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510 by music production software
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Processing9 Input1


int gx = 15;
int gy = 35;
float leftColor = 0.0;
float rightColor = 0.0;

void setup()
size(200, 200); colorMode(RGB, 1.0); noStroke();

void draw()
background(0.0); update(mouseX); fill(0.0, leftColor + 0.4, leftColor + 0.6); rect(width/4-gx, width/2-gx, gx*2, gx*2); fill(0.0, rightColor + 0.2, rightColor + 0.4); rect(width/1.33-gy, width/2-gy, gy*2, gy*2);

void update(int x)
leftColor = -0.002 * x/2 + 0.06; rightColor = 0.002 * x/2 + 0.06; gx = x/2; gy = 100-x/2;

if (gx < 10) { gx = 10; } else if (gx > 90) { gx = 90; }

if (gy > 90) { gy = 90; } else if (gy < 10) { gy = 10; }

void setup()
size(200, 200); noStroke(); colorMode(RGB, 255, 255, 255, 100); rectMode(CENTER);

void draw()
background(51); fill(255, 80); rect(mouseX, height/2, mouseY/2+10, mouseY/2+10); fill(255, 80); rect(width-mouseX, height/2, ((height-mouseY)/2)+10, ((height-mouseY)/2)+10);

int size = 30;

void setup() {
size(200, 200); ellipseMode(CENTER); fill(126); noStroke(); rect(0, 0, width, height);

void draw() {
if(mousePressed) { stroke(255); } else { stroke(51); } line(mouseX-30, mouseY, mouseX+30, mouseY); line(mouseX, mouseY-30, mouseX, mouseY+30);

int[] xvals;
int[] yvals;
int[] bvals;

void setup()
size(200, 200); xvals = new int[width]; yvals = new int[width]; bvals = new int[width];

int arrayindex = 0;

void draw()
background(102); for(int i=1; i<width; i++) { xvals[i-1] = xvals[i]; yvals[i-1] = yvals[i]; bvals[i-1] = bvals[i]; } // Add the new values to the end of the array xvals[width-1] = mouseX; yvals[width-1] = mouseY; if(mousePressed) { bvals[width-1] = 0; } else { bvals[width-1] = 255; } fill(255); noStroke(); rect(0, height/3, width, height/3+1);

for(int i=1; i<width; i++) { stroke(255); point(i, xvals[i]/3); stroke(0); point(i, height/3+yvals[i]/3); stroke(255); line(i, 2*height/3+bvals[i]/3, i, (2*height/3+bvals[i-1]/3)); }

float mx;
float my;
float delay = 60.0;

void setup()
size(200, 200); noStroke();

void draw()
background( 51 ); float dx = mouseX - mx; if(abs(dx) > 1) { mx = mx + dx/delay; } float dy = mouseY - my; if(abs(dy) > 1) { my = my + dy/delay; } translate( mx, my ); plus();

void plus()
int s = 20; int t = 3; // Draw the symbol beginShape(); vertex( -t, s ); vertex( t, s ); vertex( t, t ); vertex( s, t ); vertex( s, -t ); vertex( t, -t ); vertex( t, -s ); vertex( -t, -s ); vertex( -t, -t ); vertex( -s, -t ); vertex( -s, t ); vertex( -t, t ); endShape(CLOSE);
float mx;
float my;
float delay = 40.0;
float esize = 25.0;
int box = 30;

void setup()
size(200, 200); noStroke(); smooth(); ellipseMode(CENTER_RADIUS);

void draw()
background(51); if(abs(mouseX - mx) > 0.1) { mx = mx + (mouseX - mx)/delay; } if(abs(mouseY - my) > 0.1) { my = my + (mouseY- my)/delay; } float distance = esize * 2; mx = constrain(mx, box+distance, width-box-distance); my = constrain(my, box+distance, height-box-distance); fill(76); rect(box+esize, box+esize, box*3, box*3); fill(255); ellipse(mx, my, esize, esize);
int num = 60;
float mx[] = new float[num];
float my[] = new float[num];

void setup()
size(200, 200); smooth(); noStroke(); fill(255, 153);

void draw()
background(51); // Reads throught the entire array // and shifts the values to the left for(int i=1; i<num; i++) { mx[i-1] = mx[i]; my[i-1] = my[i]; } // Add the new values to the end of the array mx[num-1] = mouseX; my[num-1] = mouseY; for(int i=0; i<num; i++) { ellipse(mx[i], my[i], i/2, i/2); }
float bx;
float by;
int bs = 20;
boolean bover = false;
boolean locked = false;
float bdifx = 0.0;
float bdify = 0.0;

void setup()
size(200, 200); bx = width/2.0; by = height/2.0; rectMode(CENTER_RADIUS);

void draw()
background(0); // Test if the cursor is over the box if (mouseX > bx-bs && mouseX < bx+bs && mouseY > by-bs && mouseY < by+bs) { bover = true; if(!locked) { stroke(255); fill(153); } } else { stroke(153); fill(153); bover = false; } // Draw the box rect(bx, by, bs, bs);

void mousePressed() {
if(bover) { locked = true; fill(255, 255, 255); } else { locked = false; } bdifx = mouseX-bx; bdify = mouseY-by;


void mouseDragged() {
if(locked) { bx = mouseX-bdifx; by = mouseY-bdify; }

void mouseReleased() {
locked = false;
2006年11月18日(土) 10:42:21 Modified by ID:hElD8hu5PA
