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・Blooded Championの16レベル特徴により、瀕死になっても意識を失わないことを利用する。
(死亡セーヴはd20を2回ロールできる。11以上 = 75%。両方2以下で失敗 = 1%)


Race: Minotaur[PHB3]
Class: Barbarian(Rageblood Vigor)[PHB2]
Paragon Path: Blooded Champion[PHB3]
Background: Baphomet Clan Exile (stealth+2)

AC 26(+2 against OA while charging) = 10 +8LV +3Armor +2enh +1DEX +2class
FORT 28 = 10 +8LV +2enh +6STR +2class
REF 23 = 10 +8LV +2enh +1DEX +2class
WILL 22 = 10 +8LV +2enh +2WIS

HP:127 Bloodied:63 Surge Value 31 (+1 by Feywild Biscuit)
Surges per Day:15

攻撃ロール: +22 = +8LV +6STR +2prof +4enh +2feat
ダメージ修正値: +16 = +6STR +4enh +2feat +4item
 Goring Chargeは「32ダメージおよび伏せ」

Racial Traits
Ferocity: When you drop to 0 hit points or fewer, you can make a melee basic attack as an immediate interrupt.
Goring Charge: You have the goring charge power.
Heedless Charge: You have a +2 racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks you provoke during a charge.
Vitality: You have one additional healing surge.

Class Traits
Barbarian Agility: +2 AC and REF when not wearing heavy armor
Feral Might(Rageblood Vigor): Gain the swift charge power. Whenever your attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points, you gain 11 temporary hit points.
Rage Strike: The damage is 1st 3[W], 5th 4[W], 9th 5[W], 15th 6[W], and miss half.
Rampage: Once per round, when you score a critical hit with a barbarian attack power, you can immediately make a melee basic attack as a free action. You do not have to attack the same target that you scored a critical hit against.

Paragon Path Traits
Aggressive Resurgence: When you use your second wind, you can forgo regaining hit points and the bonus to your defenses to instead both regain the use of your goring charge racial power and gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls until the end of your next turn.
Vigorous Action: When you spend an action point to make an attack while you’re bloodied, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution score.
Never Say Die: When you drop to 0 hit points or fewer, you don’t fall unconscious as a result of the dying condition until you fail a death saving throw.

STR 22 = 16 +2racial +4LV
CON 22 = 16 +2racial +4LV
DEX 12 = 11 +1LV
INT 09 = 08 +1LV
WIS 14 = 13 +1LV
CHA 11 = 10 +1LV

Acrobatics(Trained) +14
Arcana +7
Athletics +13
Bluff +8
Diplomacy +8
Dungeoneering +10
Endurance(Trained) +18 (+1 by Feywild Biscuit)
Heal +10
History +7
Insight +10
Intimidate +8
Nature +12
Perception(Trained) +17
Religion +7
Stealth +10
Streetwise +8
Thievery +8

1st: Unfailing Vigor [PHB3] 死亡セーヴ18以上で回復力が使える
2nd: Stormhawk's Vengeance [HotFK] hp0以下になると、攻撃者に20[雷鳴]ダメージ
4th: Bloodied Ferocity[PHB3] 遭遇中に初めて重傷になった時、1回の近接基礎攻撃をフリーアクションとして行える(君は戦術的優位を与える)
6th: Diciple of Death [HotFL] 死亡セーヴに+5特技ボーナス
8th: Weapon Focus(Axe) [PHB] アックス類のダメージ+2特技ボーナス
10th: Axe Expertize [HotFL] アックス類の攻撃ロールに+2特技ボーナス、アックス類で攻撃する時に1の目が出たダイスを1個だけ1回振り直せる
11th: Vicious Ferocity [PHB3] ”凶暴性”による近接基礎攻撃の代わりに、無限回攻撃パワーを使える
12th: Beast Within [PHB3] 重傷時に攻撃ロールとダメージに+1
14th: Charging Rampage [PHB2] ”大暴れ”の近接基礎攻撃の代わりに、フリーアクションで突撃を行える
16th: Deadly Rage[PHB2] 激怒中にダメージ+2

Racial Encounter: Goring Charge
Class Encounter: Swift Charge
Paragon Encounter: Follow-Up Gore(paragon path)
Paragon Utility: Bloodthirsty Shift
At-will: Pressing Strike[PHB2]
At-will: Howling Strike[PHB2]
3rd Encounter: Reckless Rampage[PP]
7th Encounter: Curtain of Steel[PHB2]
13th Encounter: Storm of Blades[PHB2]
5th Daily: Rage of the Crimson Hurricane[PP]
9th Daily: Oak Hammer Rage[PHB2]
15th Daily: Ancestral War Band Rage[PP]
2nd Utility: Combat Sprint[PHB2]
6th Utility: Instinctive Charge[PHB2]
10th Utility: Perfect Sight(Perception skill)[PHB3]
16th Utility: Spur the Cycle[PHB2]

RIGHT&LEFT: Greataxe+4, Jagged Weapon[AV][LV17, -]
BODY: Hide Armor +2, Delver's Armor[PHB][LV8, 3400gp] [一日毎]今行ったセーヴに+2パワーボーナス
HEAD: Circlet of Second Chances (heroic tier)[AV][LV3, 680gp] [一日毎]失敗したセーヴを振り直す
NECK: Periapt of Recovery +2[AV][LV8, 3400gp] 死亡セーヴに+2アイテムボーナス
ARMS: Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)[AV][LV16, -] 近接攻撃のダメージに+4アイテムボーナス
WAIST: Survivor's Belt (paragon tier)[AV][LV11, 9000gp] 死亡セーヴを2回ロールし、高い方を適用する
HANDS: Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier)[AV2][LV4, 840gp] 敵が重傷ならダメージ+2
RING: Ring of Giants[Dragon 378][LV13, -] クリティカルヒット時のダメージに+8、[一日毎]原始パワーヒット時に、2マス押しやりと伏せを追加
FEET: Acrobat Boots (heroic tier)[LV2, 520gp] マイナーで伏せから立ち上がる
TATTOO: Backlash Tattoo (heroic tier)[AV2][LV9, 4200gp] はじめて重傷になった時、即応対応で近接基礎攻撃できる。
Grandmaster Training: Insight of the Vault [Dragon389][LV4, 840gp] クリティカル時にWIS修正値の追加ダメージ
Legendary Boon: Crimson Determination [Dragon393][LV4, 840gp] 重傷の敵に追加2ダメージ
Woundpatch (heroic tier)[LV3, 30gp]×5
Potion of Healing (heroic tier)[LV5, 50gp]×3
Feybread Biscuit [AV][LV13, 650gp]
Adventurer's Kit

Rest 330gp




