First Cow !HD!


About The Author: The History Hutch
Biography: One man's plan to spread history in a fun, informative way! With help from loyal sidekicks from time to time, obviously.

Countries USA / duration 122 Minutes / John Magaro / &ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) / Writed by Kelly Reichardt / Genre Drama. Watch Online First cowcotland clubic. First cow watch online. Watch Online First cowblog. Watch first cow online free. Watch online first cowboy full movie. Watch Online First cowcotland. First cow watch. It's been a wild ride! Read a lot of stuff that I wouldn't usually read and visited a few classics that I have missed. Basically, the bingo did its job! Just a few words about each book: Slice of Life/Small Scale Lauren Shippen: The Bright Sessions I really struggled with this square, like really struggled. Every suggestion or recommendation I found online completely failed to strike a chord with me. I actually chose this because time was getting short and I had an opening on my 'commute listen. ' Really glad I chose it too, it was incredible! Totally open to exploring more audio drama after this; my only experience prior was with the Red Dwarf and Hitchhikers dramas. Character With a Disability (PTSD) Mike Schel: Aching God Wow. I loved this book. So much so I immediately pre-ordered the sequel. I'm huge fan of Grimdark fantasy (Warhammer player here! ) and I had recently just got back into TTRPG's so I think this just hit at just the right time for me. Novella Martha Wells: All Systems Red I'm not sure I get the hype for this book at all. It's fine, just not that great. Probably won't carry on with the rest of the series. Self Published Brian McCellan: Uncanny Collateral This was actually my first experience with McCellan. Really enjoyed it, helped that I had just gotten into Dresden too. I will definitely be exploring a few more of his works if anyone wants to throw out a rec or two. Twins Terry Pratchett: Thief of Time Ok a little cheat with this one. This was my one and only re-read for the bingo. This was the last book I read for the challenge and after a year of trying new stuff I think I really just wanted to revisit a book for my youth. I hadn't read any Pratchett for a while and intend to revisit him in a big way this year. Not my favorite of his (Small Gods or maybe Guards! Guards! ) but it was my first experience of his works through the format of audiobook, which I gotta say was absolutely awesome. Vampires John Skipp/Craig Spector: Light At The End I hate vampires. Hate them. Give me a good honest Zombie any day of the week. I know where I stand with an old fashioned, shuffling, rotten corpse. But Vampires? Urgh. Don't get me wrong though, I've tried. Poppy Z, Rice, American Vampire, 30 Days of Night and countless films. I just don't get it. Light At The End was described as the first splatterpunk novel, now that I could possibly get behind. And for the most part I did. It's fairly tame by what I would class as splatterpunk today and the writing was a little messy but it was fairly enjoyable. Graphic/Audio Michael J Sullivan: The Crown Conspiracy I'm a massive comic book reader so I didn't feel that reading a GN for this square would really be in the spirit of the challenge. Audiobooks though? Never done one before. In fact I've been fairly adverse to them until now. It always seemed like cheating to me, not proper reading. Well I hold my hands up and admit I was completely wrong. I have fallen hard for audiobooks now, even have myself an audible account too. This square was also another first for me in that I had never encountered MJS before. Of all the books I have read for bingo (with the exception of one that I will get to soon) this was my favorite. I have every intention to read every book in the world of Riyria over the next year and I suspect that it will likely become one of favorite fantasy settings. Local Author Brian Jacques: Redwall Brian lived about 30 miles from me in Kirkdale, Liverpool. I have always been aware of his books and My wife has read through a few of them (shes a massive Robin Jarvis fan, anthropomorphic animals are absolutely her jam) and I knew she had enjoyed them. It was a fairly fun little book that would make an excellent world for a series of animated films. This was another audiobook listen for me, which was made extra fun by it being read by Brian himself. Little mice with a scouse accent, excellent. Ocean Setting Nate Crowley: Death and Life of Schneider Wrack Remember what I said about Zombies? Love 'em. This book? Not so