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The high note download movie. One of the biggest reasons singers take voice lessons is to expand vocal range. People have done lots of research on singers like Axl Rose and Mariah Carey and have found that they have a tremendous range. Here’s the bottom line: Understanding your vocal range is an incredibly important first step in understanding your voice. The best part is almost any singer can expand their range! In fact, here’s an Exclusive Bonus: Download our FREE Video with 3 more exercises to expand your range you won’t find in the article. So today, let’s talk about your vocal range, and along the way I’ll show you some great ways to expand it. By the way, if you want a vocal program that will take you through these singing techniques and a ton more, you can check out my complete singing course, Master Your Voice, here. For now, here’s quick preview of the 3 exercises we’ll cover today: 3 Exercises to Expand Your Vocal Range Fast! What is My Vocal Range? The first step in understanding how to expand vocal range is knowing what your current range is. After all: So here’s how to find your range. Download the voice types cheat sheet (don’t worry, it’s free). Go to your piano or download a free digital piano app--I like the app “Real Piano”. It works for Android and Mac. Find Middle C (labeled C4 on Real Piano) and sing the note on an “Ah” vowel. Once you’ve found the note, sing “Ah” on each note downward from Middle C until you hit your lowest note. A good rule of thumb is that a man will probably be able to sing down to a C3 or below and a woman will be able to sing down to an A3 or below. Mark the lowest note you can sing. Next, find Middle C again and repeat the process except moving up from Middle C to as high as you can sing on an “Ah” vowel. Mark the highest note you can sing. ***Important: Compare the lowest and highest notes you can sing to the voice types cheat sheet you downloaded This will help you determine which voice type you are. I’ve written another article on the different voice types. So take a look at it so you know what to expect from your voice. But to sum of the contents of the article, just understand that most singers are some kind of tenor (for males) OR some kind of soprano (for females). That’s not to say that basses and altos don’t exist. Just that those vocal ranges for males and females are rare. And we shouldn’t let these labels dictate how high we think we can sing. The fact is that most singers between the ages of 20 and 60 can expand their vocal range. While we may not increase everyone’s range by octaves, there’s usually a noticeable improvement. How Does Range Work? You may have a lower or higher voice than others, but some of the principles of range are true for everyone. The vocal mechanism expands vocal range by thinning and lengthening the vocal folds. This is similar to the strings on your guitar. As the size of the string gets smaller, the speed of the vibrations increase. This increases the vibrations per second (also known as hertz) which results in a higher pitch. The opposite is also true. The thicker the guitar string, the slower the vibrations and the lower pitch you hear. Your voice works in the same way. In the larynx (or voice box), the vocal folds stretch and thin. This makes them vibrate faster and the pitch increases. The vocal cords can also shorten and thicken which would create a lower pitch. Hit High Notes (without Falsetto) With vocal range extension, the trick is to allow the cords to stretch in a safe and gradual way so they don’t thin too quickly. If the vocal cords thin too fast, they lose the ability to resist airflow and you may flip or disconnect to falsetto. I’ve also written an article discussing falsetto with several listening examples. This is the flutey, breathy sound we hear when someone has not built up their ability to hit high notes without too much airflow. How to Improve Voice Range The best way to increase voice range is by working with exercises that allow the vocal folds to stretch while still maintaining their ability to resist the air. The vocal folds resist air like a door that opens and closes. If the door is made of paper, I can very easily run right through it. This is what happens when the vocal folds are too thin. The cords can’t resist the air from the lungs and the result is a breathy falsetto. However, if the doors are made of a sturdy material like wood, I will encounter resistance when I hit the door. So in order to achieve a strong sound at the top of my voice, I must have resistance at the vocal folds so that I’m not just singing air on the top. It’s very important that we have both stretch and resistance at the vocal folds in order to increase our range. Just one won’t do it. You need both. So here are 3 vocal range exercises to help you hit higher notes without the breathy falsetto sound. 