
Ch.10x: Intermission 10x-08
 チャプター10章外伝 休憩08

Northwest house visit.

Our city is the center of religion in Ibril, and Chancellor Feran leads us in our prayers. Allow me to tell you a bit about our beliefs. Centuries ago, before the War of Kings when Ibril was awash in chaos and darkness, God sent four divine messengers down from the geavens to unify the people. Their weapons were crafted from stars, and their very presence railied people to order. But they still held hatred for one another in their hearts, and the messengers could not stop the ensuing war. It was only thanks to the sacrifice of the mortal saint Mina that the war ended. Today, we read from the writings of the divine messengers for our prayers.

Northeast house visit.

Isn't it amazing that descendents of the original four kings still live today ? Chancellor Feran taught us that those kings were divine messengers from God. So that must mean their descendents have divine blood in them ! I can't imagine what I'd do if I met one of those descendents... They're like living saints !
 初代4人の王たちの子孫が今も生きているということはすごいことではないでしょうか?ファラン宰相は 各国の王たちは神の使者の子孫であると教えてくれた。ということは彼らの子孫は神の血が流れているということでしょうか?

Southwest house visit.

Oh, Virgil.. Isn't he the most amazing man you've ever seen ? Such a paragon of knighthood ! It's no wonder he's earned his title of the Silver Sentinel. I wish I could meet him one day, and have him cradle me in his big, straong arms... Sigh... That would be the best...
 ああバージル、、、彼は私が見た中で最も素晴らしい男です。まさに騎士の模範! シルバーセンチネルの称号を得たのも納得です。 いつか彼に会って彼の大きくて大きな腕で私を抱きしめてくれたらいいのに、、、はぁ、、、 

Southeast house visit.

Scripture tells us that Saint Mina was an incredible woman when she was alive. She would travel everywhere, healing the sick and wounded. It's no wonder King Teodros fell for her, even if she was a mortal and he was a messenger from God. And it was her sacrifice that ended the War of Kings so many years ago. Even in death she can create miracles, what with that barrier over the forest ! It's such a shame that she and King Teodros never had any children... Teodors is the only country not to have a royal bloodline because of that. But I guess saints have to stay all pure and chaste and stuff.


Northwest vender shop.

Fire 560
Thunder 700
Elfire 1200
Lightning 630
Shine 900
Divine 1250
Flux 900
Luna 4200
Nosferatu 1260

Northeast vender shop.

Heal 600
Mend 1000
Restore 2000
Torch 1000
Barrier 2250
Vulnerary 300
Elixir 3000
Pure Water 900
Torch 500
Master Seal 20000
Secret book 1000
Goddess Icon 1000

Sauthwest army shop.

Iron Sword 460
Steel Sword 600
Silver Sword 1500
Armorslayer 1260
Wyrmslayer 1995
Zanbato 1260
Lancereaver 1800
Iron Lance 360
Steel Lance 480
Silver Lance 1200
Javelin 400
Horseslayer 1040
Axereaver 1800

Southeast army shop.

Iron Axe 270
Steel Axe 360
Silver Axe 1000
Hand Axe 300
Halverd 810
Hammer 800
Swordreaver 1800
Iron Bow 540
Steel Bow 720
Silver Bow 1600
Short Bow 1760
Longbow 2000

next→Intermission 10x-09 休憩10x−09

index→FE four Kings






FE devourer of worlds
FE devourer of worlds cloud ff7
FE Blood lines
FE The road to ruin
FE Dream of Five
FE gheb saga
FE Death or Glory

FE Devourer of Time
FE Elivian Nights
FE gorilla gadek SG
FE Book of Eden
FE Yuri's sidestory
FE Carcino's Civil war
FE Clash of Fates
FE Crossover
FE sacred dawn dx
FE Will of Good and Evil
FE sun gods challenge
FE Fallen King
FE Inheritors of the Crusade
FE nintendolord sage
FE The Blade's Legacy
FE The Grand Aechipelago
FE Void's Blitzarre Adventure


