+life(4) +severeness(1) architecture(1) linux(12) me.(5) net(3) note-it(6) prog-lang(1) system(7) system-soc(5) trimaran(4) windows(2)
configure mdes
Hmdes2 is read by the Hmdes2 preprocessor and translator to create a new Lmdes2 machine description. -Hmdes2( High-level machine description language & is a schema expressed in "DBL" ) : An human writable and readable file for specifying machine features
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/whalesonicxxx357/d/configu... - 2007年12月16日更新
trimaran buildup
aran-3.7 ] compile trimaran ------------------------- +gcc-3.2, gcc-3.4.4, gcc-4.0.1 +autoconf-2.54 +automake-1.7 externel-tool required ------------------------- [ xvcg ] +sh config +modify "tMakefile" : ^[ err mesg ] ^/usr/local/bin/xvcg ^ /us
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/whalesonicxxx357/d/trimara... - 2007年11月28日更新
Trimaran survey-list
-&color(,#BDB76B){IIT Delhi cc: [[1>http://www.iitd.ernet.in/]], } -VFLib cc: [[1>http://amalfi.dis.unina.it/graph/db/vflib-2.0/doc/vflib-1.html]],
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/whalesonicxxx357/d/Trimara... - 2007年11月24日更新
Add custome-instruction (ISE) to Trimaran.. orz
PanYu, Singapore cc: [[1>http://iammealva.blogspot.com/2007/03/how-to-add-custom-instructions-ise-to.html]], ***CI: 4-in / 4-out ''Steps :'' 1.[ Elcor ] before a.scheduling & b.register-allocation - ISE gen - Replace CI -Modify : --elcor/src/Graph
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/whalesonicxxx357/d/Add%20c... - 2007年11月24日更新
