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*クエスト情報 -タイトル:The Hunter's Path -レベル:3 ---- *日本語情報 **Title ハンターの道 **Objectives Ashley Blankと話して、the Steady Shotのスキルを購入し、 それからNorthshire Abbeyの入り口から南にあるa Training Dummyを見つけて、それにthe Steady Shotを5回使用せよ。 **Description あなたがオーク退治に活躍してくれたことは聞いてるわ。 あなたは自分が十分に戦
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q26917... - 2013年06月04日更新
ankの印で封がしてあるね、彼女はここのhunter trainerだよ。君がこの寺院(the Abbey)で他の仕事に精を出してくれる前に私なら読んでしまうところだがね。 **Progress こんにちわ、。何かご用? **Completion じゃあ、私の手紙を受け取ってくれたわけね?よかった。あなたはオークに対処できるだけの力があることを証明したわ。あなたが成長するたびに、新しい技術を教えてあげるわよ。 ---- *英語情報 **Objectives Read the Etched Letter a
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q26910... - 2013年06月04日更新
messenger from our hunter trainer, Ayanna. It seems Ayanna would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to her afterwards. **Progress You've arrived, and none too soon, . Welcome to Shadowglen. I trust my sigil found you in go
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q3117... - 2011年02月25日更新
*クエスト情報 -タイトル: Steady Shot -レベル: 3 ---- *日本語情報 **Title Steady Shot **Objectives Bamm Megabomb から Steady Shot を習い、Training Dummy で Steady Shot を3回練習して下さい。 **Description あっしは Bamm Megabomb、あなた様の専属トレイナーですよ。 ハンターとなるにあたって新しい知識に興味がおありでしょ。もう他をあたる必要ありやせん。 S
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q14007... - 2011年03月10日更新
she was sent by the hunter trainer Lanka. If this note is from Lanka, I wouldn't take long in reading it's contents. **Completion And it is my job to make sure you are prepared by teaching you the basics of our profession - how to tame your pet, how to f
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q3092... - 2011年03月04日更新
n, it came from the hunter trainer Jen'shan. She would have words with you when you're ready. **Completion When we finish speakin', you should talk to da rest of da citizens in da Valley. They ask you to do tings for them... tings that will test your ski
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q3087... - 2011年03月04日更新
n' it came from the hunter trainer Thorgas. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar. **Progress Ya made it! Good to hear! Betcha didn't have to track me to find the place either. Haha! **Completion One thing you should always remember is tha
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q3108... - 2011年03月04日更新
ars the seal of the hunter trainer Xavier. I would take some time to read it before heading out again. **Progress Ah, so you've arrived. Good. I overheard that a few others were able to escape "death" and were heading into town. Perhaps that resilience w
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q24962... - 2011年02月27日更新
*クエスト情報 -タイトル: Steady Shot -レベル: 3 ---- *日本語情報 **Title Steady Shot **Objectives Valey of Trials の Karranisha から Steady Shot を習い、Training Dummy で Steady Shot を5回練習して下さい。 **Description arcane shot の撃ち方はもう知ってるな。よし。だがあれは集中力をかなり消耗する。集中力を取り戻すには、別種類の遠距離攻撃に切り替
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q25139... - 2011年02月27日更新
ain you how to be a hunter. That's all well and good, but in my opinion, you'll get more training out in the field than you will talking about theories with me. I suppose I can show you a couple of my tricks. Here, come take a look at this... **Progress
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q24964... - 2011年02月27日更新
ption The life of a hunter is steeped in tradition, ye know. Trackin' mighty beasts through rugged terrain. Drinkin'. Travelin' the land, yer gun at yer side. Drinkin'. Survivin' on wits and courage and cunning, followed by a good stiff drink. But before
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q24530... - 2011年02月27日更新
*クエスト情報 -タイトル: Steadying Your Shot -レベル: 3 ---- *日本語情報 **Title 狙いを定めろ **Objectives Keilnei から Steady Shot を習い、Crash Site 北西にある Training Dummy で Steady Shot を5回練習して下さい。 **Description すぐ訓練を始めましょう。ここで生き延びるのはとても大変になるし、仲間の安全や充分な物資を確保するためにも大切な役割を果たすことになるから。私
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q26963... - 2011年02月27日更新
aining of our young hunters, a responsibility that I intend to continue on this new world. I've had my eye upon you for a while now and it would be my honor to help train you in the ways of the . Shall we begin?
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q9288... - 2011年02月27日更新
ter the ways of the hunter, but each new skill is a step on that path. Let me show you a useful shot. When our lesson is concluded, I want you to try it for yourself. **Progress **Completion You have done well, . Return to me when you are in need of f
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q27021... - 2011年02月27日更新
but the way of the hunter is just as ancient and just as venerable. I've been observing you, and you've had quite a bit of experience handling that bow. I want to show you a shooting technique that I often use in combat. I want you try it. Look for a t
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q26947... - 2011年02月25日更新
*クエスト情報 -タイトル: A Well-Earned Reward -レベル: 20 ---- *日本語情報 **Title 努力の賜物 **Objectives Shadowfang Keep へ行き、Godfrey's Crystal Scope ・ Moontouched Wood 5束 ・ Deathless Sinew 5本を手に入れて下さい。 **Description 、君の成長に感動したのは俺だけじゃないぞ。弓やペットを使いこなす腕前、Alliance への貢献を Wrynn王が
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q27344... - 2011年02月25日更新
and coordination of hunters in the service of Stormwind. He has asked to speak to you personally. As soon as you are able, travel to Stormwind and exit the Old Town district through the south gate to reach his headquarters. I have no idea what he has pla
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q27266... - 2011年02月25日更新
up the ways of the hunter quickly, . Your skills have made you a credit to the Horde and an example to the younglings. As a reward for your progress and hard work, the warchief has commissioned his personal bowyer to create a unique weapon. The cursed
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q27395... - 2011年02月25日更新
shot, master of the hunters in Orgrimmar, has asked to meet with you. Travel quickly to Orgrimmar and present yourself to Ormak in the Valley of Honor. **Progress **Completion Good, you're here. Let's get started.
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q27278... - 2011年02月25日更新
**Description As a hunter, it is important to remember the responsibility you hold in your hands. Nature is not a power that can be bent to obey our desires; it is one that is to be respected and acknowledged as something stronger than your very existenc
https://seesaawiki.jp/w/questjapanizer/d/Q6063... - 2010年09月24日更新
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