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Album “Love Letter” unofficial translation project アルバム「ラブレター」非公式翻訳プロジェクト

You can purchase this album here
Data from Ototoy:
Tower records:
If there are no stock in these sites, from Mr Ishida himself:
You can find another, a more reliable translation on this page.

1. A Humid Subtropical Mountain Girl / 温暖湿潤山ガール Ondan shitsujun yama girl
2. Digital Native / デジタルネイティヴ Digital Native
3. It's someone else's property /誰かのモノです Dare ka no mono desu
4. A∩B (Intersection of Two sets A and B (or Product set of A and B)) / AとBの積集合 A to B no Sekishuugou
5. Spacetime Love Letter - To You in the Post-Great Eruption World / 時空ラブレター 〜アフター大噴火の世界の君へ〜 Jikuu Love Letter - After Dai Funka no Sekai no Kimi e
11. (Checking the Answer) / (答え合わせ) (Kotae awase)

1. A Humid Subtropical Mountain Girl / 温暖湿潤山ガール Ondan shitsujun yama girl

0:00. Before the song there is a (mimic) interview part*1
Interview partインタビューパート
Chiyono: I love Mt Fuji*2富士山大好きです。
Interviewer*3: Have you climbed Mt. Fuji?*4富士山登ったんですか?
Chiyono: Yes, I climbed up. That's how we came up with this song.はい登りました。だからこの曲できたんですよ。*5
Interviewer: What's the title of the song?タイトルは何ていうのですか?*6
Chiyono: It's "A Humid Subtropical Mountain Girl."*7温暖湿潤山ガールですー。*8

A Humid Subtropical Mountain Girl温暖湿潤山ガールOndan shitsujun yama girl
A humid subtropical mountain girl.温暖湿潤山ガールOndan shitsujun yama girl
Which side of heart pounding is this?どっちのドキドキ?Docchi no doki doki?
Let's take the uncomfortable side as well with us.不安な方も連れてこうFuan na hou mo tsurete kou
The landscape I haven't seen before,知らない景色はShiranai keshiki wa
If we don't see it, we'll feel sorry.見てあげなきゃかわいそうMite age nakya kawaisou
How long are you looking for a reason not to do it?やらない理由をぐちゃぐちゃぐちゃ探してるの?Yaranai riyuu wo gucha gucha gucha sagashi teru no?
That's why you don't have time to find the reason to DO it.やってみる理由も考えてるヒマないはずだよYatte miru riyuu mo kangae teru hima nai hazu dayo
A humid subtropical mountain girl.温暖湿潤山ガールOndan shitsujun yama girl
To you hate to stand at the top.てっぺん取るのが嫌いな君にTeppen toru no ga kirai na kimi ni
A humid subtropical mountain girl.温暖湿潤山ガールOndan shitsujun yama girl
I can teach you.教えてあげるOshiete ageru
Are you willing to follow me?ついてくる気はある?Tsuite kuru ki wa aru?
Do you have the energy for that?そんな元気はある?Sonna genki wa aru?
I'm a humid subtropical mountain girl.私 温暖湿潤山ガールWatashi ondan shitsujun yama girl
(it's not over yet!!)*9(まだまだこれからー!)(Mada Mada Kore karaaaa!
The views you already knew知ってる景色もShitteru keshiki mo
Are renewed every second.刻一刻とリニューアルKoku ikkoku to renewal
If you're still on the fence, I'll give you a reason.まだ迷ってる君に理由をプレゼントMada mayotteru kimi ni riyuu wo present
"Just because I am there", isn't it enough for you as a reason?「そこに私がいるから」じゃ理由にならないかな?「soko ni watashi ga irukara」ja riyuu ni nara nai kana?
A humid subtropical mountain girl.温暖湿潤山ガールOndan shitsujun yama girl
For you who don't like to sweat.汗かくのが苦手な君にAse kaku no ga negate na kimi ni
A humid subtropical mountain girl.温暖湿潤山ガールOndan shitsujun yama girl
I can teach you.教えてあげるOshiete ageru
Are you willing to follow me?ついてくる気はある?Tsuite kuru ki wa aru?
Do you have the energy for that?そんな元気はある?Sonna genki wa aru?
I'm a humid subtropical mountain girl.私 温暖湿潤山ガールWatashi ondan shitsujun yama girl
Now let's set off.*10さあ出発よSaa shuppatsu yo
It's time to go.*11時間になったよJikan ni natta yo
Are you prepared?*12準備できた?Junbi dekita?
Or can I leave you behind?置いていってもいいの?Oite itte mo iino?
A humid subtropical mountain girl.温暖湿潤山ガールOndan shitsujun yama girl
To you hate to stand at the top.てっぺん取るのが嫌いな君にTeppen toru no ga kirai na kimi ni
A humid subtropical mountain girl.温暖湿潤山ガールOndan shitsujun yama girl
I can teach you.教えてあげるOshie te ageru
Are you willing to follow me?ついてくる気はある?Tsuite kuru ki wa aru?
Do you have the energy for that?そんな元気はある?Sonna genki wa aru?
I'm a humid subtropical mountain girl.私 温暖湿潤山ガールWatashi ondan shitsujun yama girl

