Set Enviroment.Variable

[ System Wide : global ]
rule : 在變數的設定規範當中,後輸入的設定值可以取代先輸入的設定.

   bash bootup ( user login ) : find boot shell files

   ./etc/bashrc  //be called at every bootup of new shell. 
                 //define func. & alias, because they would not 
                   be inherited by new shell.

[ USER ]

   skeleton : the default pattern of user directionary 
                .Xdefaults      - X-app boot file
                .bash_logout    |
                .bash_profile   |- set shell configure
                .bashrc         |

                   - PATH = $PATH:$HOME/bin:$HOME/var:\
            Read-in bash-file to patch shell env :
                   %source .bash_profile
                   % .     .bash_profile

2008年02月23日(土) 11:50:51 Modified by whalesonicxxx357
