Android用コミックビューワー ComicCafeの公式ページです。This wiki is official page for ComicCafe.

v0.6.37 (Nov. 16, 2015)

  • Update open source libraries. (PDFBox, Jetty, Gson, Richfaces, Mojarra, Apache Shiro)
  • Supports BPG format image. You need to deploy the bpgdec binary to '${INSTALL_DIR}/plugins/bpg' and restart ComicCafe
  • Added new feature to server, you can select all Tags, Publishers and Authors on the web ui.
  • Improved the query performance for bookshelf.
  • Improved New Books featuer
  • Added new feature to server, you can see the access log via web ui.
  • Improved New Books feature, book of the same series will display together.
  • Improved hardware key arrangement.
  • Improved the book management feature using the webservice.
  • Added new feature to client, you can set the size of cover image as extra large.

v0.6.36 (Jan. 14, 2015)

  • Fixed a crash when configuring download settings.

v0.6.35 (Jan. 1, 2015)

  • Update open source libraries. (H2Database, Jetty, commons-compress, Doma, Gson, PDFBox)
  • Added new feature to server, you can skip registering tag when you import book.
  • Added new feature to server, you can skip
  • Added new feature to server, you can change the port number for web ui. try to launch with -P option.
  • Added new feature to client, you can change the cover image size.
  • Added new feature to client, you can im/export the client preferences.
  • Fixed a bug that the cover image isn't shown on web ui.
  • Improved database performance.
  • Improved pre-loading page.
  • Importing book skips the divided rar file.
  • Importing book supports the following metadata. (CoMet, ComicRack, ComicBookInfo).

v0.6.34 (Oct. 10, 2014)

  • Fixed a crash when launching on Android 2.x.

v0.6.33 (Oct. 09, 2014)

  • Changed the system requirements. ComicCafe server require Java 7 or later. If you are using Java 6, Please update.
  • Update open source libraries. (zxing, jetty, mojarra, liquibase, ehcache, PDFBox)
  • Added new feature to client, you can move fast page by long tap.
  • Added new feature to client, you can sort bookshelf by series title.
  • Added new feature to client, you can jump to specified page.
  • Added new feature to client, you can adjust position to show the image.
  • Added new feature to client, you can disable the double-tap on viewer.
  • Added new feature to client, you can clear server cache.
  • Added new feature to server, you can re-analyze the author from filename.
  • Added new feature to server, you can bulk delete authors, publishers and tags.
  • Reimplemented the auto import feature using Java 7.
  • Improved bookshelf. Scrolling bookshelf will be smooth.
  • Reduced a file size of server jar.
  • Fixed a bug that cannot move to next/prev book when the series has books that have same volume.
  • Fixed a bug that cannot show png image which has alpha channel.
  • Fixed a bug that cannot uncompress particular zip file.

v0.5.32 (July. 27, 2014)

  • Fixed a bug that failed to show context menu.
  • Fixed a bug that some bookshelf conditions doesn't work.
  • Improved a strategy to sort books.

v0.5.31 (July. 23, 2014)

  • Fixed a bug that failed to import book on Java6.
  • Fixed a bug that failed to register tag when importing book.
  • Fixed a bug that failed to start auto importing process on Windows.

v0.5.30 (July. 18, 2014)

  • Update open source libraries. (Richfaces, PDFBox, Doma, Jetty)
  • Improved the page selector dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that failed to import book.
  • Fixed some bugs.

v0.5.29 (May. 05, 2014)

  • Update open source libraries. (Richfaces, Mojarra)
  • Supported 'Immersive Mode' on Android 4.4
  • Improved algorithm to analyze filename when importing book.
  • Supported 'NOT' condition by the bookshelf.
  • Fixed a bug that image is shown small on high resolution device.
  • Fixed some bugs.

v0.5.28 (Mar. 15, 2014)

  • Fixed some bugs.

*This release is for client only.

v0.5.27 (Feb. 22, 2014)

  • Update open source libraries. (Mojarra, Richfaces, PDFBox, Doma)
  • Added new feature to client, you can copy server settings.
  • Added new feature to client, you can import/export server settings via DropBox or GoogleDrive.
  • Added new feature to client, you can set the author by long-tap the list of category or series or book.
  • Added new feature to client, you can set the publisher by long-tap the list of category or series or book.
  • Added new feature to client, you can set the tag by long-tap the list of category or series.
  • Added new feature to server, you can limit the device to access the ComicCafe server.
  • Fixed a bug that beep is rang when moving page to push the volume button.
  • Fixed a bug that action menu is not displayed correctly when changing tab.
  • Improved algorithm of pre-read pages.
  • Added new feature to client, you can send bug report to me when ComicCafe client is clashed.