much. I wanted to love this book, really I did. The nautical zombie book I read was Dead Sea, excellent book; Zombie whale, superb stuff. DLSW started out extremely promising, I burned through 'Book One' in a night or two. If it had carried on in the same vein it could easily have been one of my favorite zombie novels (I read a lot of them... ) but 'Book Two' DRAGGED. We are talking Romero zombie shuffling kinda speed. I think the second half of the book took me about 2 weeks to get through as I kept putting it off for other things. Cyberpunk Katsuhiro Otomo: Akira Volumes 1-6 I love Cyberpunk so I really struggled with this square to find something I hadn't already read. So I figured to be really true to the spirit of the challenge I should try another medium I hadn't had much experience with. Manga! I love comics but for some reason I have never read a single Manga in my 20+ years of reading comic book. No idea why. Very much glad I gave this a go, enjoyed every single minute of it. The art alone is absolutely stunning, miles ahead of the west was doing back in the 80's. I would recommend that anyone that is a fan of the film give this a shot if they haven't already. Second Chance (Dresden Files) Jim Butcher: Fool Moon I gotta admit that I was very wrong on my initial opinion of Butcher. I read the first Dresden book in 2018 and thought it was fairly boring and poorly written. Despite being told that it really honestly does get better, I gave up right after finishing that first book. Life is too short to read something that may eventually get better. For second chance I really struggled as I have never given up on a book mid way through and I couldn't think of much else that I had disliked to the point of quitting a series. The only things I could think of were Wheel of Time, Emberverse and Dresden. Wheel of Time is far too massive an undertaking right now, Emberverse I hated, I mean really hated it. So that left Dresden as the obvious choice as my feelings towards the series were ambivalent at worst and it isn't the titanic epic that a WoT book is. I had heard great things about the audiobook version of the series so I figured I could just listen on my way to work and be done. The second book is so very far beyond the first book in terms of quality and the performance by James elevates the subject matter to whole other level. I loved it, really loved it. I would be love to know if I would've enjoyed the book if I hadn't done the audio instead. I fully intend to continue with this series, in fact the first thing I did upon finishing the bingo was get the next Dresden book! Afrofuturism Ron Wimberly: Prince of Cats I knew I wanted to do a graphic novel/series for this square but I really didn't want to do Black Panther as I have never really enjoyed what I have read. I tried reading the Shuri spin off but it was just more standard superhero stuff and I am pretty burnt out on that to be honest. I did a little deep dive and found this excellent little book that had a fairly limited run then went out of print. It appears that its out of print status upset a lot of people so Image reprinted it last year. Prince of Cats was a difficult read. Now that isn't due to the subject matter at all. The book itself is a re imagining of Romeo and Juliet set in an alternate history NYC where Afro-American samurai street gangs are at war with each other. Great stuff, eagerly awaiting the recently announced Spike Lee adap. The difficulty was in the text itself; the entire thing is written in Iambic Pentameter. Fascinating to read but I found it quite difficult having little experience with old Bill Shakes. Thoroughly enjoyed it however, really recommend it if your comics fan and you want something a little different from the usual spandex and capes. Published in 2019 Mark Lawrence: One Word Kill Another first for me. Never read any Lawrence, sorry! Rest assured I will absolutely be fixing that after this book. Classic 'kids on bikes' kinda adventure book. Much fun had and nice palette cleanser between books. Middlegrade Phillip Pullman: The Golden Compass I had never read this as a kid; I was too busy reading Pratchett and Tolkien and mucking about with adventure books. Again, this was done as an audiobook which was actually a full cast recording. Excellent story and another one I would like to continue with, especially after the excellent HBO/BBC adap. Personal Recommendation Adrian Tchaikovsky: Spiderlight Having just read Aching God I was in the mood for more classic D&D party style adventuring. Whilst I appreciated the twist