2. Digital Native / デジタルネイティヴ Digital Native

The second half of every month it slows down.毎月後半速度が落ちるMaitsuki kouhan sokudo ga ochiru
I've been comfortable with that lately.最近は余裕だったりするのSaikin wa yoyuu dattari suru no
You're going to be the next one to offer it, right?次は君がやってくれるのよねTsugi wa kimi ga yatte kureru no yone
Registered Fourth Tethering *13登録済み四つ目テザリングTouroku zumi yottsu me Tethering
You want to see it in high definition, always, right?高画質で見たいじゃないいつもKou gashitsu de mitai janai itsumo
I bought a new, beautiful one *14.新しくてキレイなの買ったのAtarashiku te kirei nano katta no
When I search by this keywords.このキーワードで検索したらKono key word de kensaku shitara
I'll watch the second video from the top.上から二つ目の動画見ようUe kara futatsu me no douga miyou
Little "20:00" on the little screen.小さな画面の小さな20時Chiisana gamen no chiisana nijuu ji
The sun has gone down before I knew it today again.今日もいつの間にか日が暮れたKyou mo itsuno ma ni ka higa kureta
I don't feel I'm going to grow up like this, do you?このまま大きな大人になれる気がしないよねKono mama ookina otona ni nareru ki ga shinai yone
Digital natives, embraced by nature*15デジタルネイティヴ 自然に抱かれてDigital Native shizen ni dakarete
Digital natives, growing up.デジタルネイティヴ 大人になってゆくDigital Native otona ni natte yuku
Than the latest display LCDs,最新型のディスプレイ液晶よりSaishin gata no Display ekishou yori
I know deeper tones (of colors).もっと深い階調を知るMotto fukai kaichou wo shiru
Hey, can you tell me your name?ねえちょっと名前教えてくれる?Nee chotto namae oshiete kureru?
Oh, I know your real name, of course.あっ本名は知ってるもちろんAh, honmyou wa shitteru mochiron
But you deleted your account yesterday.昨日アカウント削除したでしょKinou account sakujo shita desho
Another troublesome guy came to your account?また面倒な人が来たんだねMata mendou na hito ga kitan dane
Let's stop talking about that,ってそんなことはともかくとしてTte sonna koto wa tomokaku to shite
and let's talk something on LINE *16 for a whileしばらくLINEで会話しようかShibaraku LINE de kaiwa shiyou ka
There will be some topic we don't want to be heard.聞かれてまずい話も出るかもKikare te mazui hanashi mo deru kamo
That girl hasn't noticed yet.あの子にはまだ気づかれていないAnoko ni wa mada kizukare te inai
A certain number of characters, a certain amount of data usage,決まった文字数 決まった容量Kimatta moji suu kimatta youryou
Today again, it's out of charge roughly the same time of the day.今日も大体ここで充電が切れたKyou mo daitai koko de juuden ga kireta
I don't feel like I'm going to be a free-spirited adult like this, do you?このまま自由な大人になれる気がしないよねKono mama jiyuu na otona ni nareru ki ga shinai yone
Digital natives, embraced by natureデジタルネイティヴ 自然に抱かれてDigital Native shizen ni dakarete
Digital natives, growing up.デジタルネイティヴ 大人になってゆくDigital Native otona ni natte yuku
Than Safety and Security of SNS,安心安全SNS*17よりAnshin anzen Social Network yori
I Know a deeper love.もっと深い愛情を知るMotto fukai aijou wo shiru
Digital natives, nature is huge.デジタルネイティヴ 自然はでっかいDigital Native shizen wa dekkai
Digital natives, nature is a disaster.デジタルネイティヴ 自然は災害Digital Native shizen wa saigai
Digital natives, embraced by natureデジタルネイティヴ 自然に抱かれてDigital Native shizen ni dakarete
Digital natives, growing up.デジタルネイティヴ 大人になってゆくDigital Native otona ni natte yuku
Than the ever-evolving OS updates,日進月歩OSアップデートよりNisshin geppo OS update yori
I know how to grow faster.もっと速い成長を知るMotto hayai seichou wo shiru
I've been living in a much deeper darkness.もっと深い闇に住んでいるMotto fukai yami ni sunde iru
I've seen a much brighter light.もっと眩しい光が見えたのMotto mabushii hikari ga mietano

