

Ritual response to plagues (疫病への儀式的対応)

The Bible seldom mentions doctors, but various religious experts including prophets and priests provide responses to the illnesses. Prophets were considered instrumental in conveying godly messages to people

In a situation of crisis, they explained why God was upset. For instance, prophet Jeremiah warns King Zedekiah that all the inhabitants of Jerusalem will die by the sword, famine and pestilence due to the Israelites’ transgressions.

Whereas prophets delivered godly messages, and helped to uncover the reason of illness, priests communicated with God through rituals. If the cause of illness was God’s anger, only God could provide recovery from it. Therefore, one had to appease the anger.

Priests could do this by carrying out the right rituals.





[ Hanna Tervanotko (Assistant professor, Religious Studies, McMaster University) : "How the ancient Israelites dealt with epidemics — the Bible tells of prophecy and rituals" (2020/04/14) on The Conversation ]
Rituals offer comfort (儀式は癒しをもたらす)

In the Hebrew Bible it was often more important to address the cause of the disease through a ritual than finding a medical cure to it. One may not have control over their fate, but rituals offered some sense of security in the midst of catastrophes.

During COVID-19 many religious people have turned to their religious responses. Others have engaged with actions that that create connections and care. They do not directly address the pandemic, but nonetheless offer them emotional relief.

People have always searched for meaning in their misfortunes in difficult times. It can be comforting to believe that things happen for a reason and something can be learned in chaotic situations.

Moreover, different explanations allow people to create their own responses to cope with the unknown. Recognizing this human need to rationalize crisis helps us to understand various explanations that people continue to give for the pandemic.





[ Hanna Tervanotko (Assistant professor, Religious Studies, McMaster University) : "How the ancient Israelites dealt with epidemics — the Bible tells of prophecy and rituals" (2020/04/14) on The Conversation ]

[ Antonio Giarola, Verona Suppliant at the Feet of the Trinity, 1630, Verona San Fermo Maggiore, Chapel of the Conception ]



