower body to get your thighs and butt looking tight and toned. In this week's Bombshell Under Construction Tip, IFBB Bikini Pro Vanessa Campbell shares two of her favorite UPPER BODY plyometric exercises. These movements require no equipment and you can do them anywhere for a great upper body burn that works your chest, shoulders, arms, and back! In this week's Bombshell Under Construction Tip, IFBB Figure Pro Kristen Nagrani shares her tips for building beautiful shoulders. Follow along as Kristen shows you how to sculpt your delts without building your traps. ©2020 Advanced Research Media. Long Island Web Design.
OH. how I would love to see it. a top military marksman plant one 9 mm between the eyes to end this 40 year Clinton fiasco. I will donate the bullet. El esc c3 dalo (bombshell) lyrics. Thank you for doing this. Respect. I feel like this whole procedure is incorrect. To me, the House should vote to impeach based on a full evidentiary trial, then it should go to the Supreme Court to verify if a president did indeed violate the Constitution (the check and balance against political motivations. If a majority of SCOTUS members rule it was indeed a violation, the Senate should only have the power to overturn SCOTUS and the House with a 2/3rds majority.









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