that Adrian put on this style of fantasy and I certainly appreciated it being entirely standalone, I just couldn't get behind this. I found it a little boring to be honest. I have heard great things about his other books and I expect I will try another one but this wasn't for me. Book Club Stephen King: Salems Lot Now I am going to admit something that I have always been ashamed of, something that was actually a bit of a driving theme behind a lot of book choices this year. I have never read any King. None. Watched a lot, loved a lot I watched too. Enjoyed the hell outta Castle Rock on Hulu but yep, never read any King. I regret that now. I really wish I had read more King as I was growing up as I think I would've appreciated him more. Reading him now doesn't feel like it has the same impact as it would've if I had read him or 20 or so years ago. Good book, I've read better; but the
Watch Online first coffee. A thought just occurred to me while reading over all these newbie posts (by the way, welcome to EFT guys and gals! ) BSG's game design doctrine is actually quite... Ethical. Now, I know what you're thinking - WTF do you mean ETHICAL?? Alright, stick around. ======= Video games started off with ETHICAL design doctrines (well, mostly) Back when studios were small and teams were close nit/driven only by the desire to produce good product. During gaming's 'Golden Era' (Late 80's to 90's, After the Video Game market collapse that Nintendo basically single handedly brought the market back from) most studios were autonomous and could produce games without need for investment/wide scale marketing. This is when your Golden Eye's, Metal Gear Solid's, Half-Life's were coming out. Developers didn't have to worry about retaining players, only that those that did play had a good time doing it. Remember, this was mostly a pre-internet era as well. A games success depended upon a few written reviews and word of mouth. Keeping players around didn't matter, as by the time they were craving more content, the studio was likely already well into developing the sequel. Design decisions were inherently more Ethical as developers weren't as concerned with keeping players CONSTANTLY engaged. There were natural lulls and rhythms to pacing. End a level? Alright, I guess I can stop playing for today and pick it up tomorrow. No worries there. Quality determined the product, not the other way around. That all changed the day The Corporation attacked. === Okay, that's a bit melodramatic, but the point is valid. And the internet is partially to blame, as well. With the advent of online connections and the possibility of pulling even more money in from big releases, We notice a marked transition in how games were developed and how they played. Game production was also becoming more and more expensive. Halo 2 and CoD: Modern Warfare 2 are perhaps two of the most noticeable instances of this shift. While both games were good (I spent MANY hours grinding out legendary levels and death matching) if you've watched any behind-the-scenes documentaries on either game, you'll likely know the games were PLAGUED with all manner of corporate interference and general complications. The transition was slow at first. DLC's, Map packs, etc. Some players embraced this. 'I love that game! Yeah, i want more content! ' It was mostly benign. Teams had down time between the last project and the sequel. Or perhaps a small division within the company could churn out extra assets before full production began on the next game. However, as time went on and production costs continued to skyrocket, those 'fun bits of extra assets' became more and more expensive to produce. Many don't realize this, but producing a modern, AAA title is an INSANE gamble. Costing ASTRONOMICAL amounts of money. Imagine having to pay a full staff of 100-200+ people professional wages (40~50$k + per person, per year. Even more for the senior staff) for 2-3 years all in the HOPE that the one thing they produce is good and turns a profit. Keep in mind, Game companies only have ONE source of income - the game they make. And let's not forget marketing and actual materials cost for physical disks. If that game fails or is a flop... Goodbye studio. (All those studios that EA bought up then shut down? That's why. They bought hoping the developer would churn out another hit. When that didn't happen, they simply cut their losses. Granted, a lot of that is their own fault, because they wanted the studio to produce what the company thought would do well. Failure was inevitable. ) ====== It's all about