
Ashita3 >> Multisend


Multisend allows you to send instructions to your alts. Note: it does not support sending instructions to a client running on different PC within the same LAN.


CommandShort formDescription
/ms send <command>/mss <command>Sends a command to all characters
/ms sendto <char> <command>/mst <char> <command>Sends a command to a specific character.
/ms sendothers <command>/mso <command>Sends a command to all characters except for the current character.
/ms sendparty <command>/msp <command>Sends a command to all characters in the current character's party.
This includes the current character unless ignoreself is turned on.
/ms sendally <command> /msa <command>Sends a command to all characters in the current character's alliance.
This includes the current character unless ignoreself is turned on.
/ms sendgroup <group> <command> /msg <group> <command>Sends a command to all characters listed in a group. See below


  • A group file can be defined in ..\Ashita\Config\MultiSend.xml
  • A group name is not case-sensitive

Command: /ms sendgroup <group> <command>
Short form: /msg <group> <command>
Sends a command to all characters listed in a group. Groups can be defined in Ashita/Config/MultiSend.xml. See Ashita/docs/multisend/XML Structure file as an example. |

Command: /ms reload
Typing this will reload your groups xml.

You need to have groups of chars predefined in a form of XML file.
<multisend> <!--You must have an xml structure listed.-->
	<group index="1" name="BLM"> <!--Every group must have a unique index, from 1 to 65535.  It has no meaning, but it's used to maintain sync on reload.  Using the same index on multiple groups will cause unexpected behavior.  You may only use letters, no numbers symbols or spaces, in group names.-->
		<char>Avesta</char> <!--List all characters belonging to said group.-->
	<group index="2" name="Melee"> <!--Just another example..-->

/msg blm /ma "Stone II" [t]
/msg pup /ja deploy [t]


Auto Follow

/ms followmax [#]Sets a max follow range(in yalms). If follow target is more than this many yalms away, following characters won't move.
-I recommend setting between 30 and 100 to prevent following from trying to use portals.
-Default is 5000, which will be the same behavior as before this setting was added.
/ms followme [on/off]Enables or disables followme. When followme is enabled, any characters with follow enabled will follow the player who last activated followme. Default: OFF.
-Followme can only be enabled by one character. If a second character turns it on, the first character will have it disabled automatically.
/ms follow [on/off]Enables or disables follow. Any character with follow enabled with follow the player who last activated followme. Default: ON

This could be done with /follow.
/ms sendothers /follow <char>
/ms sendothers /assist <char>


/ms attemptzone on/offEnables or disables attempted zoning. When enabled, if the leader zones, the other characters will continue running in the direction they were last running. Default: OFF 
-If you are using a home point, survival guide, etc, it will be detected as long as you stand still throughout the process and nobody will run off.
-BUT, if you move after first acting upon the object or sending an uberwarp command, chars may run off.
/ms ignoreself on/offWhen enabled, any command that would effect the local character is not executed by the local character. Default: OFF
/ms debug on/offWhen enabled, all received commands are printed to log and any character with followme updated will spam log with position updates. Default: OFF

/ms help
Typing this will print a list of commands ingame.

Target Alias

You may use [t] [me] or [p0] [p1] [p2] [p3] [p4] [p5] to replace the <> equivalents, if you wish to resolve them on local character. This will replace them with the appropriate server IDs, allowing the command to resolve on receiving character.

Example: Typing /ms send /ma "Fire IV" [t] will make all characters with multisend loaded cast Fire IV on the character who typed the command's target, rather than their own current target.