v0.5.26 (Jan. 04, 2014)

  • Update open source libraries. (PDFBox, Doma, Richfaces, Mojarra, Jersey, ICU4J, Jetty, H2Database)
  • Fixed a crash when searching books.
  • Added new feature to server, you can search series.
  • Fixed a crash that is reported on GooglePlay.
  • Improved performance of showing cover image.
  • Added new feature to server, you can specify NIC to listen on. try to launch with '-h IPAddress' option.
  • Added new feature to client, you can customize a bookshelf. This feature allow you to filter series.

v0.5.25 (Aug. 17, 2013)

  • Update open source libraries. (Mojarra)
  • Added new feature to server, you can download result of import.
  • Added new feature to server, you can import authors and publishers and tags by the CSV.
  • Added new feature to server, you can export books and authors and publishers and tags as the CSV.
  • Fixed a bug that can not register the reading history.

v0.5.24 (Aug. 17, 2013)

  • Fixed a crash when open the viewer on
  • Fixed a bug that crashes the device older than honeycomb.

v0.5.23 (Aug. 06, 2013)

  • Update open source libraries. (H2DB, Jetty, Doma)
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the number of books on list of series.
  • Added new feature to client, you can show list of series of same category via side menu.
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the book information via side menu.
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the book information by long-tap the list of books.
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the context menu on list of new books.
  • Supported Lanczos3 algorithm.
  • Server setting allows you to specify SSID.

v0.5.22-2 (Aug. 05, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug that can not import books.This release is ComicCafeServer only.
    Please download the new server (, if you use the old v0.5.22

v0.5.22 (Jul. 26, 2013)

  • Update open source libraries. (H2DB, Jetty, guava, gson, pdfbox, zxing, Mojarra, ehcache)
  • Fixed a bug that show the result of search which not match the conditions.
  • Fixed a bug that specific image can not show.
  • Fixed a bug that series will be top level when importing book.
  • Fixed a bug that can not show list of books of same authors if author is joint authorship.
  • Fixed a bug that client will use incorrect cache if client uses some server.
  • Fixed a bug that can not handle correctly the ISBN when getting book information from the web service.
  • Fixed a bug that unable to handle the encrypted zip.
  • Added new feature to server, you can set the permission to category and series.
  • Added new feature to client, you can remove cache.
  • Added new feature to client, you can change the sorting method for image files which contained in archive file.
  • Added new feature to client, ComicCafe will use 'Android Backup Service'
  • Added google plus button. Please push the button=)
  • Improved bookshelf. Scrolling bookshelf will be smooth.
  • Removed feature showing the comic-cafe.log from server.

v0.5.21 (May. 26, 2013)

  • Update open source libraries. (Doma)
  • Added new feature to server, you can show the comic-cafe.log(recently 3000 lines)
  • Added new feature to server, you can logout.
  • Added new feature to server, you can restart server.
  • Added new feature to client, you can restart server.
  • Added new feature to client, you can kick the importing process.
  • Improved feature of auto importing

v0.5.20 (May. 19, 2013)

  • Update open source libraries. (Richfaces, Mojarra)
  • Fixed a bug that some jpeg image becomes pink.
    You need to reset cover image if your cover image is pink.
  • improved access log.
  • Update client libraries (actionbar-sherlock, menudrawer, drag-sort-listview).
  • Added new feature to client, you can set the server and port number for 3G/4G connection.
    ComicCafe will use the 3G/4G setting automatically If wifi connection is disabled.

v0.5.19 (May. 07, 2013)

  • Fixed a crash that is reported on GooglePlay.
  • Fixed a bag that unable to create reading progress properly.
  • Improved look-ahead a page.
  • Fixed some bugs in the import function.
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the current volume on the viewer.
  • Added new feature to server, you can import files automatically.But this function is unstable.
    It does not work in some environments. I will fix this issue as soon as possible.

v0.5.18 (Apr. 19, 2013)

  • Update open source libraries. (PDFBox)
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the image in full screen to ignore display aspect ratio.
  • Improved cache mechanism.
  • Reduced the amount of traffic.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

v0.5.17 (Apr. 06, 2013)

  • Fixed crash bug

v0.5.16 (Apr. 05, 2013)

  • Update open source libraries. (Jetty, Mojarra)
  • Fixed minor bugs.
  • Fixed a bug that failed to register a reading history
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the signal strength on the viewer.
  • Added new feature to client, you can adjust the compression quality.

v0.5.15 (Mar. 25, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug that web ui is collapses.
  • Update open source library (PDFBox)