the money now. Put yourself in the shoes of a CEO. Wouldn't you be looking for someway to mitigate that risk? I don't know about you, but having to rely on a studio to produce a smash hit, title after title, to guarantee a profit sounds TERRIFYING. You'd want to squeeze every single dime possible out of that one product. So now we have Predatory, unethical game design that's specifically designed to keep the player engaged for as long as physically possible. Engagement = money Game play loops have become absurdly tight and aggressive, with constant implementations of Skinner-Boxes and 'carrot on a stick' tactics that maliciously exploit human nature to complete even simple tasks. You ever find yourself going 'if I just do 'x' then i'll get 'y'... just gotta play a little bit longer. ' Or perhaps, 'I really like that skin, but I don't feel like grinding 20 hours to get just that. Guess I'll just buy it for 99 cents, what's the big deal? ' (Mobile games are the absolute worst at this, as more casual players are VERY susceptible to these tactics) There's also a striking absence of natural 'Exit-points' or points at which the gameplay loop comes to a natural close or slow point and the player can disengage and go on with their life. It requires a lot more self control to say 'hey, I have to go to work' and quit a match than 'Match is done, better go to work now' (This is why some games simply begin the next match without even bumping you to a menu. Keeps players engaged without giving them the opportunity to leave. ) Product determines quality now. And players are money cows that must be milked for every penny. (notice how there's not as many sequels these days? Mostly content updates and patches? Content = Engagement = Money) The problem with these methods, however, is people catch on. Particularly those of the more dedicated console/PC player-base. Constant barrage of these dead-locked, high-octane, yearly-release games is making players exhausted. These games feel like they have no more 'soul' and unethical game design is the reason. Now, as these yearly releases are turning a lower and lower profit, companies like EA are becoming desperate and squeezing tighter and tighter to try and recover capital (Fallout 1st, anyone? LOL! ) Many industry experts are predicting a collapse of the AAA industry within the next decade. ======= Enter BSG and EFT. A company not driven by profit, but the vision of their game and the player experience. The other thing too, and the main thing that brought me to the game years back, is it's the best of several worlds: Loot permanence, a la Day Z Compelling core loop of Loot and scoot, a la Borderlands Rewarding skill progression (Map and tactic knowledge takes precedent over raw skill), a la CS: GO All of that compressed into an easily digestible session length that can cater to both Perpetual Players and weekend warriors. Only have an hour to play? No worries, that's enough to get a raid or two in. (several, depending upon how unlucky/lucky you are. lol) Got a bunch of hours to burn? No worries there either! There's enough variety to keep you entertained for many-a-day! Nothing in the game's design is inherently predatory and it has many healthy, natural exit points that don't trap the player in unhealthy 'Skinner-Box' techniques. (I mean, there's a few but not to the malicious levels like some AAA titles) I believe this is one of the many reasons that EFT has become so wildly successful as of late. Quality Determines Product reigns again! ===== Anywho, that's all for now. Thanks for reading my ramble! --Stay Cheeki! TL:DR - BSG aren't a-holes and treat their players like people, not cash cows. (edit: Spelling. ).
I'm back! and this time not so tired that I can barely even write the damn thing. Well, okay, by the time it was done, I was pretty fucking tired. The -1 column was the last I had to do, and by the time I hit that I was fucking done. Anyway, this is a recap of Let's Make Big Moves, the TriState major. I covered all 64 of the Top Seeds, as well as the Top 64 placements. Note: If you are one of the listed players and want to contribute a quote, please let me know. Disclaimer 1: Not all runs are created equal. Some players needed to take on monsters to get their placement. Some less so. This is not meant to be an objective quality match-up of players. Disclaimer 2: If a player had a bad tournament that doesn't make them a bad player. It is easier to perform below your standard then above. Thus, one tournament can make a career, but it can't break it. There are many reasons