汎用TRPG「ガープス(GURUPS)」について、だべったりつづったりする所。 魔法関連ルールの編集者募集中!


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worlds where mental powers are commonplace, anyone might be able to build up a [[精神防壁]] (GM’s decision). In settings with many different supernatural powers and abilities, the GM should let [[精神防壁]] add to IQ, Will, and Perception for the purpose of resis…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%c0%ba%bf%c0%cb%c9... - 2024年03月02日更新


d divine and spirit powers associated with entities that govern water. Individuals with highly developed chi powers might be able to run across liquids, too --a feat attributed to ninja in legend. The most cinematic shapeshifting powers might even let a m…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bf%e5%be%e5%ca%e2... - 2024年03月02日更新


徴 名称修正希望 ]]|[[:Tags:powers 有利な特徴]]| 第4版『[[ベーシックセット]]』の第2章「[[有利な特徴]]」B62P参照。 原書名elastic skinをスペースアルク英辞郎で調べると「ゴム状皮膚」と翻訳される。skinの訳のひとつは「皮膚」だが、「外観」も含まれ、乗り物やロボットなどの無生物にこの特徴を適用すると、「皮膚」という訳はあまりにも不適切になる。解説によると、ゴム状とは限らない、かつ伸縮するだけとは限らない、皮膚とは限らないので「変幻自在の外観」「外観成形」と…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bf%ad%bd%cc%bc%ab... - 2024年03月02日更新


mong those with chi powers; the GM might let martial artists with such powers use the +4 bonus to Touch rolls to cancel darkness penalties in close combat. [[才能]] adds to Touch rolls. [END]…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bf%a8%b3%d0%a4%ac... - 2024年03月02日更新


and nature-control powers, and divine powers bestowed by nature deities. Spirit powers that let the user converse with nature spirits rather than plants themselves might grant it, too --likely with the Sapience enhancement. [[才能]] adds to all IQ and Hear…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bf%a2%ca%aa%b2%f1... - 2024年03月02日更新


. Those with moral powers may receive similar guidance from their “moral compass.” [[才能]] adds to IQ rolls to use this ability. [END] …

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%be%ef%bc%b1... - 2024年03月01日更新


is ideal for spirit powers that let the user speak with dead ancestors. The ability to read their minds across time would be part of Telepathy, while sensitivity to persistent psychic echoes from the past is more like ESP. [[才能]] adds to IQ rolls to use t…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bc%ef%c2%b2%a4%ce... - 2024年03月01日更新


ith truly fantastic powers --supers, gods, etc. Supers with 「[[縮小]]」 often enjoy Full Damage (+100%), Full [[DR]] (+30%), Full [[HP]] (+30%), and Full Move (+30%). They sometimes have Can Carry Objects, too, in order to shrink their costumes; the +10% le…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bd%cc%be%ae... - 2024年03月01日更新


, moral, and spirit powers. Its built-in code of conduct doesn’t preclude claiming a discount for the Divine, Moral, or Spirit power modifier, even when this imposes its own code. The restrictions a servitor must live under are often different from those …

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bf%bf%a4%ce%bf%ae... - 2024年03月01日更新


the same classes of powers that allow Growth: matter-control powers, cinematic biological powers, and cosmic powers. Talent doesn’t affect die rolls, but those with multiple levels of Stretching and Talent may adjust body-part SM by up to ±(Talent+1) per …

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bf%ad%c4%b9... - 2024年03月01日更新


|[[:Tags:有利な特徴 知覚関連]]|[[:Tags:template_toolkit2_races 特徴]]|[[:Tags:差替名称 特徴]]| 第4版『[[ベーシックセット]]』の第2章「[[有利な特徴]]」B62P参照。 #contents 『ガープス・ベーシック【第4版】キャラクター』では「震動感覚」という表記。これは悪訳。特徴の説明から震動より振動のほうが汎用的。原語はVibration Sense。「振動」は「振り子・ガラスの振動」、「振動数」、「電磁波・音波の振動」のように一般・…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bf%b6%c6%b0%b4%b6... - 2024年03月01日更新


|[[:Tags:有利な特徴 肉体的特徴 特殊的特徴]]| 第4版『[[ベーシックセット]]』の第2章「[[有利な特徴]]」B57P参照。『R&R SP2』では「締め付け」と表記されている。 *有利特徴「締めつけ」(Constriction Attack) B57P 「[[締めつけ]]」[15CP] ……肉、特  あなたの筋肉繊維は、敵を砕くために最適化されています。例えば熊のように「だきつい」たり、ニシキヘビのように[[締め]]つけます。この能力を使うためには、まず目標とする犠牲者に「[[組みつき&…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%c4%f9%a4%e1%a4%c4... - 2024年03月01日更新


(World) mainly suit powers concerned with time- or world-travel, such as Teleportation and (with Projection) Astral Projection. Just about any power that grants faster-than-light levels of Enhanced Move (Space) could justify Jumper (Time) with the Special…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bc%a1%b8%b5%c4%b7... - 2024年03月01日更新


f divine and spirit powers (the user prays to the gods or spirits for help), as well as chi and psi powers. It also suits probability-control powers, regardless of source. With Blessing or Cursing, 「[[視覚化暗示]]」 is appropriate for moral powers, too --and ev…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bb%eb%b3%d0%b2%bd... - 2024年03月01日更新


|[[:Tags:有利な特徴 精神的特徴 超常的特徴]]|[[:Tags:超能力]]| 第4版『[[ベーシックセット]]』の第2章「[[有利な特徴]]」B53P参照。 *有利特徴「サイコメトリー」(Psychometry) B53P 「[[サイコメトリー]]」[20CP]……精、超  あなたは場所や無生物の歴史を感じ取ることができます――その使われ方、持ち主の性格、などです。これらは通常何かしらの超常的な才能です(例えば[[超能力]])。しかし高度技術によって過去を見ることができる“時間走査”能力が顕…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%a5%b5%a5%a4%a5%b3... - 2024年03月01日更新


erhuman: Those with powers often have more unusual justifications. These can be invisible (an ordinary- looking man who runs very fast, speedy psychokinetic levitation, etc.) or glaringly obvious (e.g., creating and gliding along a strip of ice). 「[[FP消費]…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b9%e2%c2%ae%b0%dc... - 2024年02月29日更新


It makes sense for powers that can summon matter, too; e.g., Water power might encase the target in ice or turn dry earth into muck. [[才能]] adds to rolls to hit, but not to ST rolls made for the 「[[拘束]]」. For that, buy a higher level of 「[[拘束]]」! [END] …

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b9%b4%c2%ab... - 2024年02月29日更新


y divine and spirit powers are likely to have 「[[後援者]]」 as abilities. [[才能]] doesn’t add to appearance rolls, but does add to Influence and reaction rolls made to sway the 「[[後援者]]」. This can be extremely useful for 「[[後援者]]」 bought with Minimal Interven…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b8%e5%b1%e7%bc%d4... - 2024年02月29日更新


r divine and spirit powers. With Active or Wishing, it might instead be part of a probability-control power; this could have almost any source, but is commonly associated with psi in fiction. [[才能]] gives a bonus to any die roll influence by [[幸運]] --but …

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b9%ac%b1%bf... - 2024年02月29日更新


s many supernatural powers --especially spirit powers, which might call for the Projected Form limitation if they let a shaman become a totem animal. Morph works better for exotic bodyalteration powers. When deciding on what external influence can force…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b7%c1%c2%d6%ca%d1... - 2024年02月29日更新

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