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05 Windows 11 Forum New Version of ExplorerPatcher
 Oct 15, 2021〜 ttps://www.elevenforum.com/t/new-version-of-explorerpatcher.1991/

install but no show icons clock on right screen

I installed all Windows updates and latest version of Explorer Patcher. Never saw the transparent taskbar bug. Probably because I also have Open Shell ..

I can confirrm prerelease version 22621.3296.64.1 fixes the transparent taskbar. ..

The visual appearance/style of these folder thumbnails in File Explorer has got nothing to do
with the File Explorer itself. ..

参考) #1,903
SwitchExplorer is just a little tool ..

.. I don't know why the different behavior between Home and Pro 3155 versions, ..

ExplorerPatcher restores the Windows 10 File Explorer that, thankfully, is still hidden inside Windows 11 (but is disabled by Microsoft on Windows 11)

参考) #1,868
latest 24H2 dev build 26058.1300 and to my suprise almost everything is working with the only exception being there's no clock/volume flyout on the Windows 10 taskbar. ..

22631.2715 a couple of days ago. I didn't notice any issues

23H2 build 22631.2506 with EP latest Pre-release (22621.2428.59.1) and Open-Shell latest (4.4.191). No issues

Tested with 25992 just for craps and giggles, everything works except the system tray

22H2 22621.2283 + 22621.2361.58.1
File Explorer opens every time I go back to the desktop while playing a game or
watching a movie full screen

I don't know, I am using Open Shell to replace the start button.

Windows 10 start button no more working (happening, I suppose, since latest Win 11 updates)

#参考) Windows 11 KB5030219でBSODやスタートメニューがクラッシュする不具合、
 ソフトアンテナ 2023年9月18日

I have installed all Windows updates up to build 22621.2283 and updated to the latest Explorer Patcher version 22621.1992.56.3 no issues here.

EP properties  File Explorer>Control Interface to Windows 10 ribbon

a StartAllback 100 day trial ?

.56.3 still causes explorer to keep restarting if it is not set to win10 ribbon in control interface

Just tried 56.3 still have the shortcut to a folder issue. ..

Explorer Patcher 22621.1992.56.2 is out, but fix not quite there yet, .

Sad news for the future of Explorer Patcher - I guess this will mean the end.
Windows 11 mit alter Taskleiste wird zurückgebaut - Microsoft räumt auf - Deskmodder.de

On the other hand we will get native taskbar ungrouping from MS in 23H2 ..

#Windows 11 mit alter Taskleiste wird zurückgebaut – Microsoft räumt auf
 moinmoin 5. August 2023  ttps://www.deskmodder.de/blog/2023/08/05/windows-11-mit-alter-taskleiste-wird-zurueck-gebaut-microsoft-raeumt-auf/

.. I am uninstalling right now the bloody windows update

Since these minor bugs fix after restart, I don't worry

hit ep.exe and waited, then desktop came back up and I panicked - no taskbar.
after about 15 seconds it came up

if you go to change the explorer to Win10 you'll have to sign out of your account at least on my computer
I tried crl alt delete upon "Restart" on explorer but the UI Goes blank and not visible so I have to shutdown and sign in but all is OK afterwards

Don't expect EP to work on DeV Build guy's...

22621.1702 22H2 + 22621.1555.55.2 I have not experienced any issues

EP is not designed to work with dev or beta builds, as it is too much work keeping EP updated as there are so many releases

a way to incapacitate ExplorerPatcher ..

KB5023706 KB5023778


After restart Explorer kept crashing as described above. The solution was to press CTRL+ALT+DEL and click to open Task Manager. Then I went to Details and killed all Explorer.exe instances. Then I clicked on New Task and typed msedge to launch Edge. I downloaded and installed the latest Explorer Patcher version, that's it. ..

参考) 片や Nippon .. Alt+Ctrl+Deleteからタスクマネージャー開いて「新しいタスクを実行する」からChrome開いて、ExplorerPatcher最新入れた ..  荒業ですね ..

22621.1265 22H2 + 22621.1344.53.1 OK

ExplorerPatcher 22621.1344.53.1 is out.

auditing for successful process
Event Viewer

I'm on stable build. The menu itself works fine, sure, but as soon you uninstall or install any UWP/WinUI app,
all of these shortcuts dissapear and only lists shortcuts (.lnk).. and there's no way to fix it except to create a new User account or reinstall Windows

You're able to have the Win10 start menu on 22H2 ? I'm using the most recent release of EP (22621.608.51.6), and lost the WIn10 menu with no way to get it back

the allstart can work with t-clock ?
#TTClock ??

