

シェルター滞在実験"The York Experiment" (1965)

1963年、英国内務省は核攻撃に対する民間防衛ブックレットAdvising the Householder on Protection against Nuclear Attackを発行した。このすぐ後、York Civil Defence Committeeは、このブックレットに従って作ったフォールアウトルームの展示を開始、1964年10月まで公開した。そして、1965年3月22〜24日に、ボランティア3名がその中で過ごす実験「The York Experiment」を実施した。ボランティアはたまたま3人とも女性だった。
  • Margaret Jones (34): 主婦
  • Winifred Smith (40): 鉄道会社の福祉職員
  • Mildred Veale (40): 公務員
Standing at one end of the room was a lean-to shelter core, which had been made by propping a couple of doors up against the wall, reinforced by a stack of sandbags. The core measured just three by five feet, but offered a protective factor from radiation three times that of the rest of the fallout room. The women immediately climbed into the shelter core, where they would need to stay for seven hours in order to avoid the most damaging effects of the ‘fallout’. The Times reported that they managed six-and-a-half uncomfortable hours in the core before emerging, suffering from cramps.

Then apathy set in. Though described as ‘women of intelligence and determination’ and despite having brought pastimes with them, the women didn’t do anything during that first day. ‘They did nothing but exist; the minimum of cooking, but nothing else whatever’, the organisers admitted. The rapid onset of listlessness in the three volunteers after their stint in the ‘core’ took everyone by surprise. ‘Cold, miserable, aching and stiff’, the women chatted a little, ate, took painkillers and slept.

Simulated radio news broadcasts, pre-recorded to tape, and preceded by five minutes of music, were played via the fallout room’s wireless set seven times during the experiment. The women were instructed to push a buzzer to indicate they had heard them – their only form of communication with the outside world. If the broadcasts were meant to make them feel better, it did not work: once the news had finished, the volunteers became ‘more miserable and isolated’. The fifth broadcast, in particular, ‘had quite a profound effect’ according to the official report: a technical glitch meant the lunchtime transmission finished more abruptly than intended, leaving the women ‘fearful’ for the next three hours. They tried to do some knitting, but made so many mistakes they had to give up. They took tranquilisers, which had little effect. They went to bed, but found themselves unable to sleep. After just under two days, the experiment had started to take on a sense of realism that nobody had expected.




[ Taras Young: "How to Survive a Nuclear War: The York Experiment" (2018/10/24) on History Today ]
Journalists reported with some ill-disguised delight that the women had suffered hallucinations towards the end of their ordeal. ‘Miss Veale thought the sandbags were going to fall on her; Mrs Jones thought people were watching her, and Miss Smith thought she felt objects rushing across her face’, claimed The Times. In the view of the official report, however, ‘the stories about “hallucinations” had very little substance in them’.

女性たちが実験の終わりにかけて幻覚を見ていたと、ジャーナリストは楽しさを隠し切れない報道をした。「Miss Vealeは土嚢が落ちてくると思えた。Mrs Jonesは人々が自分を見ていると思えた。Miss Smithは顔に向かって物が飛んでくると思えた。」公式報告書の見解では、「幻覚について記事は、ほとんど裏付けのないものだった。」

[ Taras Young: "How to Survive a Nuclear War: The York Experiment" (2018/10/24) on History Today ]