3. It's someone else's property /誰かのモノです Dare ka no mono desu

0:00-0:04 Piano and Guitar plays 23 beats (3+7+7+6, but the seperation of these four groups is obscure)
0:04-0:14 Bass comes in as the first beat of 23 beats (x2), this time clearly 3 beats, 7 beats, 7 beats, 6 beats.
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu
Some country's,どこかの国のDokoka no Kuni no
Some prefecture's,どこかの県のDokoka no Ken no
Some city's.*18どこかの市のDokoka no shi no
My room.わたしの部屋はWatashi no Heya wa
I'll clean it.わたしが掃除Watashi ga Souji
For me to clean it up,キレイ*20にするKirei ni suru
A right.*21権利Kenri
A right.権利Kenri
A right.権利Kenri
Apparently, someone has a right to own something.権利は誰かにあるらしいKenri wa Dare ka ni Aru rashii
I do not have ownership of this.これの所有権は私にはありませんKore no Shoyuuken wa watashi niwa arimasen
But I really love it.だけど大好きなんですDakedo Daisuki nan desu
I don't know what I can do.どうすればいいのDou sure ba iino
This is not my trash.*22私のゴミじゃないのにWatashi no gomi ja nai noni
Humankind wasヒトはHito wa
Something God, on the sixth day,神が六日目Kami ga muika me
Created.創りたもうたTsukuri tamou ta
Adam and Eve.アダムとイヴAdam to Eve.
A book.著作Chosaku
A book.著作Chosaku
A book.著作Chosaku
A book.著作Chosaku
A book.権利Kenri*23
My photos.わたしの写真Watashi no shashin
I'll manage them.わたしが管理Watashi ga kanri
I won't let you fiddle with it.いじらせないIjiirase nai
A right.権利Kenri
A right.権利Kenri
A right.権利Kenri
Apparently, someone has a right to do something.権利は誰かにあるらしいKenri wa dareka ni aru rashii
I don't own the copyright to this.これの著作権は私にはありませんKore no chosakuken wa watashi niwa arimasen
But I really love it.だけど大好きなんですDakedo Daisuki nan desu
I don't know what I can do.どうすればいいのDou sure ba iino
You are not my property.私の君じゃないのにWatashi no Kimi ja nai noni
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu
It's someone else's property.誰かのモノですDare ka no mono desu