#1,277 #1,278
I personally think that StartAllBack is a better option, and more likely to be supported into the future.
Startallback won't make W10 Start Menu option.

with the Win11 Start menu EP still works perfectly on 22621.1265

when did all the UWP apps disappear when using the Win10 style start menu ?

ExplorerPatcher uses Windows own Start menu.So Microsoft must've broken something, since it is an unsupported menu it probably won't be fixed
Start11 menu doesn't have Live tiles ..
StartAllBack doesn't have the Windows 10 menu ..

 Windows 11 StartAllBack
  Sep 7, 2021〜  ttps://www.elevenforum.com/t/startallback.1239/

the Apps installed from the Microsoft Store, I think they are called Universal Windows Apps or something do not show on the W10 menu, show on the Win11 menu
I prefer the Win10 menu and use the search function for those missing

#1,225 - #1,226
SWS Simple Window Switcher

I use both ExplorerPatcher and Open Shell in Win11 and it's working fine

up until before version 22621.1105 the Win10 Start menu could be repaired by executing ,,
Get-AppXPackage | Foreach ..
Not anymore so I am trying to accept using the native Win11 Start menu instead

I am just happy every time it passes another patch Tuesday and EP is still usable. .. EP make heavy use of existing functions and code leftovers as the opposite of re-implementing things like Start11 does. ..

.. would'nt support insider preview builds of Windows only the current version.

I have had zero problems running Open-Shell 4.4.170 on top of ExplorerPatcher. ..

I know using start 11 and EP might introduce problem. It was only with the recent 11 update start giving me problems.

Using Win11 taskbar work just fine with Windows 11 KB5022303

22621.1105 and EP 22621.608.51.6 two times today, it seems that the win11 style start menu
still dosnt work , ..

22621.1105 + 22621.608.51.6 no longer a problem and everything works

ExplorerPatcher on the 22621.963 OS build (KB5021255) which some people experienced crashes on ?

it's not working for me

Mines working fine on my system on 22621.963

same here. I can get it installed, finally, but can't get it to do anything

Might have to give up on this

Seems fixed now

Symbol download often lags behind windows update. For me it downloaded 22 hours after my update

symbols for OS 22621.963 Please .. apply

fix from StartAllBack has to be ported over to ExplorerPatcher…

It works fine with start as 10 or 11 style
It doesnt work if i set taskbar as 10 style
its fine if i set taskbar as 11 style

In certain Win10 StartMenu and Taskbar Configuration the Startmenu will be shown incorrectly.

right-click on Start Menu button doesn't seem to do anything. I get no response ?

Tried right now. Some icons were restore but other broken tiles are still there

Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing ExplorerPatcher ?

#1,042 valinet

Since Win+X key doesn't work without downloading symbol files, ..

haven't released corresponding symbols

EP hack and hooks onto the existing Windows APIs

Never been a problem and never had to wait for new symbols

symbol file (which however isn't always released for Insider nor preview builds)

22H2 right-clicked the taskbar and Explorer crashed. After I uninstalled Explorer Patcher and Open Shell the issue fixed. I then installed the latest version of both and never had any issue again

I stopped using EP , its too buggy , besides WU could fail with all these interfering in the OS ..

22H2 22621.674 + 22621.608.51.3
I'm looking for a way to change the Windows 10-style Start Menu language, which is partially in English and partially translated into my default Windows language (Polish) ..

Symbols  ttps://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher/wiki/Symbols

FAQ. RP, Beta and Dev.

I fully understand why Gabriel (Valinet) have lost interest in maintaining this fantastic program...

22H2 + latest ep, start menu was always the Windows11-styled, win10 start menu just didn't work

not work on latest beta channel 22623.746
Only Task Manager works

IOBit saved my butt. Thank you ..

A third party Uninstaller such as Your Uninstaller or IO-bit Uninstaller etc ..

I did a full uninstall. No luck; once I reinstall it, it breaks in the exact same way

Uninstall everything taskbar related, such Open Shell or Classic Start ,
Explorer Patcher and any other similar utility. Restart your computer reinstall
the other utilities first and last the Explorer Patcher. This worked for me.

22621.674 + 22621.608.51.3 StartMenu pin layout settings not working

22621.674.+ 22621.608.51.3 running
I have edited my Open-Shell settings, left-click opens the Classic Start Menu (Win7 style) ..

I started ep_setup anew and this fixed the problem.

