
Ch.23: History Unwound 08
 チャプター23 歴史の解明 08

Five turns pass.
5ターン経過 クリア。 

Alright, it looks like we're all ready. Everyone, get some rest. Tommorrow, we march to the Teodos capital !

Hey, wait a sec... It looks like the 20 mercenaries Terril hired are all here.

What do you mean ? Of course they're here.
 どういう意味だ? ここにいるだろうのは当然だろう。

Oh, right, you never found out about what happened did you ? Well, Walter, why don't you explain ?

Er... Well, remember when you hired all those mercenaries for us ? Yeah, see, I may have... fired them all on the spot when we first met them.

...You did what?

But hey, it's okay now ! Lionel and I got them all back in the army.
 だけど、もう大丈夫だ! ライオネルと俺とで全員を軍に戻した。 

Walter actually did most of the work, convincing many of them to rejoin. I also recreited a handful as well. But it was mostly his doing.

I... had no idea this occurred.

Well, since they're all here, I think I ought to say something to them.


Alright, listen up ! I know we got off on the wrong foot at the start of all this, with me thinking you would all be useless.
But I was wrong. You guys are great ! You all forgave me and joined up with us anyway, and you've been really helpful ! This was supposed to just be a simple escort mission, but it turned into a full blown war ! And you guys did great. I just wanted to thank you all for coming back to us like that. But that doesn't mean you guys have to stay with us, either. Feran is gonna be one tough opponent, so if any of you wanna leave now, go ahead. You've already done more than enough, way more than the original job description. So I don't wanna force you guys to come along if you don't want to.
 よく聞いてくれ! 俺は旅の当初、あなたたちが役に立たないと言って 間違ったスタートをしてしまったことはわかっている。

...Just what are you going on about ? You think any of us would up and quit after all we've been through ? May as well see this through to the very end !
 、、、一体何を言っているんだ? ここまでの苦労してきたんだ。我々の誰かが諦めると思うのか?最後までやり遂げた方がいい! 

Surely, defeating an evil sorcerer will catapult us into the spotight ! We simply must stay by your side !

I've gotten to put my magic to pretty good use thanks to you. And I think we've all gotten a little closer too, don't you think ?

Indeed, With both family and friends alike.

Feran's a big bad guy, right ? Then we have to stop him !

Yeah, sure, whatever. Guess I'll go along with everyone too.

Ya know, prince, when I first met you, I thought Askia was doomed ! But now I'm sure our country is in good hands. Ya have my support !

If we fight Teodros, then my brother will surely stand in our way... But I've come too far to back down now. I'm with you !

......If you fight for the princes, then so will I My sword is yours.

You have proven yourselvesas honorable warriors. I am proud that I dan fight by your side.

You're pretty good with an axe, kid. I can admire that ! And you're not a bad leader, either.
 お前は斧の扱いがうまい、坊や。感心するよ! それにお前は悪いリーダーでもない。 

( Dammit, now I have to say something... ) What Feran has done is unforgivable ! We shall enact jusice together !
 ( 俺も何か言わなくちゃいけないな、、、) ファランのしたことは許されない! ともに正義を執行しよう! 

Your job let me see the world, and it was never boring, either ! I can't ask for much more than that.

Heh, I barely even saw you, kid. But if your brother's anything to bo by, I bet you're good, too.

The coming battle looks to be very intriguing. Therefore, I will stay.

We still have to atone for what we did for the rebellion. Yet you accepted us anyway. We are forever grateful.

To fulfill Daltry's dream of improving Askia... That is our desire. And more bloody battles will make for a nice bonus, too.
 ダルトリーの夢、アスキアを良くしたいという夢をかなえること、、、 それが私たちの願いだ。これから戦いがひどくなるならボーナスをよろしく頼む。 

You're one tough young man, Walter And it's been fun watching you. I think I wanna see just how far you can go.

I just want you back in power. That should fix things. Hehehe...

You are capable of defeating Feran. I will guide you from here on out.

next→History Unwound 23-09 歴史の解明 23‐09

index→FE four Kings






FE devourer of worlds
FE devourer of worlds cloud ff7
FE Blood lines
FE The road to ruin
FE Dream of Five
FE gheb saga
FE Death or Glory

FE Devourer of Time
FE Elivian Nights
FE gorilla gadek SG
FE Book of Eden
FE Yuri's sidestory
FE Carcino's Civil war
FE Clash of Fates
FE Crossover
FE sacred dawn dx
FE Will of Good and Evil
FE sun gods challenge
FE Fallen King
FE Inheritors of the Crusade
FE nintendolord sage
FE The Blade's Legacy
FE The Grand Aechipelago
FE Void's Blitzarre Adventure