1. The Lip Trill Ah, the lip trill. There has never been a more powerful, yet safe exercise to help you expand vocal range. Let your lips flop together while you sing the vowel “uh”. With the lip trill the vocal folds are in a close, safe environment. This decreases the threshold force needed to get the vocal folds to vibrate. The lip trill is the vocal equivalent of lifting weights in outer space. By reducing the force necessary to do work, the vocal folds can resist the air coming from the lungs much more easily. The lip trill also promotes resistance and stretching of the vocal folds. This way, you can sing to the very top of your range without disconnecting to falsetto. Here’s how you do it: 1. Blow out some air to make your lips flop together. Just relax, and gently blow some air to make the lips gently vibrate together. 2. While your lips are flopping together, say the vowel “Uh” (as in “Utter”). It should have a bubbly sound like you’re under water. 3. Now find a comfortable starting pitch (try C3 for guys and G3 for girls) and allow the lips to flop together while you sing the “Uh” vowel. 4. Sing the following scale. Here’s the scale for guys. Here’s the scale for girls. But if you can’t read music, don’t worry. Here’s a video demonstrating the Lip Trill exercise with male and females keys. Professional Singing Warm Up - All Male and Female Keys 2. The “Gee” Let’s open things up a bit. Open your mouth and sing the bright, forward “Gee” (as in “Geese”). By opening your mouth to sing, we lose the advantage of the lower threshold we got from the lip trill. But we’ve got two things going for us. 1) The “ee” vowel promotes stretch in the vocal folds, and… 2) The “G” consonant brings the vocal folds together. Just try saying “Guh Guh Guh” and you’ll see what I mean. The feeling you get when singing that glottal “G” consonant is the sensation of the vocal folds closing. This combo of the “G” consonant with the “ee” vowel will allow you to hit some very high notes in your voice without disconnecting to falsetto. Begin by saying the word “Gee” as in “Geese” at a comfortable volume. While saying the word “Gee”, make sure that you are enunciating the “G” consonant. Now find a comfortable starting pitch (try C3 for guys and G3 for girls) and begin to sing the word “Gee”. Sing the following scale. Here’s the scale for men: Here’s the scale for women: If you don’t know how to read music, no worries. Here’s a quick video demonstrating the “Gee” exercise. 3. The Bratty “Nay” This is possibly the most famous Speech Level Singing and Institute for Vocal Advancement exercise for expanding range. Probably because it’s one of the most silly. Pretend you’re a little brat on the playground and sing a bratty, teasing “Nay”. This is even wider than the “Gee” we just did, thus increasing the chances we might flip as we sing higher. However, the bright, bratty sound we’re using will help thin the vocal folds while keeping them together. With this exercise, the “ay” vowel is narrow enough to discourage flipping in the passage. And the “N” consonant is excellent at resisting the air from your lungs. Here’s how it’s done: 1. Begin by saying the word “Nay” (as in “Neighbor”) in a bratty way. The tone should be buzzy and nasal-sounding. We’re actually looking for that bright, brassy, “witchy” tone 2. Now find a comfortable starting pitch (try E3 for guys and C#4 for girls) and begin to sing the bratty “Nay” on this pitch. 3. Sing the following scale. To get the most benefit out of this exercise, it’s important you do it right. Watch this video to give you the right idea: Professional Vocal Warm Up - w/ Scales for Men and Women A Few Things to Note It’s important to remember that all of these exercises are temporary steps to get you singing higher notes in your range. While it would be amazing if you could expand your range by an octave with just these exercises, the end goal is to sing well on songs. Also, please don’t read this and think that all you have to do is make a bratty sound or blow your lips together and all your notes will sound beautiful. They won’t. These exercises simply allow the vocal folds to stretch while resisting the air from your lungs. If you train your body to achieve this difficult task, it will be much easier to sing that way in a song. If you’d like to learn to sing high notes in a song without falsetto, consider booking a free voice lesson to get started. How Can I Put This to Use With My Own Voice? I created a free bonus video series that you can use to apply the most important info from this post in your own singing. The bonus videos contain 3 bonus exercises to help you expand your vocal range. Click the big download image for the free video below!
The High Note download free. The High Note download ebook. The High Note. Am I the only one that feels like Dimash's D8 should have been our final surprise? Haha just saying XD. Great video though. ?. Tracee Ellis Ross singing? Could this be true? Could this be her actually singing with her own voice? Wow.









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