Druga strana svega
8.9 out of 10 stars - 870 votes

torrent index 88 Druga strana svega

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Actors - Mladen Kostic
Countries - Qatar
Audience Score - 979 votes
Mila Turajlic
Documentary, Biography
To mobile druga strana svega watch online. To mobile druga strana svega. To mobile druga strana svega taekwondo. Tetka srbijanko vi ako ne bacite duvan brzo ce te u raku. To mobile Druga strana segala. Skroz bačeno vreme na gledanje političke propagande koja po ko zna koji put prikazuje srbe kao glavne krivce za rat na balkanu... Well filmed, with actual archive footage, honest and realistic.
To mobile Druga strana sega mega drive. Ja da imam para evo glave ako nebi kupio kuu u tacno na selu moras da radis samo u selu nemas toliko depresije kao u gradu. To mobile Druga strana sega saturn. Zbok rajčice neču iči u kam očeš iči trebaš k doktoru u dučane sve baš sve moraš iči u tvorili su banke na pošte ničeg nema. trbaš baš za vse auto.a auto puno košta.
Zašto nema ceo Film. Lol sada su jeftine dok smo mi izbeglice bili bile su mnogo skupe. To mobile Druga strana segalen. The film it's a refreshing look and an insight to the anti-regime movement in the 90s. Although some of the facts were biased, as the movies protagonist was an activist against the regime it still stumbles on some very good points. Srbijanka Trajlic is the protagonist in the movie and she is offered as a very interesting character, a "defeated bourgeois" she calls herself. Let alone the political aspect of the movie, that shows us the other side of the political situation in Yugoslavia, the movie has various topics buried underneath, that are touched in very subtle ways. "The Other Side of Everything" is a refreshing look to anyone interested in the end of the Yugoslavian regime. Especially for youngsters in the Balkans, wanting to see a different approach to this topic.
A ј ј , ј , ј . To mobile Druga strana sega. Koja kuca daj sad ove sekunde dolazim. Briljante film. Must see. Outstanding & important in many ways. big bravo. Mogul Bosanci tu kupit imanje? Napominjem nisam kršćanin. Kako je za papire, pasoš, boravak itd. Prevod grunt itd. Zoki bas me odusevljavas svojim komentarima. Stvarno ste ti I ekipa genijalci. By the time I checked, there were two reviews of this title: One giving it a 1/10, criticising the use of "fictitious" or "distorted" facts in the film; the other giving it a 10/10 for the "realistic" approach.
As a non-expert I will not be commenting the political content of this film, may others do it, scholars or eye witnesses. Yet it is an amazing documentary, weaving personal and historical content together into a strong storyline that is accesible at all times and moving in ways you did not expect. The director manages to tell the meta-story of Serbia while linking it to the micro-story of her mother, a way of story telling which is beautiful to watch but hard to pull of.
Zastrasujuce pitanje koliko sam ja doprineo promenama, I sta sam spreman jos da uradim. bojim se da znam odgovor. Lepo, jos jedna koja ce da pljuje po nama. Bravo Mila! Hvala ti za ovaj film u ime svih rodjenih u Srbiji. Bravo Mila, you're amazing just like your mother. A sad attempt to create a "documentary" about Serbia, being the single culprit for the recent Balkan war and the split of Yugoslavia. Most of the "facts" in this "mockumentary" were either fictitious or distorted, to say at least. For the whole 2 hours, it attempts to paint the picture of citizens of Serbia as the accomplice to their government (in alleged war crimes) for being ignorant, inert and melancholic to change the "regime. NATO was pictured as a voice of common sense that was bombing the country (under the ironic code name "merciful angel. but failing to bring the promised democracy for which the citizens were to blame. A complete waste of time I wish I have spent doing something more meaningful.
To mobile Druga strana segal. Ako neko u Vojvodini ima solidnu kuću u selu na prodaju,neka mi se javi. Da ne prelazi 4000e. Watched this in Doc Club in BKK, a masterpiece. Very impactful. To mobile druga strana svega tkd. To mobile Druga strana segara. Gde su te ponude jeftinih kuca i imanja? ja uvek nadjem samo skupe... Zoki ipak mora se priznati dobro ti ide, samo napred. Pozdrav iz Novog Sada.

Zovi Drazu Petrovica u emisiju opet, da bude jos uspesnija, greska ne moze da bude ako dodje. D

To mobile Druga strana sega mega. Ne prepadajte narod,sve ce te kuce vlastodrzci I zakonodavci da odkupe od Srba I dodijeliti arapima migrantima,ima ih 10 000 pa ce oni posle dovest svoje famelije I eto napretka pa ce za 50 godina posvojit Srbiju kao I kosovo sto je nek vam je laka crna z... Pogled iz kruga dvojke. Druga strana pameti. Ima li neko link ta ds gledam. To mobile Druga strana. Isti kurac ko u hrvatskoj (Slavonija) najbolje je selo! Ali to je sve planski da Nas narod ode sa sela.









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