4. A∩B (Intersection of Two sets A and B (or Product set of A and B)) / AとBの積集合 A to B no Sekishuugou

What? Is my dancing a little fast?えっ何? 私のダンスちょっと走ってる?E, nani? Watashi no dance chotto hashitteru?
What are you talking about?って何言ってんの?Tte Nani itten no?
You're the one (nn!) who's one tempo behind (nn!).ワンテンポ(ン)遅れてんの君だよー(ン)One tempo (nn!) okure tenno kimi dayoo (nn!)
It is impossible. The difference between you and me.あり得なーい 君との違ーいArie naai kimi tono Chigaai
I thought there was nothing to it.いい加減ないと思ってたIikagen nai to omotte ta
But maybe it's easier to find things we have in common.共通点探す方が楽かもねKyoutsuu ten sagasu hou ga raku kamo ne
Two eyes and two ears, one nose and one mouth.目と耳が2つ、鼻と口が1つMe to mimi ga futatsu, hana to kuchi ga hitotsu
From there, we exhale carbon dioxide, inhale oxygen,そこから二酸化炭素吐いて酸素吸って、Soko kara nisankatanso haite sanso sutte,
And that's it.って、それくらい。Tte, sore kurai.
Even "Bipedalism"*24.「二足歩行」すら…「nisoku hokou」 sura...
No! Sometimes I use both hands.違います!時には両手も使う私Chigai masu! Toki ni wa ryoute mo tsukau watashi
...that's not common.…共通点じゃない...kyoutsuu ten janai
In fact I know there isって本当はわかってるTte hontou wa wakatteru
One major point in common that even Michael can't imitate.*25マイケルにもマネできない大きな共通点Michael ni mo mane dekinai ookina kyoutsuu ten
Two people living in the same time period.「同じ時代に生きてる二人」!「Onaji jidai ni ikiteru futari」!
Someday, somewhere, I'll be able to dance with you.いつかどこかで 君と踊れるItsuka dokoka de kimi to odoreru
That day will come. I feel sure it will.そんな日が来る そんな気がするSonna hi ga kuru sonna ki ga suru
With you...キミとKimi to
1,2,3,4,5,6,7一二三四五六七Hi Fu Mi Yo Itsu Mu Na
Let's dance, sometime,いつかオドろうItuka odorou
1,2,3,4,5,6*261,2,3,4,5,6Ichi Ni San Shi Go Roku
Come on, let's get together*27.さあ一緒にSaa issho ni
Very good!*28お上手!O-jouzu!
Your tastes and mine.君の趣味と私の好みKimi no shumi to watashi no konomi
I was looking for an area of overlap between them.重なるとこ探ってたKasanaru toko sagutte ta
Now we know.もうわかっちゃったねMou wakacchatta ne
There is no such area.そんな場所どこにもありませんSonna basho doko ni mo arimasen
Your range of defense...君の守備範囲…Kimi no shubi hann-i...
I can' t understand it! I can't see anything.理解できない!ぜーんぜん見えないRikai deki nai! Zeen zen mie nai
... it' s so far away.…遠く離れてる...tooku hanare teru
But the truth is, you just forgot.って本当は忘れてるTte hontou wa wasure teru
We can walk, we can move, then we can get closer.私たちは歩いていける、動けば近づくよWatashi tachi wa aruite ikeru, ugoke ba chikazuku yo
You can stand on tiptoe and stretch yourself, if you want to!背伸びだってできるんだその気になりゃ!Senobi datte dekirun da sono kini narya!
Sometime, somewhere, we will overlap.いつかどこかで 君と重なるItuka doko kade kimi to kasanaru
There must be a place, there must be a time for it.その場所はある その時はあるSono basho wa aru sono toki wa aru
As long as we live in the same era.同じ時代に生きてる限りOnaji jidai ni ikiteru kagiri
I can dance with you.*29君と踊れるよKimi to odoreru yo
Very good!*30お上手!O-jouzu!
Even if Japan as a nation ceases to exist someday,いつか日本って国が消えてもItsuka nihon tte kuni ga kiete mo
No matter how this world changes,この世の中がどう変わろうともKono yononaka ga dou kawarou tomo
As long as we live in the same era,同じ時代に生きてる限りOnaji jidai ni ikiteru kagiri
I can dance with you.君と踊れるKimi to odoreru
Dance with me!一緒に踊ろう!Issho ni Odorou!
Someday, somewhere, I'll be able to dance with you.いつかどこかで 君と踊れるItsuka dokoka de kimi to odoreru
That day will come. I feel sure it will.そんな日が来る そんな気がするSonna hi ga kuru sonna ki ga suru
With you...キミとKimi to
1,2,3,4,5,6,7一二三四五六七Hi Fu Mi Yo Itsu Mu Na
Let's dance, sometime,いつかオドろうItuka odorou
1,2,3,4,5,61,2,3,4,5,6Ichi Ni San Shi Go Roku
Come on, let's get together.*31さあ一緒にSaa issho ni
Very good!お上手!O-jouzu!

5. Spacetime Love Letter - To You in the Post-Great Eruption World / 時空ラブレター ~アフター大噴火の世界の君へ~ Jikuu Love Letter - After Dai Funka no Sekai no Kimi e

0:19. Not written on the booklet.
Where am I? Ah, I guess this the sequel of that dream. There isn't really anything left here...ここは?ああ、あの夢の続きか。ほーんとここ、何にもなくなっちゃったね…Koko wa? Aa, Ano Yume no Tsuzuki ka. Hooonto, Koko, Nann nimo Naku nacchatta ne...
I guess it hasn’t come yet today...Yawn...今日はまだ…来てないみたい…あーーあ(あくび)Kyou wa Mada... Kite nai mitai... Aaaaa...

2:53. 3-7-7-6 Rhythm pattern?

