忘却からの帰還〜Intelligent Design - 存在しない記述を引用するヤコブの手紙



Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy? (James 4:5)

Ideas include (1) James quoted from some unknown apocryphal work (2) The quote is an unrecorded statement of James' half brother Jesus. (3) James quotes from some NT passage. (4) James was paraphrasing an OT passage. (5) James was not quoting a specific single passage, but is summarizing truths found in several OT passages. (6) Finally, some commentators (and Bible translations) do not treat the first half of verse 5 as a "formula" introducing a quotation but as a sentence which stands by itself. Several of the translations emphasize this latter view by dividing verse 5 into two separate sentences.

(1)ヤコブは未知の外典を引用した (2) 引用は記録されていない、ヤコブの異母兄弟であるイエスの言葉を引用した (3) ヤコブは新約聖書を引用した (4) ヤコブは旧約聖書の記述を言い換えた (5) ヤコブは特定の節を引用したのではなく、旧約聖書の記述のいくつかに見られる真理を要約した (6) 一部の聖書解説者や翻訳者は、5節の前半を、引用の出だしではなく、独立した文として扱っている。一部の翻訳者はこれを強調すべく、5節を2文に分けている、

[ Precept Austin:James 4:5 commentary ]

James 4:5 is a minefield of unsolved problems for the expositor, and yet there is a wide sense in which both the place of the verse in James' argument and the thrust of what he is teaching are plain. It is clear, for example, that he aims at driving his point home by an appeal to Scripture, but as soon as we seek to go beyond this we flounder in uncertainty. The problem is that the words the scripture says create an expectation that some passage is about to be quoted, or at the least alluded to,but this expectation is not fulfilled. RSV ambitiously places quotation marks around the second half of the verse, but the words cannot be identified with any other scriptural passage —and, of course, our problem is compounded by the fact that final certainty even about translation (contrast, for example, RV, RSV, and NIV) cannot be reached. Most commentators hold that James is using the formula the scripture says to refer to what is in fact not a direct quotation but a concise summary of the mind of Scripture on this point, though, of course, the list of passages brought within the summary varies according to a commentator's estimate of what the following words may mean.

["The testimony of Scripture (4:5) " in J. Alec Motyer: "The Message of James", (1985, 2014)]

