1-14 by awesome things!
117 by stunning seo guys
Processing4 Data by stunning seo guys
送信ボタンの仕組み by stunning seo guys
511 by stunning seo guys
510 by music production software
ProStr by awesome things!
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CSV形式とは by check it out

Processing4 Data

size(200, 200);

int a = 20;
int b = 50;
int c = a*8;
int d = a*9;
int e = b-a;
int f = b*2;
int g = f+e;

line(a, f, b, g);
line(b, e, b, g);
line(b, e, d, c);
line(a, e, d-e, c);

int a = 0; // Create a variable "a" of the datatype "int"
float b = 0.0; // Create a variable "b" of the datatype "float"

void setup()
size(200, 200); stroke(255); frameRate(30); }

void draw() { background(51); a = a + 1; b = b + 0.2; line(a, 0, a, height/2); line(b, height/2, b, height); if(a > width) { a = 0; } if(b > width) { b = 0; } }

boolean x = false;

size(200, 200);

for(int i=1; i<width; i+=2)
if(i < width/2) { x = true; } else { x = false; } if(x) { stroke(255); line(i, 1, i, height-1); } if(!x) { stroke(126); line(width/2 , i, width-2, i); } }
size(200, 200);

float[] coswave = new float[width];

for(int i=0; i<width; i++) {
float ratio = (float)i/(float)width; coswave[i] = abs( cos(ratio*PI) ); }

for(int i=0; i<width; i++) { stroke(coswave[i]*255); line(i, 0, i, width/3); }

for(int i=0; i<width; i++) { stroke(coswave[i]*255/4); line(i, width/3, i, width/3*2); }

for(int i=0; i<width; i++) { stroke(255-coswave[i]*255); line(i, width/3*2, i, height); }

float[][] distances;
float maxDistance;

size(200, 200);
maxDistance = dist(width/2, height/2, width, height);
distances = new float[width][height];
for(int i=0; i<height; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<width; j++) { float dist = dist(width/2, height/2, j, i); distances[j][i] = dist/maxDistance * 255; } }

for(int i=0; i<height; i+=2) { for(int j=0; j<width; j+=2) { stroke(distances[j][i]); point(j, i); } }

int unit = 40;
int num;
Module[] mods;

void setup()
size(200, 200); background(176); noStroke(); num = width/unit * width/unit; mods = new Module[num]; for (int i=0; i<height/unit; i++) { for(int j=0; j<height/unit; j++) { int index = i*height/unit + j; mods[index] = new Module(j*unit, i*unit, unit/2, unit/2, random(0.05, 0.8)); } } }

void draw() { for(int i=0; i<num; i++) { mods[i].update(); mods[i].draw(); } }

class Module { float mx, my; int size = unit; float xxx, yyy = 0; int xdir = 1; int ydir = 1; float speed; // Contructor (required) Module(float imx, float imy, float ixxx, float iyyy, float ispeed) { mx = imy; my = imx; xxx = int(ixxx); yyy = int(iyyy); speed = ispeed; } // Custom method for updating the variables void update() { xxx = xxx + (speed * xdir); if (xxx >= size || xxx <= 0) { xdir *= -1; xxx = xxx + (1 * xdir); yyy = yyy + (1 * ydir); } if (yyy >= size || yyy <= 0) { ydir *= -1; yyy = yyy + (1 * ydir); } } // Custom method for drawing the object void draw() { stroke(second()*4); point(mx+xxx-1, my+yyy-1); } }

PImage frog;
PFont fontA;
int lettersize = 90;
int xoffset;
char letter;

void setup()
size(200, 200); fontA = loadFont("Eureka90.vlw"); textFont(fontA); textSize(lettersize); // The String datatype must be capitalized because it is a complex datatype. // A String is actually a class with its own methods, some of which are // featured below. String name= "rathausFrog"; String extension = ".jpg"; int nameLength = name.length(); println("The length of " + name + " is " + nameLength + "."); name = name.concat(extension); nameLength = name.length(); println("The length of " + name + " is " + nameLength + ".");

