
郷党第十 241

 241 君子不以紺緅飾、紅紫不以爲褻服、當暑袗絺綌、必表而出、緇衣羔裘、素衣麑裘、黄衣狐裘、褻裘長、短右袂、必有寢衣、


 The superior man did not use a deep purple, or a puce color, in the ornaments of his dress.
Even in his undress, he did not wear anything of a red or reddish color.
In warm weather, he had a single garment either of coarse or fine texture, but he wore it displayed over an inner garment.
Over lamb's fur he wore a garment of black; over fawn's fur one of white; and over fox's fur one of yellow.
The fur robe of his undress was long, with the right sleeve short.
He required his sleeping dress to be half as long again as his body.
When staying at home, he used thick furs of the fox or the badger.
When he put off mourning, he wore all the appendages of the girdle.
His undergarment, except when it was required to be of the curtain shape, was made of silk cut narrow above and wide below.
He did not wear lamb's fur or a black cap on a visit of condolence.
On the first day of the month he put on his court robes, and presented himself at court.


2007年04月23日(月) 00:57:18 Modified by hanamaru0001
