


Yap and Chen (2020)は指摘する。
What's fuelling the panic? (何がパニックを刺激しているのか?)

So how can we explain it, given there has been little or no indication that supplies are low? Some reports have attributed the panic buying to a growing distrust of Chinese authorities’ ability to keep people safe or tell them the truth. But, obviously, the global prevalence of panic buying would seem to poke holes in that theory.

Alternatively, social scientists have pinned it on a herd instinct that is triggered by fear and spread through social media. However, there is also evidence that this focus on buying practical goods is a behavioural reaction to feelings of stress and uncertainty. Think of it as a form of retail therapy, only instead of splurging on the latest fashion garment or gadget, consumers purchase utilitarian products associated with problem solving, which may enhance their sense of control.

In recent research we conducted with Leonard Lee, Professor of Marketing at NUS Business School, we looked at the types of products that appealed to consumers when they felt control deprived. We hypothesised, and found, that consumers would compensate for a loss of perceived control by buying useful products designed to fill a basic need or accomplish a task. Closer analysis suggested this preference was due to the products’ association with problem solving or their ability to help manage a problem.

供給量が減少しているという兆候がほとんど、あるいはまったくないとすると、パニック買いをどう説明できるだろうか? 国民の安全を守り、真実を伝える中国政府の能力に対する疑念が、パニック買いを招いているという報告がある。しかし、世界的なパニック買いを見れば、その理論は正しくないようだ。


NUSビジネススクールのマーケティング教授であるLeonard Lee行った最近の研究で、我々は「消費者がコントロールを奪われていると感じたときに消費者に訴えた製品の種類」に注目た。我々は、「消費者が基本的なニーズを満たすため、またはタスクを達成するために設計された有用な製品を購入する」ことで「認識したコントロールの喪失を補償」しようとすると仮定し、それを検証した。綿密な分析により、この選好は、製品の問題解決との関連または問題の管理を支援する能力によるものであることが示唆された。
なお、"Retail therapy"(ショッピング療法)とは、気分が落ち込んだときに思い切った買い物をする行為である。

で、Chen, Lee, and Yap (2017)に至る一連の研究で、パニック買いがコントロールの喪失に対する補償行為であることを示し、それが中国のCOVID-19にもあてはまるという。
Control deprivation

The research includes a series of studies written up in the paper, “Control Deprivation Motivates Acquisition of Utilitarian Products”, published in the Journal of Consumer Research. In it, we found that a group of participants who had been asked to recall a situation where they had felt a low sense of control over their environment bought more practical items (e.g. cooking ingredients and household cleaners) during a supermarket trip, compared to another group who were asked to recall a time when they were well and in control. Follow-up studies showed that consumers whose sense of control was threatened were far more likely to favour functional sneakers over more fashionable footwear or book a therapeutic massage over a relaxing one.

Loss of control doesn’t mean being out of control or lacking self-discipline. It refers to the everyday, fundamental experience of being unable to take action to help address a situation or produce a desired outcome in a given environment. It is important to note that loss of control differs from a lack of autonomy, which is when people feel they lack the power to act according to their own will. Unlike consumers feeling out of control, autonomy-seeking consumers tend to prefer products that bolster their individuality, such as status symbols that communicate uniqueness, or items that can be used or displayed in a variety of ways.

People in countries – and particularly high-density cities – where fears of a pandemic could start, may be stressed by the potential spread of the virus or the panic that is rising around them and seek to restore their sense of equilibrium by buying practical, utilitarian products.

With tens of millions of people now under quarantine in China and COVID-19 rapidly spreading, it is unlikely that purchasing handwipes, instant noodles or even face masks will keep people completely safe. However, just purchasing the goods may help to keep them calm and give them a sense that they still have some control over their lives.

この研究にはJournal of Consumer Researchに掲載された“Control Deprivation Motivates Acquisition of Utilitarian Products”でまとめた一連の実験研究が含まれる。その中で、我々は「環境に対するコントロールが失われたことを感じたときの状況」を思い出させた被験者たちが、「調子がよく、コントロールできている状況」を思い出させた被験者たちに比べて、スーパーマーケットツアーで、より実用的な商品(調味料や家庭用洗剤など)を購入することを見出した。追跡調査により、コントロール感が脅かされた消費者は、よりファッショナブルな履物よりも機能的なスニーカーを好むか、リラックスした履物よりもセラピーマッサージを予約する可能性がはるかに高いことが示された。




[ Andy J. Yap, and Charlene Y. Chen: "The Psychology Behind Coronavirus Panic Buying", | March 2, 2020 ]

同様のパニック買いは香港でも起きており、香港の心理学者Dr.Cindy Chanも同様の指摘をしている。
Hong Kong clinical psychologist Dr Cindy Chan explains that panic buying is about people trying to get a sense of control. There are so many unsettling factors surrounding the Covid-19 outbreak – the increasing death toll, people having to work from home, and schools being suspended – that people have the sense that they are losing control of their life.

“People feel they need control, so they go out and buy things – rice, toilet paper – and feel that they are doing what they can for themselves, getting a sense of control. It’s a groupthink phenomenon, the herd mentality,” says Chan.
“We cannot reason rationally, we are more easily affected by group think, our behaviour becomes more irrational,” says Chan.

香港の臨床心理学者であるDr. Dr.Cindy Chanは、パニック買いは、コントロールの感覚を得ようとする人々に行動だと説明している。 Covid-19のアウトブレイクにまつわる死者の増加や在宅勤務せざるを得ない人々や休校など、非常に多くの不安要因により、人々は自分の人生のコントロールを失っていると感じている。

「人々はコントロールが必要だと感じているため、外出して物、米、トイレットペーパーを買い、自分でできることをやっていると感じ、コントロール感を得ている。それは集団思考の現象であり、群れのメンタリティである。... 我々は合理的に推論できない。集団思考の影響を受けやすくなり、行動が非合理的になる。」

[ Kate Whitehead: "Why Hong Kong panic buying happened: herd mentality, the media, overreaction and distrust" (2020/02/25) ]

同じく香港の心理学者Dr Sara Houshmandは、パニック買いのような防御的行動によって、安心感が得られるが、一方で、危険にさらされているという確信を強めるという。
Dr Sara Houshmand, a clinical and counselling psychologist at Central Health in Hong Kong, says that in extreme forms, these seemingly protective behaviours often suggest a misappraisal or exaggeration of an anticipated threat. What’s more, the behaviour – panic buying – reinforces misappraisals. While it offers a brief sense of relief and control, acting on anxious behaviours often reinforces the driving belief that one is in danger.

“Most people engaging in these behaviours would agree that toilet paper offers no real immunity against the novel coronavirus. Over time, these seemingly protective and innocuous behaviours have the capacity to keep individuals in a cycle of continuous stress and anxiety and do compromise individual health,” says Houshmand.

香港のCentral Healthの臨床およびカウンセリング心理学者であるDr Sara Houshmandは、極端な形態では、これらの見かけ上の防禦行動はしばしば、予想される脅威の誤評価または誇張を示唆していると言う。さらに、パニック買いという行動は、その誤評価を強める。簡単な安心感とコントロールを得られるが、不安な行動に基づいて行動することで、危険にさらされているという確信を強めることがよくある。


[ Kate Whitehead: "Why Hong Kong panic buying happened: herd mentality, the media, overreaction and distrust" (2020/02/25) ]