3:06. Not written on the booklet. Chiyono’s voice is in deep echo and indiscernible. It seems to start with Fune (船 Ship) and end with “ne?” (ね a post positional particle for question or confirmation.), but it is not certain.

3:28. Not written on the booklet. Chiyono starts something like 花占い(Hana Uranai), flower petal fortune telling, or “He loves me... he loves me not”. Because Japanese sentence can stand without the subject or object, here, what she says is only a verb (Kuru, Konai) or adjective (Suki, Kirai). I do not like add interpretation about the subject and object, so I’m leaving verbs standing alone.*32
Like, Dislike, Like, Dislike, Like, Dislike好き 嫌い 好き 嫌い 好き 嫌い 好き 嫌いSuki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai
Come, Not come, Come, Not come, Come, Not come, Come, Not come, Come, Not come来る 来ない 来る 来ない 来る 来ない 来る 来ないKuru, Konai, Kuru, Konai, Kuru, Konai, Kuru, Konai
Like, Dislike, Like, Dislike, Like, Dislike好き 嫌い 好き 嫌い 好き 嫌い 好き 嫌いSuki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai
Come, Not come, Come, Not come, Come, Not come, Come, Not come, Come, Not come来る 来ない 来る 来ない 来る 来ない 来る 来ないKuru, Konai, Kuru, Konai, Kuru, Konai, Kuru, Konai

5:46. The fortune telling resumes and ends with “KURU”. (6:37)
Like, Dislike, Like, Dislike, Like, Dislike好き 嫌い 好き 嫌い 好き 嫌い 好き 嫌いSuki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai
Come, Not come, Come, Not come, Come, Not come, Come, Not come, Come, Not come来る 来ない 来る 来ない 来る 来ない 来る 来ないKuru, Konai, Kuru, Konai, Kuru, Konai, Kuru, Konai
Like, Dislike, Like, Dislike, Like, Dislike好き 嫌い 好き 嫌い 好き 嫌い 好き 嫌いSuki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai, Suki, Kirai

6:38. Sound of a shower
6:57. The main part of the lyric (the written-on-the-booklet part) starts (“Yume so Mita”), as whispering
7:17. Sound of a hair dryer
7:29. 3-7-7-6 rhythm pattern (bass)

I had a dream.夢を見た。Yume wo Mita.
I had become a lady, and you were there with me.*33 We were talking.レディになった私には、君がいた。話してた。Lady ni Natta Watashi ni wa, Kimi ga ita. Hanashi shiteta.*34
There lived two of us *35 in the future after the great eruption and the catastrophic earthquakes had already happened and passed.大噴火も、大地震も、過ぎ去った未来に二人生きていた。Dai-Funka mo Oo-Jishin mo Sugisatta Mirai ni Futari Ikite ita
Hey, you.ねえ、君さあNee, Kimi saa
If you exist, please tell me this, in the next dream.実在するなら 教えてよ 次、夢見た時にJitsuzai suru nara Oshiete yo Tsugi, Yume mita Toki ni
Will we be happy?私たち 幸せなの?Watashi tachi Shiawase nano
Will my friends be still alive and well?友達も みんな元気で暮らしてるの?Tomodachi mo Minna Genki de Kurashiteru no?
In the future, will there still remain未来には、残ってるの?Mirai ni wa Nokotteru no
Beautiful things that I’ve cherished?美しい 大切にしてたものUtsukushii Taisetsu ni Shiteta Mono
In the future, will these things be gone, *36未来には、なくなってるの?Mirai ni wa Nakunatteru no
The painful things in this world I’m now living in...? *37辛かった 今、生きてるこの世界の...Tsurakatta Ima Ikiteru Kono Sekai no...
!Great eruption, if you have to erupt, please blow them up, those nasty stuff!!大噴火・どうせなら・吹き飛ばしてよ・嫌なこと! *38!Dai-Funka・Douse nara・Fuki Tobashite yo・Iyana koto!
... I guess I'm still kind of half asleep....私まだなんか寝ぼけてるみたいね...Watashi Mada Nanka Neboke teru mitai ne
Let's sleep a little bit more.もうちょっと眠ろうMou Chotto Nemurou
The cornfield where we took corn,とうもろこし 取った畑Toumorokoshi Totta Hatake
Does it remain? Or is it gone?残ってる? 残ってないの?Nokotteru? Nokotte nai no?
What about the ants that intruded into my room?部屋の中 侵入して来た蟻Heya no Naka Shin-nyuu shite kita Ari
Are they all extinct? Are they *39 still alive?全滅した?まだ生きてるの?Zenmetsu shita? Mada Ikiteru no?
Is there any cod roe flavor left? *40たらこ味 残ってるの?Tarako Aji Nokotteru no?
Are there any Chiyono fans left?ちよの推し 残ってないの?Chiyono-oshi*41 Nokotte nai no?
 Air raids and... hunger and... retaliation and... happiness and...*42 空爆とか...空腹とか...報復とか...幸福とか... Kuubaku toka...Kuufuku toka... Houfuku toka...Koufuku toka...
   With... me...   私...と...
         Good night... zzz      おやすみ...zzz      Oyasumi...zzz

