Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words ?in Hindi?


Correspondent: Ernest Rauthschild
Biography: The Black Aboriginals of North America (USNA)
  • Documentary
  • Joe Biden
  • directed by Michael Pack
  • writers Michael Pack
  • Rating 62 Vote
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Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. Please download one of our supported browsers. Need help? His eyes are spicier than hot sauce. Считаете статью интересной? Поставьте нам лайк на Facebook, чтобы прочитать похожие статьи. Thought it was going to be something totally different but 10 minutes into it. it's a movie worth watching! Enjoyed it from the San Francisco Bay Area December 2019.
Scalia was murdered. That is a fact.

A true gentlemen, a great man indeed. When Thomas was seated Thurgood Marshall said, I paraphrase here, My daddy told me that a snake can be white and a snake can be black. Justice Clarence Thomas scoffed at 2020 Democratic front-runner former Vice President Joseph R. Biden recalling his confirmation hearing nearly three decades ago, suggesting Mr. Biden didn’t have a grasp of the law and was just playing politics. “I have no idea what he was talking about, ” Justice Thomas said in a new documentary about his life, detailing his childhood and rise to the Supreme Court. The legal questioning from Mr. Biden, who at the time was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and running the confirmation hearings, was aimed at Justice Thomas’ views on Roe v. Wade, the ruling which legalized abortion in 1973. “One of the things you do in hearings is you have to sit there and look attentively at people you know have no idea what they’re talking about. And it was fine. I understood what he was trying to do. I didn’t really appreciate it, ” Justice Thomas added. But that, of course, was not the memory of his confirmation hearing that most consumes him. He is still haunted by Anita Hill, who came forward to say the judge sexually harassed her ? a claim he vehemently denied. The allegation had been investigated by the FBI, which said it was unfounded, but somehow, as things do in Washington, it leaked to the press. “This was a crime, ” Justice Thomas said in the two-hour documentary. The film, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas In His Own Words, ” was exclusively revealed to a crowd last week in the basement of the National Archives. Many of Justice Thomas’ close friends and allies were on hand Tuesday night for heavy hors d’oeuvres and refreshments steps from the eternal home of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution before heading to a theater located a few flights below the nation’s foundational documents. The audience was littered with Trump administration officials, federal judges, Supreme Court employees, Justice Clarence Thomas’ law clerks, as well as key judicial advisers to President Trump, such as Federalist Society Executive Vice President Leonard Leo. The film depicts Justice Thomas sharing his personal and professional maturation with never-before aired details and insights unfiltered through the lens of the press. Justice Thomas walks viewers through his upbringing in Savannah, Georgia, with the influence of his grandfather, his Catholic education, and eventually his rise to the Supreme Court. He surprises viewers with an account of his youth as a far-left advocate who transformed over the years to what some court watchers would describe as the most conservative justice on the high court. Justice Thomas said he worked hard to get perfect test scores in school, making sure he could avoid criticism as he rose in his career. “Leave them nothing but race, ” Mr. Thomas said of his critics. The only black justice currently on the high court replaced the late Justice Thurgood Marshall, the court’s first black member, in 1991. He’s been known for his “bloodthirsty” originalism as well as his silence. While many of his colleagues like to pepper attorneys with questions during oral arguments, Justice Thomas goes years ? at one time more than a decade ? without asking a single question. Instead, he relies heavily on the parties’ briefs. “We are judges, not advocates, ” Justice Thomas said, explaining his reason for staying mum. Bruce Pack, the documentary’s filmmaker, said in an audience question-and-answer session after the screening that Justice Thomas has not yet seen the film, but his wife, Ginni Thomas, has. “Ginni [Thomas] said she cried when she saw it, ” Mr. Pack said. “Justice Thomas may not look forward to seeing it, but I hope he does. ” Mr. Pack said he intends for the movie to debut Jan. 31, 2020, and wants it to hit movie theaters in 20 cities as well as its planned airing on PBS. Mr. Pack said while getting the documentary shown on PBS was always his goal ? to reach audiences skeptical of Justice Thomas ? he is on a mission of getting it in front of high school students. Mr. Pack said Justice Thomas’ story and that of his family is not well known, but Mr. Pack thought the story should be a regular fixture of secondary school education, particularly surrounding Black History Month. © Copyright (c) 2019 News World Communications, Inc. ?- This content is published through a licensing agreement with Acquire Media using its NewsEdge technology. Rating: 9. 5/ 10 (11 votes cast).
Still suspicious. From: John Podesta Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 4:36 PM To: Steve Elmendorf Subject: Thanks Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard. We need 2 more seats. High tech lynching. Wow, I've never heard this sounds like what Kavanaugh went through. One in a million man. America, you are so privileged and blessed to have a supreme court justice in justice thomas.
I believed him. Watch* CreatedEqual:ClarenceThomas*Online*Showtimes "Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words moVie cHaracters. This might be the most powerful statement ever given to members of Congress in over a hundred years. I wish that Brett Kavanaugh would have echoed those words. This just shows such a clear pattern the same as the Kavanaugh hearings, how the left will make up any lie to discredit a conservative nominee. Apparently this film shows a younger Joe biden in a very bad light. Unbelievable how much the past repeats itself. I remember Anita Hill popped up as he was going to be appointed as a Supreme Court justice. Anita hill wanted privacy but she was all over news talking about his sexual assault on her funny they never reported anything as it was taking place. Man the democrats rats have been demonic long ago. In Arkansas when Clinton were controlling everything the same politicians ran every 4 years they just changed the posters from Blue to Red posters same democrats. I noticed this as I had business to wrap up in walmart territory in Bella Vista Fayetteville Arkansas a cousin of mine worked for a lawyer in which scandals she wasn't able to discuss was brewing. Strange she has died we were never notified as her last listed family close to her what or why. I had felt the wickedness there in Arkansas! One of our family knew and lived next to Sam Walton and his wife in Bella vista Arkansas community. They claimed to be devout Christians in community. The children of Walton s I never heard my relative speak about the children which in itself strange. My relative a Christian deeply wouldn't mention persons that didn't seem to follow in the Christian lifestyle. She hardly spoke of Sam's children when I asked but I got the impression they were nothing like how Sam and Mrs Walton lived simple despite their enormous wealth. My relative would mention how Sam Walton turning over in his grave when their children divided up Walton empire as they did. My relative knew a lot of things but spoke few words when it came to scandals but you knew by her few words or lack of her mentioning of their names was enough said not to go near the swamp creatures. She spoke well of good people and ignored their bad fruits like children that may have gone astray in these wealthy elites she herself met and knew in Kansas and Arkansas.
Released January 31, 2020 PG-13, 1 hr 56 min Documentary Tell us where you are Looking for movie tickets? Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words near you. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO Sign up for a FANALERT® and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area. Also sign me up for FanMail to get updates on all things movies: tickets, special offers, screenings + more. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words: Trailer 1 1 of 1 Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Synopsis With unprecedented access, the producers interviewed Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Virginia, for over 30 hours of interview time, over many months. Justice Thomas tells his entire life’s story, looking directly at the camera, speaking frankly to the audience. Read Full Synopsis Movie Reviews Presented by Rotten Tomatoes More Info Rated PG-13 | For Some Sexual References and Thematic Elements.

