
◆ 11456. mustの否定 [tommy] 2007/01/10 00:27
  ┗ 11460. Re: mustの否定 [SHA] 2007/01/11 17:43
   ┗ 11467. Re: mustの否定 [浮気者パーヤン] 2007/01/12 10:23
  ┗ 11465. Re: mustの否定 [浮気者パーヤン] 2007/01/12 10:15
  ┗ 11485. Re: mustの否定 [ググル] 2007/01/13 20:31
   ┗ 11489. Re: mustの否定 [tommy] 2007/01/14 10:21
     ┗ 11508. Re: oughtn't be? [浮気者パーヤン] 2007/01/15 16:55
  ┗ 11490. Re: mustの否定 [大西泰斗] 2007/01/14 10:32
   ┗ 11509. Re: mustの否定 [浮気者パーヤン] 2007/01/15 17:09
     ┗ 11525. Re: mustの否定 [大西泰斗] 2007/01/16 12:55
     ┗ 11590. Re: mustの否定 [ググル] 2007/01/20 20:49
     ┗ 11661. Re: mustの否定 [modal-2007] 2007/01/27 20:32
       ┗ 11662. Re: mustの否定 [modal-2007] 2007/01/27 20:35
         ┗ 11663. Re: mustの否定 [modal-2007] 2007/01/27 20:36
       ┗ 12096. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/02/17 13:23
         ┗ 12429. Re: mustの否定 [大西泰斗] 2007/03/09 19:57
          ┗ 12430. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/09 20:27
           ┗ 12431. Re: mustの否定 [大西泰斗] 2007/03/09 21:00
             ┗ 12432. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/09 21:08
           ┗ 12434. Re: mustの否定 [ミートン] 2007/03/09 23:04
             ┗ 12437. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/10 01:56
               ┗ 12448. Re: mustの否定 [ミートン] 2007/03/10 10:39
           ┗ 12447. Re: mustの否定 [浮気者パーヤン] 2007/03/10 10:35
             ┗ 12450. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/10 11:48
               ┗ 12468. Re: mustの否定 [チチ] 2007/03/10 17:34
                 ┗ 12469. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/10 18:14
                   ┗ 12470. Re: mustの否定 [くにー] 2007/03/10 19:50
                     ┗ 12472. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/10 20:15
                       ┗ 12475. Re: mustの否定 [くにー] 2007/03/10 21:46
               ┗ 12471. Re: mustの否定 [くにー] 2007/03/10 19:59
                 ┗ 12473. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/10 20:20
                   ┗ 12476. Re: mustの否定 [くにー] 2007/03/10 21:47
  ┗ 11529. Re: mustの否定 [愛読家] 2007/01/16 17:54


11456. mustの否定 [tommy] 2007/01/10 00:27

私は今「TOEIC TEST文法完全攻略」という本を使って
そこには、「強い推定のmustの反意語はmust notではなくcan'tです。」と記載されています。
どうして、must notに〜であるはずがないという意味にならないのかイメージできません。

11460. Re: mustの否定 [SHA] 2007/01/11 17:43

>どうして、must notに〜であるはずがないという意味にならないのかイメージできません。

「ありえなぁ〜い」と叫んだ監督のように、"It can't be"の方が圧倒的に耳にしますが、must notだって全く駄目ということは、ないような気がします。

newyork timesのサイトでは、以下のような文を見付けました。

  • Except she pronounced it "counterband," which made me think she must not be a schoolmarm, after all.

  • It must not be cancer.

  • this guy scored 25 points, so this must be good for him, and the other guy only scored 9 points, so it must not be good.”