22000.1098  "skin tasktar and tray pop-up menus" is unchecked, the right-clicking on the taskbar crashes explorer ..

.. problem seems to be a long standing bug in Windows. There are tons of issues really, I do not necessarily have a passion to investigate each and every one of them, ..

22000.1042 + 22621.608.51.1
if you right click start menu icon and select "Windows PowerShell (admin)" .. a bug ?

22000-based builds it works fine, indeed. 22621-based builds are problematic ..

22621.608.51.1 which fixes the network and battery flyouts not working on 22H2 builds. ..

Battery & Network Flyout does not appear with Windows 10 Taskbar Style.
After I installed Windows 11 22H2 the Windows 10 start menu did not work. I corrected it by uninstalling
and re-installing ExplorerPatcher.
But the battery flyout still does not work ..

#874 #876 - #878 22000.613 + 22622.450.50.2 .. cause a bug in the settings (of Windows OS),
particularly the Lock Screen subsection.
#22000.613 ?

22621.521 + 22622.450.50.3 Battery & Network Flyout does not appear

22H2 and EP works fine

Dev 25193.1000 completely killed EP
Uninstalling from the command line
 control+alt+del go task manager
 Under Processes, click Run New Task at the top, then type cmd
 cd c:\program files\ExplorerPatcher
 then run ep_setup.exe /uninstall

22000.918 + 22000.795.48.2
 it doesn't seem to recover from black screens
22000.918 + 22622.450.50.2
 it doesn't seem to recover from black screens
#Preview Cリリース

Same here.Installed update yesterday and rebooted, new symbols were downloaded
and all worked as it should.
#KB5016691 Preview Cリリース

Win11 windows update KB5016691 
my computer screen turnned black and I cound see noting. After uninstall the ep and
restart explorer.exe, ..
#KB5016691 Preview Cリリース

Can we make a list of stuff that's not working on 22H2-based builds ?

ExplorerPatcher does not support insider beta versions and only the stable normal versions.
I went back to version 21H2 22000.832 and there it works very well.

I know that EP is not supported with the Insider Previews

The weather widget .. is actually a standalone application with (mostly) standalone code
actual widget drawing is very coupled with the taskbar internals

I really prefer the start menu of win 10 with the combination of tiles and programs, this is
only provided by EP.

SAB StartAllBack
Why do you need ExplorerPatcher when running StartAllBack already ?
SAB has similar features and is kept up to date.

.. valinet previously mentioned that the symbol files are provided by windows for stable build "b" releases. ..

I did not have time to look on it. Maybe the thing will start working again when the stable update comes and that has the symbols available and maybe the backend implementation for WinX is the same as in previous builds.

KB5014668 the Start Menus will stop working if you have EP installed.
#KB5014668 Release Previewチャネル

#752 - #753
Is EP still being supported ?
Read post #735

"Userinit"=C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /run /tn "Classic"
should be
"Userinit"="C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /run /tn \"Classic\""


Microsoft flipping things up every month is a mood killer, indeed.
It's just very uninteresting from some point onwards.

I completed my learning process in this area. The topic doesn't interest me that much anymore, I am keen on exploring new areas.
I specifically open sourced the app in the hope that I could gather a community interested in working together and us helping maintain it. Almost one year later, it’s obvious that this goal has failed, ..

I tested .. latest version with 22621.1 everything works well except win+X.
#22621 Betaチャネル

Explorer patcher 22000.708.46.6
After a while the language of the right click menu changes from Dutch to English.
When I restart the explorer, it's back to Dutch. Few hours later the menu turns back to English.

#694  #699
I had an update to Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime from version 101.0.1210.53 to the new version 102.0.1245.33 and found that it stopped the ExplorerPatcher weather app ..
 Pre-release 22000.708.46.5 should fix this issue, ..
#22000.708.46.5 Latest

Anyone else using this with StartAllBack ? ..

#656  #660
My installation of ExplorerPatcher doesn't seem to properly refresh the Windows 10 Start Menu. I uninstalled an app, and it's still in the app list. ..
 .. I've decided to reinstall the program in question to then uninstall it again. The entry is now correctly removed from the app list.

22000.708 + 22000.675.45.2
As is usual the case with these builds, the symbols took a bit to be published, a delay of around 10 hours. ..restarting File Explorer and everything should go just fine.
#22000.708 C リリース

Win11 22000.675 the EP works perfectly for me

Win11 22621.1 EP only works partially, right mouse click on the Windows tile, Win key + X, left click on the Wifi icon and Info Center no longer work.