// The parameter for the loadImage() method must be a string // This line could also be written "frog = loadImage("rathausFrog.jpg"); frog = loadImage(name); }

void draw() { background(51); // Set background to dark gray image(frog, xoffset, 0); // Draw an X line(0, 0, width, height); line(0, height, width, 0); // Get the width of the letter int letterWidth = int(fontA.width(letter) * lettersize); // Draw the letter to the center of the screen text(letter, width/2-letterWidth/2, height/2); }

void keyPressed() { // The variable "key" always contains the value of the most recent key pressed. // If the key is an upper or lowercase letter between 'A' and 'z' // the image is shifted to the corresponding value of that key if(key >= 'A' && key <= 'z') { letter = char(key); // Scale the values to numbers between 0 and 100 float scale = 100.0/57.0; int temp = int((key - 'A') * scale); // Set the offset for the image xoffset = temp; println(key); } }

size(200, 200);

char c; // Chars are used for storing typographic symbols
float f; // Floats are decimal numbers
int i; // Ints are values between 2,147,483,647 and -2147483648
byte b; // Bytes are values between -128 and 128

c = 'A';
f = float(c); // Sets f = 65.0
i = int(f * 1.4); // Sets i to 91
b = byte(c / 2); // Sets b to 32

rect(f, 0, 40, 66);
rect(i, 67, 40, 66);
rect(b, 134, 40, 66);

int a = 20; // Create a global variable "a"

void setup() { size(200, 200); background(51); stroke(255); noLoop(); }

void draw() { // Draw a line using the global variable "a" line(a, 0, a, height); // Create a new variable "a" local to the for() statement for(int a=50; a<80; a += 2) { line(a, 0, a, height); } // Create a new variable "a" local to the loop() method int a = 100; // Draw a line using the new local variable "a" line(a, 0, a, height); // Make a call to the custom function drawAnotherLine() drawAnotherLine(); // Make a call to the custom function setYetAnotherLine() drawYetAnotherLine(); }

void drawAnotherLine() { // Create a new variable "a" local to this method int a = 185; // Draw a line using the local variable "a" line(a, 0, a, height); }

void drawYetAnotherLine() { // Because no new local variable "a" is set, // this lines draws using the original global // variable "a" which is set to the value 20. line(a+2, 0, a+2, height);
/*--Control--*/ }

int k; int xpos1 = 100; int xpos2 = 118; int count = 0; int timey = 0; int num = 12;

size(200, 200); background(102); noStroke(); // Draw gray bars fill(255); k=60; for(int i=0; i < num/3; i++) { rect(25, k, 155, 5); k+=10; }

// Black bars fill(51); k = 40; for(int i=0; i < num; i++) { rect(105, k, 30, 5); k += 10; } k = 15; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { rect(125, k, 30, 5); k +=10; } // Thin lines k = 42; fill(0); for(int i=0; i < num-1; i++) { rect(36, k, 20, 1); k+=10; }
float box_size = 11;
float box_space = 12;
int margin = 7;
size(200, 200); background(0); noStroke(); // Draw gray boxes for(int i = margin; i < width-margin; i += box_space) { for(int j = margin; j < height-margin; j += box_space) { fill(255 - box_size*10); rect(j, i, box_size, box_size); } box_size = box_size - 0.6; }
size(200, 200);

for(int i=10; i<width; i+=10) {
// If 'i' divides by 20 with no remainder draw the first line // else draw the second line if(i%20 == 0) { stroke(153); line(i, 40, i, height/2); } else { stroke(102); line(i, 20, i, 180); } }
size(200, 200);

for(int i=2; i<width-2; i+=2) {
// If 'i' divides by 20 with no remainder // draw the first line else draw the second line if(i%20 == 0) { stroke(255); line(i, 40, i, height/2); } else if (i%10 == 0) { stroke(153); line(i, 20, i, 180); } else { stroke(102); line(i, height/2, i, height-40); } }
size(200, 200);

boolean op = false;

for(int i=5; i<=195; i+=5) {
// Logical AND stroke(0); if((i > 35) && (i < 100)) { line(5, i, 95, i); op = false; } // Logical OR stroke(76); if((i <= 35) || (i >= 100)) { line(105, i, 195, i); op = true; } // Testing if a boolean value is "true" // The expression "if(op)" is equivalent to "if(op == true)" if(op) { stroke(0); point(width/2, i); } // Testing if a boolean value is "false" // The expression "if(!op)" is equivalent to "if(op == false)" if(!op) { stroke(255); point(width/4, i); } }
2006年11月16日(木) 11:43:37 Modified by notarejini06
