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1:27 原來是顯卡殺手. 好喔,現在要開始存錢買MARVEL 未來之戰寡姐的戰服了. Krvoproliće free movie streaming. 支持中國武術,不分?藍顏色. 一定會捧場!. 英雄不分國共 漢奸不分台陸. Krvoproliće free movie watch. Krvoproliće free movie list. 葉問:我要打十萬個(美國佬. Bloodshot 250x450px Cover of Bloodshot #1, textless variant. Art by Arturo Lozzi. Publication information Publisher Valiant Comics First appearance Eternal Warrior #4 (November 1992) Created by Kevin VanHook Yvel Guichet In-story information Alter ego Angelo Mortalli Team affiliations Unity Notable aliases Ray Garrison Psiot Killer Abilities Superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes and endurance Healing factor Master hand-to-hand combatant Shapeshifting Cyberkinesis Bloodshot is a fictional comic book superhero appearing in books published by the American publisher Valiant Comics. The character was created in 1992 by Kevin VanHook and Yvel Guichet. [ citation needed] Publication history Bloodshot was created by Kevin VanHook and Yvel Guichet in 1992 during a wave of popularity for the Valiant Universe and became an immediate hit with readers, with the first issue ranking number 4 on the Diamond Comic Distributors Top 100 for November 1992. [1] As one of the most popular Valiant characters, Bloodshot had a continuing run of success, selling millions of copies until Valiant was purchased out for $65 million by Acclaim Entertainment. The comics have been translated into a number of languages including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Filipino and Chinese, Turkish, among others. In 1996, Bloodshot and a majority of other Valiant Universe characters were re-booted under the banner of Acclaim Comics. The re-launch saw the title moving in a new direction which could be more easily adaptable to video games. Valiant Entertainment is the current owner of the Valiant Character Catalog, including Bloodshot. A new volume of Bloodshot was released on July 2012, written by Duane Swierczynski, following Valiant Comics's relaunch. Plot summary Bloodshot is a former soldier with powers of regeneration and meta-morphing made possible through nanites injected into his blood. After having his memory wiped numerous times, Bloodshot is out to discover who he really is and get vengeance on those who did this to him. [2] Bloodshot's bloodstream contains a billion nanocomputers, enabling him to heal from injuries quickly, interface with technology, and shape shift his mass. However, his oxygen-starved brain has lost its memories. Project Rising Spirit's program to create the ultimate soldier stretches back decades, and reached critical mass in the depths of World War II. Though the initial products of the program were crudely enhanced and highly expendable foot soldiers suitable only for the simplest scenarios, these early subjects were able to complete high-intensity missions regardless of any obstacles. Over the decades, these results ensured that the "Bloodshot" program was consistently earmarked for future development and continued to break new ground. Throughout the 1970s, '80s, and '90s, P. R. S. redefined the nanotechnology that would power Bloodshot, and develop a new artificial intelligence system that allowed him to be deployed in a wider array of off-the-battlefield counterintelligence and espionage missions. While Bloodshot was self-aware to a degree, the human-machine hybrid was still deemed to inflict unacceptably high levels of collateral damage. In 2007, another P. scientist, Dr. Emmanuel Kuretich, discovered his employers' intention to redirect the Bloodshot program in to a new area: the targeting and capture of the extremely rare, psionically powered children called "psiots. " Alarmed, Kuretich fled P. for Toyo Harada's Harbinger Foundation, where he secretly began forging a plan to undo P. S. Several years later, while on a routine mission in Afghanistan, Bloodshot is captured by Kuretich, who forcibly extracts the records of Bloodshot's missions with the intent of exposing Project Rising Spirit to the world. The process, however, unlocks all of Bloodshot's false memories, which had been used to motivate him in war zones throughout the world, all at once. P. S., fearing that Bloodshot has finally gone rogue, decides to rein him in. Bloodshot escapes capture with the aid of an ambulance driver named Kara Murphy before finally returning to P. to uncover the truth behind his identity. Tipped off by Kuretich, Bloodshot storms a P. facility in Nevada, but finds only the sub-basement facility known as the Nursery. Built to house the empowered psiot children captured by Bloodshot, freeing the Nursery's captives has been Kuretich and Harada's true objective all along. Bloodshot is forced to combat the Nursery's sadistic psiot jailer Gamma and P. 