I believe Clarence Thomas. Anita Hill is a liar

Identical method then, as with this last circus. When will people learn that knowledge of history frees you from being gulled by such obvious methods. Amazing to see Biden and Kennedy sitting side by side, with Biden chairing this (of all) meetings. One of these guys is known to be a pervert and the Secret Service actually had to put procedures in place to protect its female agents against him. The other one drowned a young campaign worker and went on to launch a career in sexual degeneracy that may be unparalleled in American political history. And then there's Strom Thurmond. You gotta love the Democrats.
Download&Torrent&Created&Equal: Clarence&Thomas&in&His&Own&Words... Watching the Kavanaugh hearing and witnessing Justice Thomas hearing you can clearly see the Demonic Dems recycling their smear tactics. What a great American he is. ??????. An under qualified Uncle Tom. This man is an icon. The way the media propped up The Notorious RBG in an attempt to brainwash stupid young kids made me sick, but the fact that they will ignore this film altogether- if not actively smear it- because they hate CT makes me even sicker.

Well-spoken. ?. CREATED EQUAL: CLARENCE THOMAS IN HIS OWN WORDS is a fascinating documentary where inSupreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas discusses his life, his triumphs and his challenges. Clarence grows up in an extremely poor rural home in Georgia. The house burns to the ground, so he lives in a shanty town in Savannah. By the Grace of God working through his grandparents, Clarence overcomes racism, finds God and excels at education to eventually get a law degree from Yale University. After working for President Reagan, he gets appointed to the Supreme Court. However, during his Senate confirmation hearings, he encounters more hatred and cruelty than he ever did from the racist groups in the Old South. Clarence’s reflections on his past are shown in scenes from newsreels, pictures and on location filming. CREATED EQUAL is a must-see movie. The structure is filled with jeopardy, even though it’s a documentary. Finally, the music is superb. There is a caution for Anita Hill’s obscene Senate testimony, which Clarence has to repeat when he refutes it. However, older teenagers, Millennials and others should watch CREATED EQUAL. Content: (CCC, BBB, L, V, S, AA, M): Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements: Very strong Christian worldview about a man growing up in extreme poverty who is grounded in the Catholic Church but rebels and becomes of Marxist because of racism but then is radically changed by faith, which changes his entire worldview and ideology, with many references to God, faith, miracles, morality, and doing the right thing Foul Language: Four obscenities related to sex in Senate testimonies, and several racist comments including calling a person an Uncle Tom Violence: Black Power marches with police brutality and footage of the Selma marches too with police brutality as well as references to lynchings and severe discipline Sex: Discussions of sexual abuse in Senate testimony Nudity: No nudity Alcohol Use: Discussions of alcohol abuse when racially harassed, and people get drunk when they march on Harvard and talk about getting drunk in college Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse: No smoking or drugs; and, Miscellaneous Immorality: Egregious Senate Democrat and fake news attacks become so vile and vicious that Justice Thomas calls them a lynching. CREATED EQUAL: CLARENCE THOMAS IN HIS OWN WORDS is a fascinating documentary about a black man who grows up in an extremely poor rural home in Georgia, which burns to the ground, so his mother moves him and his brother and sister to a shanty town in Savannah, and, by the Grace of God working through his grandparents, he finds God and excels at education to become a Supreme Court Justice. Clarence’s reflections on his past are shown in scenes from newsreels, pictures and on location filming. Born in a tiny coastal town surrounded by swamps and wetlands called Pinpoint, Georgia in 1948, Clarence is one of three children whose father abandoned the family. The father left the family when he was so young that Clarence can’t remember him. His mother said he was too stubborn to cry. One day, he comes home to find their shack has burned to the ground. His mother moves the family to a shanty town in Savannah with a common outhouse when segregation of whites and blacks is still the policy in the South. Clarence said that period of his life was Hell, adding that everything around the shanty town is gross with the smell of sewage. When Clarence’s mother realizes she can’t take care