players lose. As fans we have a responsibility to be good to players. They cry and sweat for us. The goal isn't to make players stress out about individual placements more, but to catch interesting story lines and data. Don't be a dick to players. Disclaimer 3: It is easier for a low seed to overperform and for a high seed to underperform. Seeds are a stand-in for expectations. The bad part of high expectations is that beating them is hard. One should consider equal levels of over-performance to favor higher seed players in terms of level of impressiveness. Disclaimer 4: An issue with seeding is just as good an explanation for some of these cases as bad play is. It is not always possible to tell the difference. How to Read This: Number indicates placement relative to expected placement. The number reflects losers round expected to lose in vs actual loss. If a player was seeded between 13 and 16, that means they were expected to go out at 13th place. Thus, if they got a +1 it means they got 9th place. If they got a -1 then it means they got 17th. +5 or More (Star Turn) (TG) MVD. PGRU 17. 31st Seed. 5th Place. (+5) - The notion that MVD needs a star turn is absurd. He's been a top player since Brawl. Yet, there's a reason he was seeded 31st. At LMBM, he broke his streak without a Major Top 8 since Low Tier City by nikita'ing Wishes, Dark Wizzy, are you into the blastzone. If your goal is to make it forget the last six months happened, that's one way to do it. (Nfinite) Toast. 66th Seed. 13th Place. (+5) - A Young Link main who has been on the radar as a potential top player. He made big moves (I will never apologize) towards that by nearly beating Tweek in winners before going on a run through losers including Fsharp, Wishes, VoiD (Sad SoCal Hours) and LingLing. I'm calling it now. I think Toast is Season 3 PGR. Toast on his results: "It had been eating at me lately that I would place well but not get pgr wins, so someone told me to always play like me at all times and to never forget who I was when playing, so I held it close to heart this tournament and felt more confident than I had ever been, and thus played like me. " +2 to +4 (Strong Tournament) (DA) Sinji. PGRU 25. 39th Seed. 9th Place. (+4) - To me a case of underseeding. Sinji has only got less than 25th at one Ultimate tournament so far, and that was Smash Con. He got 25th on the PGR and he was seeded to be out before Top 32? At you kidding? He got wins on LingLing, Gen, and (tragically) Riddles while losing to Dark Wizzy and Nairo. A clear mistake. (R2G) Kameme. PGRU 19. 11th Seed. 3rd Place. (+4) - Finally, the EVO 2016 finalist makes Top 8 at a US S-tier. He came damn close (9th) at EVO, so this is great to see. He was lucky in that he avoided a seeded match against Tweek. But, this was no fluke. He beat Venia, Marss, and Maister while only dropping sets to two Top 10 players in Dabuz and Nairo. (TR) Zomba. 84th Seed. 17th Place. (+4) - Gotta check my notes here. Zomba is... a child. Yes. He is a 14 year old from Staten Island. Mains ROB/Link/Roy, and this is his first major. Also his Twitter is distinctly run by a 14 year old and is thus awful. But, his Smash game is pretty fucking good. He knocked out Uncivil Ninja and Raito in losers. There was some luck in that he got Elegant’s empty pool. But, some of his wins were better than the pool leader he replaced. Oh god, this kid is going to be unstoppable in about a year. Apollo. Unseeded. 33rd Place. (+4) - A Tristate smasher who mains Duck Hunt, but I saw VoDs of him playing like Peach and Icies and some other wacky shit. A key participant of the insanity of the bonkers pool C5, where he outzoned Black Twins to win a big upset and benefited from Rfang going down earlier leading to two unseeded players escaping pools. AceAttorney. (+4) - I had a hell of a time researching them. "Ace Attorney Smash Bros" does not take you to a player page. Apparently a NJ Zelda main. Clearly they're pretty good since they beat MattyG and JW. (NRG) Nairo. PGRU 8. 4th Seed. 1st Place. (+3) - Guys, is Nairo number 2 in the world right now? He's had a near unbroken string of Top 4 finishes ever since Shine, consistently banished his demons, and now he's taken home the largest Ultimate tournament he's ever won. He beat WaDi and then narrowly lost to Dabuz in Winners. But that just seemed to activate "pitbull on cocaine" mode. He proceeded to crazy man through losers, taking out Sinji, Maister, MVD, Tea, Kameme, and finally getting vengeance on Dabuz in an overawing bracket reset grand finals. Fitting that his biggest win of Ultimate to date happened so close to home too. (Liquid) Dabuz. PGRU 7. 