




armature_symmetry.pyArmature SymmetryMake an Armature symetrical242
blenderLipSynchro.pyBlenderLipSynchroImport phonemes from Papagayo or JLipSync for lip synchronization242
camera_changer.pyCamera ChangerCreate script link to change cameras (based on their names) during an animation234
envelope_symmetry.pyEnvelope SymmetryMake envelope symetrical234
widgetwizard.pyShape Widget WizardAdds Widgets for Driven Shapes238
animation_trajectory.pyTrajectorySee Trajectory of selected object243
3ds_export.py3D Studio (.3ds)...Export to 3DS file format (.3ds).243
ac3d_export.pyAC3D (.ac)...Export selected meshes to AC3D (.ac) format242
collada_export.pyCOLLADA 1.3.1 (.dae) ...Export scene to COLLADA format (.dae)240
colladaExport14.pyCOLLADA 1.4(.dae) ...Export scene from Blender to COLLADA 1.4 format (.dae)241
off_export.pyDEC Object File Format (.off)...Export selected mesh to DEC Object File Format (*.off)232
DirectX8Exporter.pyDirectX(.x)...Export to DirectX text file format format.242
lightwave_export.pyLightWave (.lwo)...Export selected meshes to LightWave File Format (.lwo)243
export_lightwave_motion.pyLightwave Motion (.mot)...Export Loc Rot Size chanels to a Lightwave .mot file241
md2_export.pyMD2 (.md2)Export to Quake file format (.md2).243
flt_export.pyOpenFlight (.flt)...Export to OpenFlight v16.0 (.flt)237
export-iv-0.1.pyOpenInventor (.iv)...Export to OpenInventor file format. (.iv)236
radiosity_export.pyRadiosity (.radio)...Export selected mesh (with vertex colors) to Radiosity File Format (.radio)232
raw_export.pyRaw Faces (.raw)...Export selected mesh to Raw Triangle Format (.raw)242
save_theme.pySave Current Theme...Save current theme as a BPython script242
export_mdd.pySave Mesh as MDDAnimated mesh to MDD vertex keyframe file.242
xsi_export.pySoftImage XSI (.xsi)...Export to a SoftImage XSI file236
ply_export.pyStanford PLY (*.ply)...Export active object to Stanford PLY format241
truespace_export.pyTrueSpace (.cob)...Export selected meshes to TrueSpace File Format (.cob)232
vrml97_export.pyVRML97 (.wrl)...Export to VRML97 file (.wrl)241
videoscape_export.pyVideoScape with Vertex Colors (.obj)...Export selected mesh to VideoScape File Format (.obj)232
export_obj.pyWavefront (.obj)...Save a Wavefront OBJ File243
x3d_export.pyX3D Extensible 3D (.x3d)...Export to Extensible 3D file (.x3d)235
xfig_export.pyxfig export (.fig)Export selected mesh to xfig Format (.fig)237
3ds_import.py3D Studio (.3ds)...Import from 3DS file format (.3ds)241
ac3d_import.pyAC3D (.ac)...Import an AC3D (.ac) file.242
collada_import.pyCOLLADA 1.3.1 (.dae) ...Import scene from COLLADA format (.dae)237
colladaImport14.pyCOLLADA 1.4(.dae) ...Import scene from COLLADA 1.4 format (.dae)241
off_import.pyDEC Object File Format (.off)...Import DEC Object File Format (*.off)242
DirectX8Importer.pyDirectX(.x)...*No description*240
import_dxf.pyDrawing eXchange Format (.dxf)Import DXF file.243
lightwave_import.pyLightWave (.lwo)...Import LightWave Object File Format239
import_mdd.pyLoad MDD to Mesh RVKsbaked vertex animation to active mesh object.242
md2_import.pyMD2 (.md2)Import from Quake file format (.md2).239
bvh_import.pyMotion Capture (.bvh)...Import a (.bvh) motion capture file242
flt_import.pyOpenFlight (.flt)...Import OpenFlight (.flt)238
paths_import.pyPaths (.svg, .ps, .eps, .ai, Gimp)Import a path from any of a set of formats (still experimental)233
slp_import.pyPro Engineer (.slp)...Import Pro Engineer (.slp) File Format232
radiosity_import.pyRadiosity (.radio)...Import Radiosity File Format (.radio) with vertex colors232
raw_import.pyRaw Faces (.raw)...Import Raw Triangle File Format (.raw)242
ply_import.pyStanford PLY (*.ply)...Import a Stanford PLY file241
truespace_import.pyTrueSpace (.cob)...Import TrueSpace Object File Format (.cob)232
import_obj.pyWavefront (.obj)...Load a Wavefront OBJ File, Shift: batch import all dir.242
bevel_center.pyBevel CenterBevel selected faces, edges, and vertices243
mesh_skin.pyBridge Faces/Edge-LoopsSelect 2 vert loops, then run this script.243
mesh_cleanup.pyClean MeshesClean unused data from all selected mesh objects.242
discombobulator.pyDiscombobulatorAdds random geometry to a mesh237
mesh_edges2curves.pyEdges to CurveEdges not used by a face are converted into polyline(s)241
mesh_mirror_tool.pyMirror Vertex Locations & WeightSnap Verticies to X mirrord locations and weights.241
mesh_poly_reduce.pyPoly ReducerRemoved polygons from a mesh while maintaining the shape, textures and weights.243
rvk1_torvk2.pyRvk1 to Rvk2Copy deform data (not surf. subdiv) of active obj to rvk of the 2nd selected obj234
mesh_solidify.pySolidify SelectionMakes the mesh solid by creating a second skin.243