of him and his brother, she gives them to her parents to take care of them. They take everything they have in a little paper bag to their grandparents’ house. Their grandparents live in a fairly modern little house. His grandfather, Myers, drives a fuel truck and is a stern disciplinarian who doesn’t believe in excuses and expects perfection. His grandmother is loving and gentle. During the summer, they work on the small farm that’s been in the family for generations. Again, the grandfather expects perfection. Since the public schools are so bad, his grandparents send Clarence to Catholic school. Clarence faces racism, but not from the nuns, who don’t like the state’s separate but equal policy and treat him well, realizing that he’s brilliant. He loves contemplation, prayer, church, and Gregorian chants, so, as a teenager, he goes to seminary, where again he faces extreme racism. One day, he returns to his dorm, where one of the white students says that Martin Luther King, Jr., has been shot, and he hopes King dies. Previously, he had received an anonymous note with the Rev. King’s name on the front, with a message inside saying, “We hope he dies. ” Clarence realizes he doesn’t have any way of fitting into the white world and no way of going back to the slums. He becomes angry at everyone, and his only hope is that he has won admission to Holy Cross College. At Holy Cross, Clarence becomes involved with a Black Power group and becomes enamored of all the black Marxists of his day. At one point, they march on Harvard. To do so, they all get drunk. Coming back in the wee hours of the morning, Clarence passes the church, experience guilt and prays for the first time in years. When he graduates, Clarence goes to the very prestigious Yale Law School. Again, he excels, but when he graduates nobody wants to hire him, because they figure that a white person going to Yale is brilliant, but a black person there is just a product of Affirmative Action. He does get one job offer from the Attorney General of Missouri, John Danforth, but Clarence hesitates to take it because he’s been a lifelong Democrat and Danforth is a Republican. However, it’s his one job offer. When he goes there, the workload is tremendous, so Clarence decides to leave to go into business, and he goes to Monsanto. Then, he realizes he’s being trapped in a comfortable life, as he says “golden handcuffs. ” He also has a wife and young son. Later, Danforth hires Clarence to work with him in the Senate. Soon, he’s working for President Ronald Reagan, and the press is calling him an Uncle Tom. He realizes Reagan is doing more to alleviate racial inequality than the Democrats ever did. He becomes strongly opposed to social welfare and Affirmative Action, seeing them as a new form of slavery. When he’s appointed a judge at a young age, he recognizes the Declaration of Independence is written from a biblical perspective with inalienable rights from God. The Declaration becomes his guide star and plumb line. He excels as a judge. Since his wife has left him, he prays for a new wife and he says he receives a gift from God in Ginny. Surprisingly, President George H. Bush appoints Clarence to the Supreme Court. Suddenly, the press and the Democrats are out not to just destroy him but to kill him. As he says, if you’re a black who keeps to the Democrat agenda, you can do no wrong, but if you’re a black who thinks for himself, you have to be destroyed by the leftist press and Democrat Party leaders. The Senate hearings in the movie are fascinating. Senator Biden asks questions that he doesn’t even understand. He has no clue about Original Intent or Natural Law, but he uses it because they have to find out if Clarence Thomas is against abortion, which would make him totally unacceptable for not wanting to kill babies. When it looks like Clarence has won the Senate vote, his former assistant in the Reagan Administration, Anita Hill, shows up to accuse him of some vile sexual “harassment. ” If you don’t know what happened, you have to watch the movie, as Clarence realizes it is a high-tech lynching. He says growing up in the South, he was harassed, he was excluded, and he was rejected, but all the racist groups were never as vile, mean and cruel as the mainline press and the Democrats in the Senate. CREATED EQUAL is a must-see movie. It keeps and holds your attention. The structure is filled with jeopardy, even though it’s a documentary, and the music is superb. However, older teenagers, young Americans and all others should watch CREATED EQUAL.

Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words - by ket,
March 24, 2020

9.0/ 10stars









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