11465. Re: mustの否定 [浮気者パーヤン] 2007/01/12 10:15

must not doは[not do]であることを、絶対こうだ!こうじゃなきゃいけないおかしい!って思ってることです。

11467. Re: mustの否定 [浮気者パーヤン] 2007/01/12 10:23


11485. Re: mustの否定 [ググル] 2007/01/13 20:31

>私は今「TOEIC TEST文法完全攻略」という本を使って
>そこには、「強い推定のmustの反意語はmust notではなくcan'tです。」と記載されています。
>どうして、must notに〜であるはずがないという意味にならないのかイメージできません。





11489. Re: mustの否定 [tommy] 2007/01/14 10:21

ought not toは辞書等を見ても義務を否定する例しかみられません。
例えば、He ought not to be at the office by now.

11490. Re: mustの否定 [大西泰斗] 2007/01/14 10:32

>tommy さん:must notに〜であるはずがないという意味にならないのか
 まぁ結論としては、can't の方が「安全ですよ」というだけの記述でしょう。ググルさんのご紹介のように must not で「はずがない」は許容しない話し手もいそうです。僕自身この使い方はちょびっとだけ頭が働いてしまいます---つまりcan't の方が(僕にとって)自然なんだろうなということ。mustn't と can't の意味のちがいを同定するときには2つを使ったまともな文を探してみるのも手でしょうね。ググルさんの2つ目の紹介文は、「ずいぶん原始的なことまだやってんだな」という印象です。「epistemic possibility が conclude で便利にあらわせますよ」「様相論理学(!) では同値ですよ」...ははは。それで終われるならこんな幸せなこともないだろー。

11508. Re: oughtn’t be? [浮気者パーヤン] 2007/01/15 16:55


11509. Re: mustの否定 [浮気者パーヤン] 2007/01/15 17:09

epistemic possibility



11525. Re: mustの否定 [大西泰斗] 2007/01/16 12:55


11529. Re: mustの否定 [愛読家] 2007/01/16 17:54

>私は今「TOEIC TEST文法完全攻略」という本を使って
>そこには、「強い推定のmustの反意語はmust notではなくcan'tです。」と記載されています。
>どうして、must notに〜であるはずがないという意味にならないのかイメージできません。
mustは先生曰く、圧力だから、例えば、自転車の空気入れでタイヤを膨らますと説く。それが、否定するのだから、潜在的なcan notでタイヤを膨らますことができない。

11590. Re: mustの否定 [ググル] 2007/01/20 20:49




11661. Re: mustの否定 [modal-2007] 2007/01/27 20:32

Modality in English is a complex topic. You might want to start with this, which just scratches the surface.

The modal expressions of English fall into two major groups, the modals of logic and the modals of interpersonal volition. Each of these groups can be subdivided according to a property we may call "constraint", which when "unconstrained" relates to possibilities (in the world of logic) and freedom to act (in the social world), and when "constrained" relates to what is necessarily so (logically) and to lack of freedom to act (in the social world). The possibility of "weakly constrained" modality also exists. It relates to what is probably so (logically) and to what is advisable (in the social world).

11662. Re: mustの否定 [modal-2007] 2007/01/27 20:35

Unconstrained modals of logic have to do with logical possibility.
Constrained modals of logic have to do with logical necessity.
Weakly constrained modals of logic have to do with logical probability.

Unconstrained modals of interpersonal volition have to do with permission.
Constrained modals of interpersonal volition have to do with obligation.
Weakly constrained modals of interpersonal volition have to do with advisability.

11663. Re: mustの否定 [modal-2007] 2007/01/27 20:36

Each of the six classes described exists in two polarities.

For logical possibility (unconstrained), we may speak of the possibility that a certain situation exists as well as of the possibility that a certain situation does not exist. The most representative words for these concepts are might and might not. Alternates for might are may and could. An alternate for might not is may not.

For logical necessity (constrained), we may speak of a situation that necessarily exists as well as of a situation that necessarily does not exist. The most representative words for these concepts are must and must not. An alternate for must not is can't.

For logical probability (weakly constrained), we may speak of a situation that probably exists as well as of a situation that probably does not exist. The most representative words for these concepts are should and should not. An alternate for should is ought to; an alternate for should not is ought not.