*Please try to clear cache of browser, If web ui does not fixed.

v0.5.14 (Mar. 24, 2013)

  • Improved trimming white space.
  • Fixed minor bugs.
  • Fixed memory leak.
  • Update open source libraries. (Richfaces, Ehcache, Mojarra, Guava, H2DB)
  • Added new feature to server, you can output a access log for debug. try to launch with -accesslog option.

v0.5.13 (Mar. 03, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug that screen is showing duplicated.
  • Fixed a crash that is reported on GooglePlay.

v0.5.12 (Mar. 02, 2013)

  • Added new feature to client, you can download book archive via viewer menu.
  • Update open source libraries. (Doma)
  • Added new feature to server, you can choose the image left or right when generate a cover image by divided into two.
  • Fixed bug that failed to update the database when searching book information from the web service.

v0.5.11 (Feb. 26, 2013)

  • Fixed a crash when launching ComicCafe.I'm so sorry. That was totally my fault.

v0.5.10 (Feb. 25, 2013)

  • Added new feature to client, you can download book archive by long-tap the list of books or series in order to read the book by other viewer.
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the filename instead of title on list of books.
  • Update open source libraries. (Doma, Ehcache, 7-Zip-JBinding)
  • Fixed bug that error message is shown when you update book(only Windows OS).
  • Improved Back button behavior.
  • Improved importing book. You can import renamed book without deleting book.
  • Added new feature to server, you can delete books that its file became unavailable.

*This version has serious bug. Please install v0.5.11

v0.5.9 (Jan. 25, 2013)

  • Added new feature to client, you can show the number of current page on the viewer.
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the current time and battery level on the viewer.
  • Added new feature to client, you can change the order of side menu on the viewer.
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the reading progress on the list of book.
  • Added new feature to client, you can set the state of reading progress by long-tap the list of book or series.
  • Added new feature to client, you can set the tag by long-tap the list of book.
  • Added new feature to client, you can open the book which first in a series at random.
  • Added new feature to client, you can show the cover image on list of series.
  • Fixed a bug that occur when the IP address of PC is changed.
  • Obscure the system bar on the viewer.

v0.5.8 (Jan. 4, 2013)

  • Added new feature to client, you can list all series like a bookshelf.
    If series is completed, the check image will show on the cover image.
    You can change the completion state by long-tap the cover image.
  • Added new feature to client, you can search series by several conditions.
  • Added new feature to server, you can reload the local directories on import page.
  • Fixed a crash that is reported on GooglePlay.

v0.5.7 (Dec. 27, 2012)

  • Fixed a crash when rotate screen.

v0.5.6 (Dec. 26, 2012)

  • Fixed a bug that cannot show the pdf.
  • Added new feature to client, you can rotate image.(Also rotate the touch position)
  • Improve moving page behavior.If you move to next book by moving page, it will show the first page, and also If you move to previous book by moving page, it will show the last page.
  • Fixed freeze when show side menu on a Honeycomb.

v0.5.5 (Dec. 23, 2012)

  • Added new feature to client, you can search the comic-cafe server on the same home network.
  • Improved performance of showing PDF.
  • Fixed a bug that can not show PDF on web.
  • Added new feature to server, you can show the reason for the failure of importing.
  • Fixed a bug that can not launch server on the Linux with KDE.

v0.5.4 (Dec. 19, 2012)

  • Update open source libraries.
  • Fixed a crash that is reported on GooglePlay.
  • Added new feature to client, you can assign function to touching screen.
  • Added new feature to client, you can assign function to hardware key.
  • Added new feature to client, you can toggle WiFi by the preference.
  • Fixed a bug that function of "Fit to screen" does not work properly.
  • Divided the book information dialog from the page selector dialog.
  • Added the SeekBar to page selector dialog.
  • Added new feature to client, you can have several server and account settings.
  • Added new feature to client, you can change maximum number of saved histories.
  • Added new feature to client, you can change maximum number of listed new books.

Page moving operation may be to reverse under the influence of version up. In that case, you need to assign function to touching screen.

v0.5.3 (Dec. 9, 2012)

  • Added new feature to client, you can change the cover image from client.
  • Added new feature to client, you can change the pdf engine from client.
  • Fixed typo
  • You need to sign up now if you want to use the

v0.5.2 (Dec. 4, 2012)

  • Fixed a crash when client connects to old server.

v0.5.1 (Dec. 3, 2012)

  • Fixed a crash when delete a bookmark or hisotry.
  • Improved appearance of context menu.

v0.5.0 (Dec. 2, 2012)

  • Released a new version of the redevelopment.
