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Processing9 Motion

float a = 100;

void setup()
size(200, 200); stroke(255); frameRate(30);

void draw()
background(51); a = a - 1; if (a < 0) { a = height; } line(0, a, width, a);
int size = 60; // Width of the shape
float xpos, ypos; // Starting position of shape

float xspeed = 2.8; // Speed of the shape
float yspeed = 2.2; // Speed of the shape

int xdirection = 1; // Left or Right
int ydirection = 1; // Top to Bottom

void setup()
size(200, 200); noStroke(); frameRate(30); smooth(); // Set the starting position of the shape xpos = width/2; ypos = height/2;

void draw()
background(102); // Update the position of the shape xpos = xpos + ( xspeed * xdirection ); ypos = ypos + ( yspeed * ydirection ); // Test to see if the shape exceeds the boundaries of the screen // If it does, reverse its direction by multiplying by -1 if (xpos > width-size || xpos < 0) { xdirection *= -1; } if (ypos > height-size || ypos < 0) { ydirection *= -1; }

// Draw the shape ellipse(xpos+size/2, ypos+size/2, size, size);
int size = 8;
int legth = 50;

int aSize; // Height of the shape
float aPos; // Position of shape
float aSpeed; // Speed of the shape
int aDirection = 1; // Left or Right

float bPos;
float bSpeed;
int bDirection = 1;

float cPos;
float cSpeed;
int cDirection = 1;

float dPos;
float dSpeed;
int dDirection = 1;

void setup()
size(200, 200); noStroke(); frameRate(60); aPos = bPos = cPos = dPos = width/2;

void draw()
background(102); fill(255);

aSpeed = squared(aPos/float(width-size)) * 2.0; aPos = aPos + ((aSpeed*2.0+0.5) * aDirection ); if (aPos > width-size || aPos < 0) { aDirection = aDirection * -1; } rect(aPos, 0, size, 50); bSpeed = quad(bPos/float(width-size)) * 2.0; bPos = bPos + ((bSpeed*2.0+0.5) * bDirection ); if (bPos > width-size || bPos < 0) { bDirection = bDirection * -1; } rect(bPos, 50, size, 50); cSpeed = hump(cPos/float(width-size)) * 2.0; cPos = cPos + ((cSpeed*2.0+0.5) * cDirection ); if (cPos > width-size || cPos < 0) { cDirection = cDirection * -1; } rect(cPos, 100, size, 50); dSpeed = quadHump(dPos/float(width-size)) * 2.0; dPos = dPos + ((dSpeed*2.0+0.5) * dDirection ); if (dPos > width-size || dPos < 0) { dDirection = dDirection * -1; } rect(dPos, 150, size, 50);

float quad(float sa) {
return sa*sa*sa*sa;

float quadHump(float sa) {
sa = (sa - 0.5); //scale from -2 to 2 sa = sa*sa*sa*sa * 16; return sa;

float hump(float sa) {
sa = (sa - 0.5) * 2; //scale from -2 to 2 sa = sa*sa; if(sa > 1) { sa = 1; } return 1-sa;

float squared(float sa) {
sa = sa*sa; return sa;

int e1_size = 18;
float e1_x, e1_y = 0;
float e1_speed = 1.0;
int e1_direction = 1;

int e2_size = 10;
float e2_x, e2_y = 0;
float e2_speed = 0.80;
int e2_direction = 1;

int e3_size = 14;
float e3_x, e3_y = 0;
float e3_speed = 0.65;
int e3_direction = 1;

void setup()
size(200, 200); stroke(102); smooth(); frameRate(30);

