
Ashita3 >> Ashitacast


  • Ashitacast automates gear changes for you. eg. FC80 set >> INT+/Matk set>> refresh/TP set. 



Command: /ashitacast or /ac

/ac load - Attempt to load Charname_JOB.xml.
/ac load Filename.xml - Attempt to load Filename.xml
/ac reload - Reload the active swap XML.
/ac unload - Unload the active swap XML.

/ac naked - Remove all gear.
/ac set SetName [Duration] - Lock SetName on for Duration in seconds(5 if unspecified).
/ac enable [Slot] - Enables gear swaps for the specified slot, or all slots if unspecified.
/ac disable [Slot] - Disables gear swaps for the specified slot, or all slots if unspecified.

/ac action [Target Index] [ma/ws/ja/ra] [action ID if not ra] - Directly sends an action packet through with appropriate swaps.
/ac debug [Optional: On/Off] - Enables or disables debug prints of all equip swaps. Will toggle if on/off isn't specified.

/ac validate - Print an output of what items in your XML are not currently in your inventory/wardrobes.
/ac gear - Use dressme or packer plugins(packer is prioritized) to automatically collect gear from your currently loaded xml. Will not work with neither loaded.

/ac help - Display help on commands.
/ac help print - Display help on print commands.
/ac help var - Display help on var commands.

/ac var clear - Clear all user-defined variables.
/ac var set [name] [value] - Set a variable to a specific value.
/ac var inc [Name] [Optional: Amount] - Increase a variable. Defaults to 1.
/ac var dec [Name] [Optional: Amount] - Decrease a variable. Defaults to 1.

/ac print augs \"Item Name\" - Prints a code used to reference the augments on an item.
/ac print uvars - Print current values of all user-defined variables.
/ac print vars - Print current values of all built-in variables.
/ac print set [setname] - Print a set.

/ac addset Name - Add your currently equipped gear to your loaded XML under the specified set name.
/ac newxml Name - Create a blank XML and load it(doesn't include rules, just gives you a blank template to add sets to).


Exporting gear sets

  1. Create a new folder: ..\Ashita3\config\Ashitacast\
  2. Create a new XML file
    /ac newxml <Yourname>_<YourJob>.xml
  3. Equip your gears and do /ac addset test
    Your gears will be saved with the set name "test" into the XML file.

Do the /ac addset test command again. You will see the duplicated "test" sections. Ashitacast needs to have /ac updateset command but it's not available. What you can do is:
  • /ac addset <set name>
  • Delete the old <set name>

Premagic: Fast Cast

When you cast white/black/song/blue/ninjutsu/avatars/trusts, you will see a percentage bar on top. Some spells takes considerably long time. Fast Cast (FC for short) allows you to shorten this casting time (cap 80%). The Lv90 gears do not have much choice. So you will need to add FC+4% to your gears. Ashitacast gives you a chance to change your gears and to notify the server for your FC, and it's called <premagic> (precast in GearSwap).

		<equip set="precast" />

Type of Spells (ad_type)
WhiteMagicwhite magic
BlackMagicblack magic
BlueMagicblue magic
BardSongbard songs
?summoning magic
?blood pact rage
?blood pact ward

  1. Dump FC set
    /ac addset precast
  2. Copy-and-paste the <premagic> section above into your XML file
  3. Do /ac reload
  4. Try casting some spells

Midmagic: maximizing your spells

This is the place where you put together INT+/Matk, Cure Potency+/MND+, Affinity+, Haste, BloodPact damage+ gears.

Your SMN XML file should look like this. Since we don't have BP reduction set for Lv90, we simply change to BP set in <premagic>.
		<set name="precast">
			<main augment="S99999">Weapon</main>
			<sub augment="S99999">A Grip</sub>
			<range augment="S99999">B Bow</range>
			<ammo augment="S99999">C Arrow</ammo>
			<head augment="S99999">D Head</head>
			<body augment="S99999">E Robe</body>
			<hands augment="S99999">F Hands</hands>
			<legs augment="S99999">G Legs</legs>
			<feet augment="S99999">H Feet</feet>
			<neck augment="S99999">I Neck</neck>
			<waist augment="S99999">J Waist</waist>
			<ear1 augment="S99999">K Earing</ear1>
			<ear2 augment="S99999">L Earing</ear2>
			<ring1 augment="S99999">M Ring</ring1>
			<ring2 augment="S99999">N Ring</ring2>
			<back augment="S99999">O Cape</back>

		<set name="midcastCure">
			<main augment="S99999">Weapon</main>
			<sub augment="S99999">A Grip</sub>
			<range augment="S99999">B Bow</range>
			<ammo augment="S99999">C Arrow</ammo>
			<head augment="S99999">D Head</head>
			<body augment="S99999">E Robe</body>
			<hands augment="S99999">F Hands</hands>
			<legs augment="S99999">G Legs</legs>
			<feet augment="S99999">H Feet</feet>
			<neck augment="S99999">I Neck</neck>
			<waist augment="S99999">J Waist</waist>
			<ear1 augment="S99999">K Earing</ear1>
			<ear2 augment="S99999">L Earing</ear2>
			<ring1 augment="S99999">M Ring</ring1>
			<ring2 augment="S99999">N Ring</ring2>
			<back augment="S99999">O Cape</back>
		<set name="midcastBP">
			<main augment="S99999">Weapon</main>
			<sub augment="S99999">A Grip</sub>
			<range augment="S99999">B Bow</range>
			<ammo augment="S99999">C Arrow</ammo>
			<head augment="S99999">D Head</head>
			<body augment="S99999">E Robe</body>
			<hands augment="S99999">F Hands</hands>
			<legs augment="S99999">G Legs</legs>
			<feet augment="S99999">H Feet</feet>
			<neck augment="S99999">I Neck</neck>
			<waist augment="S99999">J Waist</waist>
			<ear1 augment="S99999">K Earing</ear1>
			<ear2 augment="S99999">L Earing</ear2>
			<ring1 augment="S99999">M Ring</ring1>
			<ring2 augment="S99999">N Ring</ring2>
			<back augment="S99999">O Cape</back>
		<if ad_type="bloodpact*">
			<equip set="midcastBP" />
			<equip set="precast" />
		<if ad_type="WhiteMagic">
			<if ad_skill="HealingMagic">
				<if ad_name="cure*" >
					<equip set="midcastCure" />


