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Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle ?1080i(hd)?


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Thank you, Lord G_d, for the Jewish State of Israel

God always makes a way for His children. I loved this video it makes me believe more in the only true god, YAWEH.

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Patterns of evidence the red sea miracle download. Bible is not clear where pharaoh died. However Quran gives a deep insight into what happened which has been recently found to be true. Imagine what Ron could have discovered if there were no boundaries or any malice to prevent Ron in discovering true artifacts of biblical times. In our day in times we need Ron Wyatts findings as perfect evidence from YHVH (GOD. The finding what touched me the most was Yeshuas crucifixion site, Yeshuas blood which traveled down mount skull and underground and Yeshuas blood resting place on the arc of the covenant. It would be absolutely fascinating if Ron Wyatt solved the controversy of whether or not Yeshua was crucified on a cross or a stake. Thank you Mrs. Wyatt for sharing so many of Ron Wyatts archeological findings through the power of Yodhehvavheh (God. ????.
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Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracle. I have watched several of Ron Whites Documentaries He was blessed and gifted. GOD IS GREAT. Patterns of evidence the red sea miracle dvd. Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle ii.
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Patterns of evidence the red sea miracle imdb. Thank you for this testimony. Ron Wyatt is a hero of mine. A true Christian and a gentleman. 0:42 the man open the sea. Saudi will protect that mountain because they believe prophet moses musa really existed and that event did happen. Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle song.


  • Publisher: AO Vision
  • Biography: The new animated film 'The Pilgrim's Progress' releases Oct 25 in UK cinemas (safe for children 8+). Click below to see if it's playing near you:









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