void draw()
background(0); stroke(102); beginShape(); for(int i=0; i<width; i++) { vertex(i, singraph((float)i/width)*height); } endShape(); beginShape(); for(int i=0; i<width; i++) { vertex(i, quad((float)i/width)*height); } endShape(); beginShape(); for(int i=0; i<width; i++) { vertex(i, hump((float)i/width)*height); } endShape(); e1_x += e1_speed * e1_direction; if (e1_x > width || e1_x < 0) { e1_direction = e1_direction * -1; } e1_y = singraph((float)e1_x/width)*height; noStroke(); fill(255); ellipse(e1_x, e1_y, e1_size, e1_size); e2_x += e2_speed * e2_direction; if (e2_x > width || e2_x < 0) { e2_direction = e2_direction * -1; } e2_y = quad((float)e2_x/width)*height; noStroke(); fill(255); ellipse(e2_x, e2_y, e2_size, e2_size); e3_x += e3_speed * e3_direction; if (e3_x > width || e3_x < 0) { e3_direction = e3_direction * -1; } e3_y = hump((float)e3_x/width)*height; noStroke(); fill(255); ellipse(e3_x, e3_y, e3_size, e3_size);

float singraph(float sa) {
sa = (sa - 0.5) * 1.0; //scale from -1 to 1 sa = sin(sa*PI)/2 + 0.5; return sa;

float quad(float sa) {
return sa*sa*sa*sa;

float hump(float sa) {
sa = (sa - 0.5) * 2; //scale from -2 to 2 sa = sa*sa; if(sa > 1) { sa = 1; } return 1-sa;

int num = 2000;
int range = 4;

float[] ax = new float[num];
float[] ay = new float[num];

void setup()
size(200, 200); for(int i=0; i<num; i++) { ax[i] = 50; ay[i] = height/2; } frameRate(30);

void draw()
background(51); // Shift all elements 1 place to the left for(int i=1; i<num; i++) { ax[i-1] = ax[i]; ay[i-1] = ay[i]; }

// Put a new value at the end of the array ax[num-1] += random(-range, range); ay[num-1] += random(-range, range);

// Constrain all points to the screen ax[num-1] = constrain(ax[num-1], 0, width); ay[num-1] = constrain(ay[num-1], 0, height); // Draw a line connecting the points for(int i=1; i<num; i++) { float val = float(i)/num * 204.0 + 51; stroke(val); line(ax[i-1], ay[i-1], ax[i], ay[i]); }

float ball_x;
float ball_y;
float ball_dir = 1;
float ball_size = 5; // Radius
float dy = 0; // Direction

int paddle_width = 5;
int paddle_height = 20;

int dist_wall = 15;

void setup()
size(200, 200); rectMode(CENTER_RADIUS); ellipseMode(CENTER_RADIUS); noStroke(); smooth(); ball_y = height/2; ball_x = 1;

void draw()
background(51); ball_x += ball_dir * 1.0; ball_y += dy; if(ball_x > width+ball_size) { ball_x = -width/2 - ball_size; ball_y = random(0, height); dy = 0; } // Constrain paddle to screen float paddle_y = constrain(mouseY, paddle_height, height-paddle_height);

// Test to see if the ball is touching the paddle float py = width-dist_wall-paddle_width-ball_size; if(ball_x == py && ball_y > paddle_y - paddle_height - ball_size && ball_y < paddle_y + paddle_height + ball_size) { ball_dir *= -1; if(mouseY != pmouseY) { dy = (mouseY-pmouseY)/2.0; if(dy > 5) { dy = 5; } if(dy < -5) { dy = -5; } } } // If ball hits paddle or back wall, reverse direction if(ball_x < ball_size && ball_dir == -1) { ball_dir *= -1; } // If the ball is touching top or bottom edge, reverse direction if(ball_y > height-ball_size) { dy = dy * -1; } if(ball_y < ball_size) { dy = dy * -1; }

// Draw ball fill(255); ellipse(ball_x, ball_y, ball_size, ball_size); // Draw the paddle fill(153); rect(width-dist_wall, paddle_y, paddle_width, paddle_height);
2006年11月18日(土) 10:39:28 Modified by ID:hElD8hu5PA