13:28- the “Love letter” part, the great lyric which is not written on the booklet, for some reason... So there can be some mistakes though I checked four recordings listed later.
Even if Japan as a nation ceases to exist someday, no matter how this world changes,いつか日本って国が消えても この世の中がどう変わろうともItsuka Nihon*43 tte Kuni ga Kiete mo, Kono Yononaka ga Dou Kawarou tomo
As long as we live in the same era, I can dance with you. Dance with me! *44同じ時代に生きてる限り 君と踊れる 一緒に踊ろう!Onaji Jidai ni Ikiteru Kagiri Kimi to Odoreru Issho ni Odorou
I found it in a place like this, (Finally,)*45 Between a note and another note*46. (This is sent from you) A love letter. *47見つけた こんなとこから (やっと) 音符と 音符の隙間 (これは君からの) ラブレターMitsuketa Konna toko kara (Yatto) Onpu to Onpu no Sukima*48 (Kore wa Kimi kara no) Love Letter
It's up to me to open it. I want to believe your feelings. (This is sent from you,) A love letter.開くのは 私次第 (次第) 君の気持ち信じたい (これは君からの)ラブレターHiraku no wa Watashi Shidai (Shidai) Kimi no Kimochi Shinjitai*49 (Kore wa Kimi kara no) Love Letter
Because behind the back of words, (There is,) There is limitless power. (This is sent from you,) A love letter.言葉の裏の裏側 (そこに) 無限の力あるから (これは君からの) ラブレターKotoba no Ura no Ura gawa (Soko ni) Mugen no Chikara Aru kara*50 (Kore wa Kimi kara no) Love Letter
The letters I can't read*51, (To all of them,) I'm gonna spell them out*52 for you. (Finally I can read) The love letter.*53私には読めない文字 (全部) ルビを振ってあげるわ (やっと読めたわ) ラブレターWatashi ni wa Yomenai Moji (Zenbu) Ruby wo Futte Agetawa (Yatto Yometa wa) Love Letter
Someday, somewhere, I'll be able to dance with you. That day will come. I feel sure it will. *54いつかどこかで 君と踊れる そんな日が来る そんな気がするItsu ka Doko ka de Kimi to Odoreru Sonna Hi ga Kuru Sonna Ki ga Suru
Because you exist there, (Just because of it,) Because that is enough to convey something *55, (That is sent from you) A love letter.君がそこにいるから (だから) それだけで伝わるから (それが君からの) ラブレターKimi ga Soko ni Iru kara (Dakara) Sore dake de Tsutawaru kara (Sore ga Kimi kara no) Love Letter
Even if it's not in words, (Even if,) Even if I can' t see the shape of it, (This is sent from you,) A love letter.言葉になってなくても (たとえ) 形が見えてなくても (これは君からの) ラブレターKotoba ni Natte naku temo (Tatoe) Katachi ga Miete naku temo (Kore wa Kimi kara no) Love Letter
As long as we live in the same era, I can dance with you. Dance with me!同じ時代に生きてる限り 君と踊れる 一緒に踊ろう!Onaji Jidai ni Ikiteru Kagiri Kimi to Odoreru Issho ni Odorou
I still want to love you. (Because of that,) I want to love you even if I *56 can't reach you. (This is sent from you) A love letter.*57君をやっぱり愛したい (だから) 届かなくても愛したい(これは君からの)ラブレターKimi wo Yappari Aishitai (Dakara) Todoka naku temo Aishita (Kore wa Kimi kara no) Love Letter
Even behind the back of “dislike”, (Even there,) I can find “something” there. (You are just being not honest with yourself, but this is your) Love letter.嫌いの裏の裏側 (だって) そこにも何か見えるわ (素直じゃない君の) ラブレターKirai no Urano Uragawa (Datte) Soko ni mo Nanika Mieru wa (Sunao ja nai Kimi no) Love Letter
This came to me on the wind. (This is...) I smelled and felt this. (This is sent from you) A love letter.風に乗ってやって来た (これは) 匂いとともに感じた (これは君からの) ラブレターKaze ni Notte Yatte kita (Kore wa) Nioi to Tomo ni Kanjita (Kore wa Kimi kara no) Love Letter
It gushed out*58, cuddling “sound”, from a spring. (This is...) This reached to the back of my throat*59. (This is sent from you) A love letter.サウンド抱え湧き出た (これは) 喉の奥まで届いた (これは君からの) ラブレターSound Kakae*60 Waki deta (Kore wa) Nodo no Oku made Todoita (Kore wa Kimi kara no) Love Letter
When I looked up, you were always there.*61 (Always there) After you became invisible*62, I realized.*63 (Thank you for all this long time) A love letter.見上げればいつもいた (いつも) 見えなくなって気付いた (ずっとありがとう) ラブレターMiagere ba Itsumo Ita (Itsuko) Mie naku natte Kizuita (Zutto Arigatou) Love Letter
The place I have hidden the secret (Please find it) Between one word and another word. (Next, it’s my turn to send you) A love letter隠した秘密の置き場 (気付いて) 言葉と言葉の間 (次はわたしから)ラブレターKakushita Himitsu no Okiba (Kizuite) Kotoba to Kotoba no Aida (Tsugi wa Watashi kara) Love Letter
Even if Japan as a nation ceases to exist someday, no matter how this world changes,いつか日本って国が消えても この世の中がどう変わろうともItsuka Nihon tte Kuni ga Kiete mo, Kono Yononaka ga Dou Kawarou tomo
As long as we live in the same era, I can dance with you. Dance with me!同じ時代に生きてる限り 君と踊れる 一緒に踊ろう!Onaji Jidai ni Ikiteru Kagiri Kimi to Odoreru Issho ni Odorou