5th Seed. 2nd Place. (+3) - Dabuz right after Nairo, huh? Fitting. Yet again, being a Dabuz fan means heartbreak. He came back from a fairly lackluster season to get a lot of great wins here. Wins like Raffi-X and Uncivil Ninja are just the ball to the real lip of it. Kameme, Nairo, and Tea. His 3-0 over Tea banished a former demon of his using new Rosa tech he invented. But, his run ended tragically as Nairo manage to reset Game 5 of Grand Finals on last hit. After that Dabuz deflated. You could see his elusive first major tournament win slip through his fingers. Dabuz in Ultimate is like watching a Greek Tragedy. Tea. PGRU 15. 9th Seed. 4th Place. (+3) - Don't gotta lot to add. TeaPacMan Wakka'd through Marss, Samsora, and Light, while only losing to the top 2 finishers. We're all so used to Tea breaking ankles that it's almost not surprising anymore. (T1) ANTi. 59th Seed. (+3) - ANTi was once one of the best smashers, as his Meta-Knight pick reminded us, but he really has not gone all in on Ultimate. It was a nice run, including small but meaningful wins on Big D and Epic_Gabriel. Not huge names, but hardly nothing either. Sadly, he ran into fucking Maister not once, but twice, and didn't take a game in either set. Brutal. I'm pretty sure that's against the Geneva Convention. (DU) Bankai. 77th Seed. 25th Place. (+3) - NY ZSS and PKMN Trainer main. He got this +3 through a combination of NickC getting sick, the chaos of Pool C5 letting him dodge a ranked opponent in getting a small upset on his own friend Zan, the SoCal Toon Link Player. Zan’s tweet on the subject is a tragedy in three acts. (lluZ) BONK!. 103rd Seed. (+3) - a Meta-Knight from Philly. His upset over Ned was probably the most wild upset of pools that didn’t involve Pool C5. (SH) TheRed. 49th Place. (+3) - Snake main who is apparently PR’d in Massachusetts. Got wins on Vivi and Diabeo. Also helped contribute to sending False packing from the tournament. So props for that? (US|RIP LGBB) Mr. Mojo Risin’. (+3) - Okay okay so. This guy is seemingly Tristate, seems to use Donkey Kong a lot, and is distinctly a fan of the Doors. He’s on the list for upsetting the Sonic player UR2Slow and because Rivers decided to go to MagFest and DQd. TonyZTank. (+3) - HE IS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE. Okay so, Pool C5 turned into a massive cluster fuck with both its leads, Rfang and BlackTwins getting upset. Tony here upset Roach, before losing immediately then somehow managed to get out of pools in the slot that Rfang and Blacktwins weren’t fighting over, then break and Raptor? Fucking chaos. Who is this guy? Sonic main from Nebraska? I asked RFang on twitter and Rfang said “Bro I don't fucking know either lmfaoo. All know is he might be the greatest sonic to ever do it”. Cosmos. PGRU 11. 16th Seed. (+2) - That’s more like it! Cosmos fell off from his Season 1 Top 15 status hard in Season 2. Cosmos is relentlessly likeable so it was kind of hard to watch. 9th is still not where he used to be. Especially with Raffi-X and Larry Lurr as his biggest wins. Not bad, but it was his close set with Dark Wizzy, who is probably presently Top 20, that gave me hope. Is Season 3 the season Cosmos recovers from his anime girl induced bout of madness? (3D) Gen. PGRU A51. 27th Seed. (+2) - One of Tristate’s best talents who never travels. I wonder who he’ll face!? Venia. Suarez. Sinji. Laid is slightly out of state, right? And he even faced one foreign it’s Maister. Fuck. Oh well, at least he did well. Maybe that means he might travel more? (djb) Laid. 46th Seed. (+2) - The Lucina from New England. The lord of the Side-Bet Discord. As near as I can tell, he didn’t get any upsets himself. Just benefited from Rivers ditching for Magfest and LeoN getting upset by Epic_Gabriel. But, he somehow made an 8:1 bet on Nairo making a reverse sweep on Maister, so he probably made more money than some of the people who actually placed. Riddles. 34th Seed. (+2) - Someone on twitter asked over the weekend what players people just love watching. Besides NickC (obviously) the most common answer is Shut-... That only grows more true with each passing tournament. Not only did he dominate the crew battle, but he went on an epic run at LMBM. After losing in pools to check my notes here... a chair from twitter, he went on a massive losers run, including Ned, Enzo, Z, and even Tweek himself, before losing to Sinji. Fucking beautiful. I just wish we got
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