SK8オンラインオンリーイベント「OLLIE TO SATISFAKTI∞N」のWEBページ

会員登録 Registration

必要なもの What you need
  • SMS認証可能な携帯電話 Cell-phone number which can receive SMS
  • メールアドレス Email address
方法 How to do
QR codeはこちら
Register email address on the page above and follow the instruction. No English-pages are not available, so use a translator (e.x. translation extension on Google Chrome.

イベントを探し、参加 Find Convention and join
QR codeはこちら
Visit the web page from URL above, then press the "join" button on the bottom of the page on time. No admission fee. You can enter/leave at anytime before end. If you did not finish SMS authentication, you need to do that at this time.


Type your name, choose an avatar, then press entry button.

ホール内の移動 Walk in halls

To move, tap where you want to go (if tap-screen) or use direction key on keyboards.
You will start to move from the bottom of the hall. You can leave (also in order to change halls) both from the bottom and upper side.

サークルへの訪問 Visiting a booth

  • 赤い本 または 赤い玉がサークルの頒布/展示物です。店舗内に入ってクリックすることで確認できます。A red book or orb shows what a booth has. You have to go into a booth to check it.
  • 一番上の入力欄は、頭上に表示するメッセージです。@を文頭に付けることで、再度動き出すまで表示させ続けておくことが可能です(例:@退席中)。At the box on the top, you can type a overhead message. It keeps to show when you add @ before you start a sentence ex "@coffee-break"
  • 左上はメッセージボードです。書き込みはサークル主がチェック可能です。A message board to the booth owner is located on the left-upper side.
    • Please use RESPECTFUL words when you send messages.