20:09ー Chiyono is breathing softly, sleeping until the end.

11. (Checking the Answer) / (答え合わせ) (Kotae awase)

Basically she is explaining where 3-7-7-6 rhythm patterns are hidden in each song. Do you guys want it all translated...?

Phew, it's been like studying math.ふう、、、なんか数学の勉強してるみたいだったね*64
Well, have a good rest. Good bye.じゃあ、ゆっくり休んでね。お疲れさまー。
Oh, what's that? You hid something, didn't you? Maybe that is...あれっ今の何。なんかかくしたでしょー?もしかしてー...
(Going back to the interview) Chiyono: "Love Letter", this is the title of the album.ラブレターっていうんですよアルバムのタイトルは
Interviewer: Heh.*65へー。

This track "(Checking the Answer)" does not only mean the answer of 3-7-7-6 rhythm pattern but also mean the answer for a quiz about the title of the new mini album (the title was not announced in advance).
Fuji local idol '3776' to release new song - 'Right for autograph' if you can guess the right title






  • Saijiki_Lyrics : 3776 Season#3Neo's album, "Saijiki" lyrics unofficial translation 歳時記 非公式英訳
  • If_There_Were_to_Be_a_Reason_Not_to_Listen_to_3776 lyrics unofficial translation 【Now Complete!】「3776を聴かない理由があるとすれば」 非公式英訳
  • Love_Letter: 3776 Season#3's first mini album, "Love Letter" Lyrics unofficial translation ラブレター 非公式英訳
  • The High School Life Coming Soon : The first album by Ide Chiyono from 3776 lyrics unofficial translation 「もうすぐ高校生活」 非公式英訳
  • Happy_Ending_Just_For_Me: 3776 Extended's best song, the lyric’s unofficial translation 「僕だけのハッピーエンド」 非公式英訳
  • To_Beautiful_Me: 3776 Season#4 MONO mode's (my favorate) song, the lyric’s unofficial translation 「キレイな、私に」 非公式英訳
  • HighSchoolLife_Characters : Unofficial translation of “The High School Life of Mine”, 9 characters predicted and realized, and how the realized characters graduates with quoted melodies「もうすぐ高校生活」非公式英訳、予想と実現の9人リスト、いかに9人がメロディと共に卒業するかについて