unweld.pyUnweld vertex/icesUnweld all faces from a (or several) selected and common vertex. Made vertex bevelling243
object_apply_def.pyApply Deformation*No description*242
Axiscopy.pyAxis Orientation CopyCopy local axis orientation of active object to all selected meshes (changes mesh data)242
object_batch_name_edit.pyBatch Object Name EditApply the chosen rule to rename all selected objects at once.240
mesh_boneweight_copy.pyBone Weight CopyCopy Bone Weights from 1 mesh, to all other selected meshes.243
object_cookie_cutter.pyCookie Cut from View*No description*234
obdatacopier.pyData CopierCopy data from active object to other selected ones.232
renameobjectbyblock.pyObject Name EditorGUI to select and rename objects.232
object_random_loc_sz_rot.pyRandomize Loc Size RotRandomize the selected objects Loc Size Rot241
uvcopy.pyUV Copy from ActiveCopy UV coords from a mesh to another that has same vertex indices242
doc_browser.pyBPy Doc BrowserBrowse BPython (scripting API) modules doc strings.232
console.pyInteractive ConsoleInteractive Python Console237
config.pyScripts Config EditorView and edit available scripts configuration data236
uv_export.pySave UV Face Layout...Export the UV face layout of the selected object to a .TGA or .SVG file242
image_billboard.pyBillboard Render on ActiveSelected objects and lamps to rendered faces on the act mesh242
image_auto_layout.pyConsolidate into one imagePack all texture images into 1 image and remap faces.243
image_edit.pyEdit ExternalyOpen in an application for editing. (hold Shift to configure)242
image_find_paths.pyFix Broken PathsSearch for new image paths to make relative links to242
faceselect_same_weights.pySame Weights...Select same faces with teh same weight for the active group.241
weightpaint_clean.pyClean Weight...Removed verts from groups below a weight limit.241
weightpaint_envelope_assign.pyEnvelope via Group ObjectsAssigns weights to vertices via object envelopes242
weightpaint_grow_shrink.pyGrow/Shrink Weight...Grow/Shrink active vertex group.241
weightpaint_normalize.pyNormalize/Scale Weight...Normalize the weight of the active weightgroup.241
weightpaint_gradient.pyWeight Gradient...Click on the start and end grad points for the mesh for selected faces.241
vertexpaint_from_material.pyCopy from Material...Writes material diffuse color as vertex colors.242
vertexpaint_selfshadow_ao.pySelf Shadow VCols (AO)...Generate Fake Ambient Occlusion with vertex colors.241
vertexpaint_gradient.pyVCol Gradient...Click on the start and end grad points for the mesh for selected faces.241
uvcalc_quad_clickproj.pyClick project from face3 Clicks to project uvs onto selected faces.242
uvcalc_follow_active_coords.pyFollow Active (quads)Follow from active quads.242
uvcalc_from_adjacent.pyUVs from unselected adjacentAssign UVs to selected faces from surrounding unselected faces.242
uvcalc_smart_project.pyUnwrap (smart projections)UV Unwrap mesh faces for all select mesh objects240
help_getting_started.pyGetting StartedHelp for new users234
hotkeys.pyHotKey and MouseAction ReferenceAll the hotkeys/short keys242
IDPropBrowser.pyID Property BrowserBrowse ID properties242
help_manual.pyManualThe Blender reference manual234
help_py_reference.pyPython Scripting ReferenceDocumentation for using the Blender Python API234
help_release_notes.pyRelease NotesInformation about the changes in this version of Blender234
help_browser.pyScripts Help BrowserShow help information about a chosen installed script.234
help_tutorials.pyTutorialsTutorials for learning to use Blender234
sysinfo.pySystem Information...Information about your Blender environment, useful to diagnose problems.236
help_web_eshop.pyBlender E-ShopBuy official Blender resources and merchandise online234
help_web_blender.pyBlender WebsiteThe official Blender website234
help_web_devcomm.pyDeveloper CommunityGet involved with Blender development234
help_web_usercomm.pyUser CommunityGet involved with other Blender users234



# Convert to html ( Bpymenus )
# 1.copy this flie to ~/.blender/
# 2.check if exists 'Bpymenus'
# 3.type ' > log.html'
# 4.browse log.html
# 5.enjoy :-)

menufile = "Bpymenus"

#store to buffer
fi = open(menufile)
mbuf = []
for x in fi:

# parse each lines

lv = 0

for x in mbuf:
x=x.strip() if lv == 0: elm= x.split() if len(elm) ==2: if '{' in elm[1]: lv = 1 print "" print "***",elm[0] print "|Filename|Command|Description|Version|" elif lv == 1: if '}' in x or len(x) == 0: lv=0 elif x.find('|') != 0: y= x.split('\x27') z = y[2].split() print "|",z[1],"|",y[1].replace('&','&'),"|", if len(y) > 3: print y[3], else: print "*No description*", print "|",z[0],"|"





Next comes OSAKA!!!

Blender party @OSAKA,Japan 2009

Blender party @Tokyo,Japan 2009

Eventsupport blog(Della Nagoya)
bpnj2008 - blog