's outdated cyborg hit squad Chainsaw. Bloodshot frees the captive children, including generation Zero, an action that inadvertently sets off a chain reaction of events that would cumulate in the Harbinger Wars in the Las Vegas Strip. Confronted by Toyo Harada in the aftermath of the P. breakout, Bloodshot's capacity for free will is overridden by the "Harada Protocol", a piece of hidden P. programming that compels him to terminate Harada. A vicious battle ensues, which leaves Harada seriously wounded, and Bloodshot with a depleted nanite count. In the closing moments of the Harbinger wars, Bloodshot again falls into Harada's clutches, and spends several weeks as a prisoner of the Harbinger Foundation. During this time, Harada subjects Bloodshot to cruel and painful experiments as he attempts to solve the secret behind the incredibly rare nanites in Bloodshot's bloodstream. However, Project Rising Spirit quickly expedites a rescue led by the H. A. D. Corps. After storming Harada's El Segundo facility, they successfully extract Bloodshot, who shortly thereafter accepts a spot on the H. Corps roster. Bloodshot is rewarded with a hard copy of the P. file on his true identity. Bloodshot is deployed across the globe on various missions alongside the H. Corps, including as assignment to retrieve a former P. test subject codenamed Prodigal and his supposedly "immortal" bodyguard. Volume One and Volume Two of Bloodshot keeps the same core story elements with different settings and plots. Volume One Angelo Mortalli has become the ultimate killing machine. His memories have been erased and his blood has been infused with microscopic computers called nanites. These nanites allow him to heal wounds quickly, dominate electronic devices, and fully control every aspect of his body to maximize his physical capabilities. A modern-day Frankenstein, he wages a one-man war, taking out the mob, the police and his covert government creators, in his struggle to find out who he was and what he has become. Characters Angelo Mortalli, a. k. a. Bloodshot Mortalli is a ruthless killer climbing the mob ranks when his crime family betrays him and has him framed for murder. He goes into federal witness protection but is betrayed by one of the FBI members guarding him. He is then kidnapped and taken to be part of an experimental procedure known as "Project Rising Spirit". His body is injected with microscopic computers called nanites. The nanites quickly go to work, rebuilding his brain and then the rest of his body, unexpectedly reviving Angelo but erasing his memory in the process. The nanites now fully control Angelo’s body (manipulating blood flow, adrenaline levels etc. ) giving him augmented reflexes and strength, enhanced hearing; the ability to heal rapidly, and control of electronic devices. Angry, violent and unsure of what he has become, he escapes. Taking the name Bloodshot, he begins the process of piecing together who he was. Don Gino Canelli Angelo Mortalli’s mafia boss and his girlfriend’s father is Gino, a ruthless man who will do anything to protect his family. He treats Angelo like a son. When he learns that Angelo has been cheating on his daughter, he orders Angelo set up for the murder of a rival without a second thought. Hideyoshi Iwatsu Iwatsu is an old and dangerous Japanese scientist who created the Bloodshot procedure. He is extremely immoral, using unwilling “volunteers” for his experiments, most of whom die as a result. Tanaka Tanaka is Hideyoshi Iwatsu’s aide and right-hand man. More trusted by Hideyoshi than he does his own son, Tanaka is a brilliant manipulator. His arrogance blinds him, however, and leads to stupid mistakes on his part. Volume Two Angelo Mortalli has been subjected against his will to a scientific experiment that has remade him into the ultimate killing machine, an engine of destruction codenamed Bloodshot. But, in the process, his memories were lost. His makers mean to use him as a weapon, an unstoppable assassin. But he breaks free and escapes. In this rendition, the writer Len Kaminski elaborates on BloodShot's nano technology. They turn out to be like sentient beings that see him as their God and provoke him to self-induce a trance-like state using a mixture of substances in order to communicate with him directly. Deadly operatives of the super-secret government agency that sponsored his creation hunt him down. Following a broken trail of fragmentary recollections, Bloodshot fights a running battle against them, the mob and the police. The first and only success of Project Lazarus, Bloodshot is a miracle of technology, far exceeding his creators’ expectations. Microscopic machines called nanites injected into his blood maximize his physicality, heal his wounds, extend his senses and imbue him with the ability to interface with any electronic device. In his former life as Angelo Mortalli, he learns, he was a rising star in a New York crime family…but the trail doesn’t end there. He was someone else before he was Mortalli. Who was Raymond Garrison? Simon Oreck The Director in Chief of the Domestic Operations Authority (DOA), a covert operatio
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