11664. Re: mustの否定 [modal-2007] 2007/01/27 20:38

For interpersonal modality, we may speak of granting permission (unconstrained) and of denying permission (constrained) to perform certain acts. The most representative words for these concepts are can and can't. An alternate for can (indeed, the preferred expression according to traditional grammars) is may. Alternates for can't are may not (also traditionally preferred) and must not.

For interpersonal modality, we may speak of situations where it is imperative (constrained) that some act be performed as well as of situations where it is not imperative (unconstrained). The most representative words for these concepts are have to and not have to. (These are considered semi-modals grammatically.) An alternate for have to is must. need to also sometimes serves in this role. A less used alternate for not have to is needn't.

For interpersonal modality, we may speak of situations where it is advisable (weakly constrained) that some act be performed as well as of situations where it is not advisable that an act be performed (or advisable that it not be performed) (weakly unconstrained). The most representative words for these concepts are should and should not. (These are more frequently used for interpersonal modality than for logical modality.) As above, alternates are ought to and ought not.

11665. Re: mustの否定 [modal-2007] 2007/01/27 20:40

will and would are used to form the future (of the present) and the conditional (or future of the past), respectively, and do not enter into the network of relationships described above.

can and could are used to denote physical or mental abilities in addition to the uses described above.

12096. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/02/17 13:23

>Modality in English is a complex topic. You might want to start with this, which just scratches the surface.
>The modal expressions of English fall into two major groups, the modals of logic and the modals of interpersonal volition. Each of these groups can be subdivided according to a property we may call "constraint", which when "unconstrained" relates to possibilities (in the world of logic) and freedom to act (in the social world), and when "constrained" relates to what is necessarily so (logically) and to lack of freedom to act (in the social world). The possibility of "weakly constrained" modality also exists. It relates to what is probably so (logically) and to what is advisable (in the social world).


12423. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/08 19:54

>Each of the six classes described exists in two polarities.

>For logical possibility (unconstrained), we may speak of the possibility that a certain situation exists as well as of the possibility that a certain situation does not exist. The most representative words for these concepts are might and might not. Alternates for might are may and could. An alternate for might not is may not.

様相論理でいう「可能」(自由度がある場合に相当)では、「ある状況が存在している」と思われる場合にも、「ある状況が存在していない」と思われる場合にも「可能」という言葉が使えるということである。これらの概念を一番よく表わしている言葉は「might」(〜かもしれない)と「might not」(〜でないかもしれない)である。「might」の代わりに「may」か「could」を使ってもよい。「might not」の代わりに「may not」を使ってもよい。


12426. Re: mustの否定 [大西泰斗] 2007/03/09 17:14


12427. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/09 18:27



12429. Re: mustの否定 [大西泰斗] 2007/03/09 19:57


12430. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/09 20:27

「The modal expressions of English fall into two major groups, the modals of logic and the modals of interpersonal volition. Each of these groups can be subdivided according to a property we may call "constraint", which when "unconstrained" relates to possibilities (in the world of logic) and freedom to act (in the social world), and when "constrained" relates to what is necessarily so (logically) and to lack of freedom to act (in the social world). The possibility of "weakly constrained" modality also exists. It relates to what is probably so (logically) and to what is advisable (in the social world). 」と「modality」をこれ程端的に説明したものはほかにないと思いますよ。「話者の心的態度」などという端的すぎる説明はよく見かけますがね。あなたがこの位の英語を読めるのは当然かもしれませんが、ほかの人が反応しないのは読めないからと思ってしまいますよ。読めるという証拠をみせて貰えれば撤回するに吝かではございませんよ。どうですか皆さん、訳を発表してみて下さいませ。勿論大西さんでも結構ですよ。

12431. Re: mustの否定 [大西泰斗] 2007/03/09 21:00


12432. Re: mustの否定 [法の助教授] 2007/03/09 21:08




2007年03月13日(火) 21:01:30 Modified by onishi_eah1
