
堯曰第二十 497

 497 堯曰、咨爾舜、天之暦数在爾躬、允執其中、四海困窮、天禄永終、舜亦以命禹、曰、予小子履、敢用玄牡、敢昭告于皇皇后帝、有罪不敢赦、帝臣不蔽、簡在帝心、朕躬有罪、無以万方、万方有罪、罪在朕躬、周有大賚、善人是富、雖有周親、不如仁人、百姓有過、在予一人、謹権量、審法度、修廃官、四方之政行焉、興滅国、継絶世、挙逸民、天下之民帰心焉、所重民、食、喪、祭、寛則得衆、信則民任焉、敏則有功、公恵則説

 Yao said, "Oh! you, Shun, the Heaven-determined order of succession now rests in your person. Sincerely hold fast the due Mean. If there shall be distress and want within the four seas, the Heavenly revenue will come to a perpetual end."
Shun also used the same language in giving charge to Yu.
T'ang said, "I the child Li, presume to use a dark-colored victim, and presume to announce to Thee, O most great and sovereign God, that the sinner I dare not pardon, and thy ministers, O God, I do not keep in obscurity. The examination of them is by thy mind, O God. If, in my person, I commit offenses, they are not to be attributed to you, the people of the myriad regions. If you in the myriad regions commit offenses, these offenses must rest on my person."
Chau conferred great gifts, and the good were enriched. "Although he has his near relatives, they are not equal to my virtuous men. The people are throwing blame upon me, the One man."
 He carefully attended to the weights and measures, examined the body of the laws, restored the discarded officers, and the good government of the kingdom took its course.
 He revived states that had been extinguished, restored families whose line of succession had been broken, and called to office those who had retired into obscurity, so that throughout the kingdom the hearts of the people turned towards him.
 What he attached chief importance to were the food of the people, the duties of mourning, and sacrifices.
 By his generosity, he won all. By his sincerity, he made the people repose trust in him. By his earnest activity, his achievements were great. By his justice, all were delighted.



2007年04月27日(金) 15:45:48 Modified by hanamaru0001
