「地域」+「wiki」= ちうぃき です。wikiを通して地域と人に貢献していく地域活性化企画としてスタートしました。現在はwikiの個人利用の可能性を研究しています。



  • 意思決定プロセスの時に使われる
  • 30という数字に特に意味はない
  • 意思決定におけるカウントダウンの意味合い
  • ぼやっとした決定プロセスを明確にする


Day26 : Don't rush. Don't be so hurry. I am on very happy way. 800 days more. Plenty. Plenty of things I can do even right now. Don't move.

Day25 : Live in world wide web.

Day24 : Nothing,but reconstruct all what I thought and wrote.Yesterday,I found a new way to describe my feelings.That's "Write a short essay"

Day23 : 30 is too long. Make 7,14 or 15, as well. Everything is almost up there.

Day22 : Lists all 900 actions and things to go to 70 with a big picture.

Day20 extra: try to consider the one again and again. I will find out what to do. I felt the ending is getting close.

Day21 : Try to understand negative results.

Day20 : vacant, but concentrate to do my job now.

Day19 : vacant, empty and useless. I don't know why.

Day18 : Writing and writing. Thinking and thinking.

Day17 : Talk to

Day16 : Write all I thought. Speak what I am thinking. Listen to what people say. Imagine their personalities. Work with those together.

Day15 : Review all I wrote. Put everything on my desk. Think back and make some decisions.

Day14 : Thinking of the star : living : this is strongly related to J&M and HR. "How" , "where" and "with whom" are important.

Day13 : 国家 社会 教育 生活 IT : どのような経験を獲得するのか?社会で評価され対価が支払われる人材とはどういう人なのか?自分のやりたいことは何に繋がっているのか?大企業、中小企業、ベンチャー、個人事業主なのか、事業主なのか?

Day12 : Always should think of something in terms of continuity of present. First choice always should consider "now".

Day11 : end of the project : 2018年7月30日

Day10 : end of the day : 2015年3月31日

Day9 : Describe and Dream them about each 8 stars sections. Specific and hopeful are needed. それぞれの志とそれぞれの行動リスト。

Day8: List Details to the future with 8 star Theory. List toDoLists for each. Very short distance to long. Date it. Decide it.

Day7: Take a rest.Thinking about List details ImagineImagine.WriteWrite. List A week what I said in this evening. Everything is almost done.

Day6: Estimate and Settle the days: Project 900, Project Over 40 and Project top of skill of 70 years old. Next step will be "List details"

Day5: Big Plans: 『結果と成果』『このシステムの外側へと突き抜けること』『4digits』『Continuity of Making Something』『Great Kentaro』

Day4: by day1,2 &3: basic income ならぬbasic happiness. I just remember who I am, from where I came from. 1200, but basic finance 4 criteria.

Day3 : reconstruct and remember what I want to do : guarantee finance and estimate the living cost at first.

Day2: by reconsideration: 突っ走るとしても、with visionary. With no excuse.結局、千里を描けても一歩から。一歩進んでも千里をこの足でかけていく。

Day1: Reconsideration: よかった点は、継続を手にしたこと、ベースを作れたこと、新しい世界を見れたこと。もっとできた点は、もっと無茶苦茶できたし、もっと考えれたはずだということ。

