Android用コミックビューワー ComicCafeの公式ページです。This wiki is official page for ComicCafe.

For Windows user (Recommended for Beginners)

I have prepared a exe file for windows users.

1.Download following files from download site.
  • comic-cafe-server.jar
  • ComicCafeServer.exe
2.Save downloading files to same directory as you like.
2.Execute ComicCafeServer.exe
Server listening prot is 9999
Server will use 1GB RAM.
If you want to change this configuration, try to execute jar file as below.。

*Depending on the your network environment, you need to open ports.

For Mac user and Linux user (Recommended for Intermediates)

1.Download comic-cafe-server.jar and launch script from download site.
Launch Script
launch.bat (For Windows User) (For Linux User)
launch.command (For Mac User)
2.Grant execute permission to launch script if you use Linux or Mac.
eg.Linux) chmod +x
eg.MacOS) chmod +x launch.command
3.Execute launch script.

*Depending on the your network environment, you need to open ports.

Startup Options

You can change the listening port and the usage of memory by startup options.
1.How to change the listening port.
You can change the listening port by -p option.Following example is changing listening port to 8080.
java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -jar ./comic-cafe-server.jar -p 8080
You need to change the client configuration if you change the listening port.
2.How to change the usage of memory.
-Xmx to set the maximum heap memory size
-Xms to set the minimum heap memory size
Server will be stable to increase the memory.
3.How to output the access log.
You can output the access log by -accesslog option. This feature is for debug.
