ドイツの開発スタジオであるReakktor Studiosによる小型のマップでスピーディに動き回りながら相手と戦う「アリーナ型」をベースにした対戦ゲームTOXIKKの情報wikiです。編集はご自由にどうぞ



The following guides you through downloading community made content and how to add your own maps etc. to the game. Depending on what you want to do, this guide is divided into two parts. The first part explains step-by-step what you need to do to download custom content, while the second part is a guide through uploading your own content with helpful links that provide even more documentation.

If you require more help or want to discuss parts of this guide, please visit the Official Mapping & Modding section of our fourm, where you'll find more people modding the game: MAPPING & MODDING FORUM


Downloading fresh content from TOXIKK's Steam Workshop is easy as pie: Hop over to our WORKSHOP HOMEPAGE, browse the available content and follow the on-screen instructions to subscribe to an item you like. The item will then download. Once downloaded, simply launch the game and the selected content will automagically be available for all online and offline matches. Bamm... you're done!



TOXIKK is based on Unreal Technology, more specifically on the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). To build your own content, you'll need to install the SDKK (our customized version of UDK). To do so, launch your Steam client, go to LIBRARY and right-click on TOXIKK. Select SDKK to launch. If the UDK is not yet installed on your system, a window will pop up, asking whether you want to download it now. Click YES and install it to ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\TOXIKK (it has to be installed to that directory).

After you've installed the UDK, go to your Steam library, right-click TOXIKK again, select PROPERTIES, choose the LOCAL FILES tab and select VERIFY INTEGRITY OF THE GAME CACHE. Steam will now do the required modifications to turn UDK into our SDKK.

To launch SDKK, simply right-click TOXIKK again in your Steam library and select SDKK. It should now launch our development environment (i.e. our customized UDK).

The following steps assume that you're somewhat familiar using the original UDK. If not, a good starting point might be watching a bunch of UDK TUTORIALS ON YOUTUBE, to learn how to build your own maps and stuff... We will also add SDKK specific tutorials, but for now we recommend looking through the official maps to learn how certain things need to be set up and created for TOXIKK.

When you have created your first map, you can upload it using the SDKK Workshop Uploader. You'll find that useful little tool in the .../TOXIKK/WorkshopUploader directory. The uploader turns your content files into genuine Steam Workshop items which contain a unique ItemID, some metadata, a preview image and your actual content.

The WorkshopUploader folder already contains a working setup for uploading a custom map. So, you can easily try out uploading stuff to your own workshop page.


Your map probably still needs a proper appearence/representation in TOXIKK's map selection menus. Therefore, your map needs an own configuration file to give the game's UI all necessarry information and also let the game know where to find your map's preview image.

Take a look at the file BL-WorkshopMap.ini in ..\TOXIKK\WorkshopUploader\UploadContent\Config\ which you can use as a template to provide the required information. Then put your map file into the config folder and change the map name in the ini-file to the name of your map.

It is not recommended to let "PreviewImageMarkup" reference an image (840x280, sRGB=false) inside the map's package, but an image in another, external package. If you still want to keep it in your map's package, you need to make sure the map has a reference to the image (otherwise it'll not be saved with the map). However, including the preview image in your map's package may cause long loading times of the preview image in the map selection menu. The format of the preview image shoud be: 840x280, sRGB=false.


Cooking is a process used by Unreal Technology to optimize content in terms of size and performance. TOXIKK exclusively supports the cooking of .upk packages since this method allows the game to remain modable (by keeping the references between maps and other content intact). You don't have to cook your packages but it's highly recommended since they will get significantly smaller.

Simply execute CookPackages.bat (in ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\TOXIKK) to cook your map. Unfortunately the cooker always prepares to cook all packages of the game, so the very first cook will take quite some time. After the cooking is done you can take your cooked files from ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\TOXIKK\UDKGame\CookedPC and move them into your upload folder.


As mentioned above the WorkshopUploader folder already contains a working sample setup for uploading custom maps. You can easily set up your own upload content folder in UploadContent by copying your files to the corresponding sub-folders:
CONTENT takes all your .udk mapfiles and .upk content packages. You can add subfolders to sepperate your files from other installed content. SCRIPT gets all your .u scriptfiles CONFIG will hold all your .ini configuration files LOCALIZATION holds all your text files (.int localization files)

Try to give your files unique (TOXIKK-wide) names to avoid conflicts with other workshop items.


Create a copy of the existing sample UploadConfig.cfg. Open the copy and edit the path to your local content folder and to your Workshop preview image. Leave the ItemID empty as Steam will assign a new ID for your item.
Make sure your Workshop preview image is in a JPG or PNG format, does not exceed a size of 1 MB and is at the location you specified in your new UploadConfig.cfg. It's recommended to use a 16:9 format, as they will display best on the Workshop page.

Your're now ready to upload your custom content to our workshop. Launch ToxikkWorkshopUploader.exe, select your config file, click Start Upload and follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure you have accepted the Steam Workshop TOS (terms of service). After the upload, go to your Steam Workshop page to and configure it. Make sure the items visibility is set to public when you're done.

CONGRATULATIONS! You just released your first TOXIKK Workshop item.