EP 22000.613.44.2 Win+x / Right click start menu, still not working

EP works fine with the latest dev build 22616.100

#615 #619 - #622
22000.652 ExplorerPatcher .. black screen after reboot, had to Ctrl+Alt+Del and uninstall ..
I remembered that I actually put some firewall rules ..
disable the explorer rule on firewall everytime there is a windows update
an option in the menu under properties > advanced
Yeah, that option is for enabling symbols downloading in general. If one blocks Internet access for `explorer.exe` from firewall, it stops all downloads, ..
Just wait up to 30 seconds, and symbol files will download (of course, after you properly set your firewall..)
(#22000.652 プレビュー C リリース)

Win11 Pro 22000.651 (Release Preview) + 22000.613.44.1
Right Clicking the taskbar makes Windows Explorer crash on my system.
#ExplorerPatcher running on Windows Insider Preview builds is not supported. ..

 参考) Fixing EP on Dev builds #1082
  2022.3.25〜  ttps://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher/issues/1082

 EP works fine with the latest dev build 22616.100

#598 - #599
EP is working great, love everything about it, except the Virtual Desktop Keys (Win+Tab) is broken.
So the only reason I install StartAllBack is to restore that feature. It's impossible to multitask without the virtual desktops.
No, it's not.
(DeepL )

#588 #592
I have a issue with ExplorerPatcher where the system tray is gone, and the apps from the system tray are
on my taskbar. Any ways to fix this ?
I have witnessed this bug myself a few times also. Restarting the explorer process (i.e. by clicking on the Restart File Explorer link at the bottom of ExplorerPatcher's settings window) fixes it until the next time when it happens again, but it happens only very rarely for me.

#545 - #546 #549
22593 completely broke EP! None of the settings work. Windows 10 start menu, disable recommended, etc
Fixing EP for Dev builds is almost mission impossible.. 
Regular Win11 version is behaving quite well with EP.

#540 - #542
22000.556.43.4(pre-release) I lost the right click taskbar/Properties Menu.
You can access it in Start / Apps / properties (Explorerpatcher). Windows 11 Start menu
#スタート 左クリック すべてのアプリ> "は" プロパティ(Explorerpatcher)

#525 2022.3.29
The Start button context menu (aka Win-X) doesn't work in build 22000.588 because Microsoft hasn't
published symbol files for `twinui.pcshell.dll` from this build.
That's usually the case with some Windows builds.
#22000.588 Beta and Release Preview Channels

#522 2022.3.28
I use OpenShell start menu and that all works fine with EP

#479 2022.3.24
.. older stuff is coded using public APIs
Actually, there is a HUGE amount of undocumented APIs nowadays.

#465 2022.3.24
There is a conflict between EP and 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. ..

#380 2022.3.17
 Since the github issues and discussion areas are closed for input ..


 Properties -> File Explorer and unchecking  Register as shell extension

 So in summation: Registering ExplorerPatcher as a shell extension seems to cause issues with some applications when opening/saving files on a network drive. Unsure as to why, but disabling the shell extension registration is a usable workaround at the moment.

#381 2022.3.18
 Using ExplorerPatcher as shell extension 27 Dec 2021.12.27

#385 2022.3.18
Tutorial: How to attempt identifying a crashing condition? #881

#327 2022.2.9
When I changed the taskbar icons back to the small size the e-mail notifications didn't display correctly again.

 #参考)? 軽減 1件  Outlook の検索で最近のメールが見つからない可能性がある
   Windows 11 の既知の問題と通知 ( release health dashboard )

Releasing Windows 11 Build 22000.526 to Beta and Release Preview Channels
 Windows Insider Program Team February 10, 2022  ttps://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2022/02/10/releasing-windows-11-build-22000-526-to-beta-and-release-preview-channels/
  ・We fixed an issue that causes incorrect tooltips to appear in an empty area on the taskbar
  after you hover over other icons like battery, volume, or Wi-Fi.

Microsoft Preparing Several Windows 11 Taskbar Improvements
The latest preview build for Beta and RP includes them
 Feb 10, 2022 Bogdan Popa  ttps://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-preparing-several-windows-11-taskbar-improvements-534859.shtml

#212 Nov 16, 2021
en-US is automatically added regardless of whether your Windows is a US English version or something else. The en-US pack can only be removed after adding it first, and that is in spite of the fact that it has already been automatically added (strange, but true).

#210 Nov 16, 2021
On this machine ExplorerPatcher works fine and I have both US and UK languages installed

valinet #991







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