
カルチャー>新聞・雑誌, 宗教と核戦争

Shelter Ethic (1961) by Thomas Merton

アメリカのトラピスト修道士、作家、神学者、神秘家、詩人、社会活動家、そして比較宗教学者であるThomas Merton (1915-1968)は、カトリックLaurence McHugh神父によるシェルターと倫理の記事とそれへの批判の声に対して、次のような意見をCatholic Workerに書いている。
What precisely is the question? A great deal of discussion was aroused in October by an article of an associate editor of America, Fr. L. C. McHugh, S.J. Rather, to speak more accurately, a great deal of discussion was raised by the confusing and one-sided presentation of that article in the national press. The article Itself is perfectly reasonable, and it contains nothing with which a professor of ethics would disagree. It states clearly that the natural law guarantees everyone a right to defend his life and the safety of his dependents, and that he may even defend his life with violence, risking the death of the unjust aggressor, if violence is clearly the last available recourse. It also makes quite clear that the violence may only be used at the actual moment of assault, and when the assault has been initiated with evident intent to kill. Lethal violence may never be used merely to forestall the possibility of assault. Finally, the violence must be limited to what is strictly necessary, and if possible, the death of the unjust aggressor must be avoided.

何が正確には問われているのか? [カトリック週刊誌]アメリカの副編集者であるMcHugh神父の記事によって、1961ン江10月に多くの議論が引き起こされた。むしろ、より正確に言えば、その記事を取り上げた全国紙の紛らわしくも一方的な報道によって、多くの議論が適された。神父の記事自体は完全に合理的であり、倫理学の教授が異議を唱えるものは何も含まれていない。自然法は、すべての人に自分の命と扶養家族の安全を守る権利を保証し、暴力が明らかに最後の手段である場合、暴力で自分の命を守り、不当な侵略者の死を危険にさらす可能性があることを明確に述べている。また、暴力は実際の暴行の瞬間にのみ、そして暴行が明らかに殺害の意図を持って開始されたときにのみ使用できることを明確にしている。死に至るような暴力は、単に暴行の可能性を未然に防ぐために使用してはならない。最後に、暴力は厳密に必要なものに限定されなければならず、可能であれば、不当な侵略者の死は避けられなければならない。
Most of the reports in the national press evidently failed to draw any attention to the most important paragraph in Father McHugh’s article. I quote:

"To say that one has a right to employ violence in defense of life Is not to say that one has the duty to do so. Indeed, In the Christian view, there is a great merit in turning the other cheek and bearing evils patiently out of the love of God." Fr. McHugh hastens to add that this is “heroism” and a “dedication to a full Christian ethic that is far above what God requires under pain of eternal loss. "

He then points out that an “unattached individual” may well resign his place in the shelter in favor of someone else. This Is excellent.




[ Thomas Merton: "The Shelter Ethic" (1961/11/01) ]

その上で、Thomas Mertonは、McHugh神父への批判意図はないと断ったうえで...
I have no intention whatever of criticizing Father McHugh, and I have absolutely no complaint about his principles. My intention is to speak about the whole situation that makes such discussion inevitable, and which dictated certain assumptions which to my mind completely falsify the Christian moral perspective in this problem. What is disturbing today is the widespread and unreserved acceptance of these assumptions. >


[ Thomas Merton: "The Shelter Ethic" (1961/11/01) ]
  • 南米や豪州ならいざしらず、全面核攻撃を受ける米国では、裏庭の浅いシェルターなど無意味
  • 我々を核戦争へと一歩一歩密びいている曖昧な政治思想を受動的かつ無批判に受け入れることになる
  • 多くのカトリック教徒の道徳的思考にある、最小限の義務を果たせば、キリスト教徒として、真っ当であるという暗黙の了解となる

これは、この前月にCatholic Workerに寄稿した記事で示された、Thomas Merton自身の主張に基づくものである。
When I pray for peace, I pray to be protected not only from the Reds but '3lso from the folly and blindness of my own country. When I pray for peace, I pray not only that the enemies of my country may cease to want war, but above all that my own country will cease to do the things that make war inevitable. In other words, when I pray for peace, I am no just praying that the Russians will give up without struggle and let us have our own way. I am praying that both we and the Russians may somehow be restored to sanity and learn how to work out our problems, as best we can, together, instead of prep1ring for global suicide.
So instead of loving what you think is peace, love other men and love God above all. And instead of hating the people you think are warmongers, hate the appetites and the disorder in your own soul, which are the causes of war. If you love peace, then hate injustice, hate tyranny, hate greed-but hate these things· in yourself, not in ·another.

だからこそ、あなたが平和だと思うものを愛する代わりに、他の人を愛し、何よりも神を愛してください。そして、あなたが主戦論者だと思う人々を憎む代わりに、戦争の原因である皆さん自身の魂の食欲と無秩序を憎みなさい。 あなたが平和を愛するなら、不当を憎み、専制政治を憎み、貪欲を憎むえしょう。しかし、これらのことを憎むのは、他の人ではなく、自分自身の中にあるものに対してです。

[ Thomas Merton: "The root of war" (1961/10/01) ]
[[James G. R. Cronin (2017)>http://www.thomasmertonsociety.org/Journal/24/24-2...によれば、このような「全面戦争には全面平和主義が必要だ」という考えは、Catholic Worker運動にもともとあったという。
The members of the Catholic Worker Movement, founded in 1933 by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin, could not morally support America's conflict with the Soviet Union, however lofty its justification, because they belonged to the 'other International', the Catholic Church. With a headline in The Catholic Worker, Dorothy Day had declared, 'We are UnAmerican: We are Catholics', as patriotic sentiment had soared in 1948.31 The threat of total war required a total pacifist response.

[ James G. R. Cronin: "Fear Thy Neighbour: Merton and the 1961 Shelter Scare" (2017) ]



