汎用TRPG「ガープス(GURUPS)」について、だべったりつづったりする所。 魔法関連ルールの編集者募集中!


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t not others. Moral powers always set it off, however. How [[探知]] presents information to the user is a special effect. Someone with [[探知]] (Magic) might experience magic as a glow visible through intervening obstacles, a scent, an odd foreboding, or anyt…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%c3%b5%c3%ce... - 2024年06月06日更新


e.g., 10 FP for psi powers is “ER 10 (Psi) [30].” An ER can only power abilities of the same source. It can pay the basic FP costs to use advantages, those added by Costs Fatigue, and expenditures for extra effort and stunts (see Chapter 4). It can also f…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/ER... - 2024年06月01日更新


Control: Those with powers --especially elemental ones --can frequently use their gifts to divert or negate incoming energies. Such [[DR]] is typically Limited. An entire power source is “Very Common” (-20%), while a specific focus is “Common” (-40%). Ma…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%cb%c9%b8%ee%c5%c0... - 2024年06月01日更新


other supernatural powers --notably spirit powers. [[才能]] adds to IQ rolls to activate the ability and shift viewpoints, and to all Sense rolls to spot things while using this ability. [END] …

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%c4%b6%b4%b6%b3%d0... - 2024年06月01日更新


します。 [+]原書表記? Most powers can justify some kind of 「[[特殊効果]]」. Even wholly beneficial powers --Psychic 「[[治療できる]]」, the divine power of the God of Medicine, etc. --are likely to include 「[[特殊効果]]」s enhanced with Advantage or Negated Disadvantage, or with…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%c6%c3%bc%ec%b8%fa... - 2024年05月31日更新


psionic, and spirit powers generally let the user fly like a levitator, while elemental powers tend to work more like a rocket, vertol, or hovercraft. People with animal-control or shapeshifting powers might sprout wings and fly like a bird or a glider. […

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%c8%f4%b9%d4%a1%ca... - 2024年05月31日更新


f divine and spirit powers (the user prays to the gods or spirits for help), as well as chi and psi powers. It also suits probability-control powers, regardless of source. With Blessing or Cursing, 「[[視覚化暗示]]」 is appropriate for moral powers, too --and ev…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%bb%eb%b3%d0%b2%bd... - 2024年05月30日更新


|[[:Tags:有利な特徴 精神的特徴 超常的特徴 知覚関連 ]]|[[:Tags:超能力 知覚関連 ]]| 第4版『[[ベーシックセット]]』の第2章「[[有利な特徴]]」B53P参照。 *有利特徴「サイコメトリー」(Psychometry) B53P 「[[サイコメトリー]]」[20cp]……[[有利な特徴]]、[[精>精神的特徴]]、[[超>超常的特徴]] =|BOX| 「[[サイコメトリー]]」 ||=  あなたは場所や無生物の歴史を感じ取ることができます――その使われ方、持ち主の…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%a5%b5%a5%a4%a5%b3... - 2024年05月30日更新


stems from magical powers, spirit powers, or something else; and so on. If he selects a source, all that matters is the power modifier on 「[[透明]]」. For instance, [[透明が見える]] (Psionic) can see through electrokinetic light-bending and telepathic mindbendin…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%c6%a9%cc%c0%a4%ac... - 2024年05月29日更新


rfect for elemental powers: Radar, 「[[イメージング・レーダー]]」, and T-Ray Vision fit Electricity power; Ladar and Active IR suit Light power; and Sonar is logical for Sound/Vibration power. Electrokinesis (usually psionic) could justify any 「[[走査感覚]]」 except Sonar …

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%c1%f6%ba%ba%b4%b6... - 2024年05月29日更新


erhuman: Those with powers often have more unusual justifications. These can be invisible (an ordinary- looking man who runs very fast, speedy psychokinetic levitation, etc.) or glaringly obvious (e.g., creating and gliding along a strip of ice). 「[[FP消費]…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b9%e2%c2%ae%b0%dc... - 2024年05月02日更新


It makes sense for powers that can summon matter, too; e.g., Water power might encase the target in ice or turn dry earth into muck. [[才能]] adds to rolls to hit, but not to ST rolls made for the 「[[拘束]]」. For that, buy a higher level of 「[[拘束]]」! [END]…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b9%b4%c2%ab... - 2024年05月02日更新


y divine and spirit powers are likely to have 「[[後援者]]」 as abilities. [[才能]] doesn’t add to appearance rolls, but does add to Influence and reaction rolls made to sway the 「[[後援者]]」. This can be extremely useful for 「[[後援者]]」 bought with Minimal Interven…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b8%e5%b1%e7%bc%d4... - 2024年05月02日更新


r divine and spirit powers. With Active or Wishing, it might instead be part of a probability-control power; this could have almost any source, but is commonly associated with psi in fiction. [[才能]] gives a bonus to any die roll influence by [[幸運]] --but …

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b9%ac%b1%bf... - 2024年05月02日更新


s many supernatural powers --especially spirit powers, which might call for the Projected Form limitation if they let a shaman become a totem animal. Morph works better for exotic bodyalteration powers. When deciding on what external influence can force…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b7%c1%c2%d6%ca%d1... - 2024年05月02日更新


en’t quite mastered powers that will eventually let them fly. The [[GM]] should consider treating 「[[空中歩行]]」 as a “placeholder” that the PCs can improve to 「[[飛行]]」 with earned points. ■代替案(Alternatives) The obvious comparison is with 「[[飛行]]」 (p. 50), w…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b6%f5%c3%e6%ca%e2... - 2024年05月02日更新


Those who have chi powers can use unmodified 「[[空中バランス]]」 to simulate “body lightening” (karumijutsu). [[才能]] adds to DX rolls to halve damage in all cases. [END] …

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b6%f5%c3%e6%a5%d0... - 2024年05月02日更新


he context of super-powers or “being a god.” Few other mythic or fictional explanations exist for 「[[巨大化]]」, and there’s no realistic rationale for it. Supers and gods can generally enlarge their equipment as they grow, which calls for the Can Carry Objec…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b5%f0%c2%e7%b2%bd... - 2024年05月02日更新


s many supernatural powers, including sinister divine and moral powers that flow from terrifying sources, spirit powers that command horrific ghosts, and chi and psi powers that let the user project his will to unnerve his enemies. Explained as finely tun…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b6%b2%c9%dd... - 2024年05月02日更新


als with superhuman powers can use perks to represent their powers’ most trivial abilities. Perks defined as part of a power are subject to the power’s limitations but get the benefit of the power’s Talent on any rolls required to use them. For inspiratio…

https://seesaawiki.jp/mokugyo/d/%b0%db%c7%bd%b7%cf... - 2024年04月29日更新

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