

But to motivate our preventative health actions, the media, and government and public health officials and entities, have to use fear strategically. For when it comes to motivating the preventative behaviors that may reduce our own and others’ health risks, too much or too little fear is ineffective.

Using fear to scare people into behavior change is a common tactic, used by parents and loved ones, religious leaders, healthcare professionals, advertisers, and politicians alike. As a persuasive tactic, fear-arousing communications have been studied by social psychologists since the 1950s. These decades of research on fear and health communications tell us a lot about the effective use of fear to motivate health behavior.



[ Shawn M. Burn Ph.D.;"COVID-19: What Is the "Right" Amount of Scared?" (2020/03/04) ]
We know that if the level of fear is too frightening, people may:

- Shut down in helplessness, believing their actions will be ineffective in reducing the threat
- Fail to act due to defensive denial, that is, willfully denying a threat to maintain a sense of safety and control

- Find the threat unbelievable and be unmotivated to take preventative action
- Have difficulty responding rationally and may overreact
- Downplay future “threats” and distrust government sources if dire warnings fail to materialize



[ Shawn M. Burn Ph.D.;"COVID-19: What Is the "Right" Amount of Scared?" (2020/03/04) ]
But we also know that if the level of fear is too low, people are unmotivated to take the preventative health actions that might reduce disease spread. This can happen when a government underplays a public health threat because they don’t want people to panic, the economy to suffer, or to draw attention to policies or missteps that, in retrospect, reduced preparedness or made things worse. This can contribute to disease spread and undermine their credibility as a source of public health information.


[ Shawn M. Burn Ph.D.;"COVID-19: What Is the "Right" Amount of Scared?" (2020/03/04) ]
The bottom line: Getting fear “right” is challenging. To motivate desired health behaviors, the threat has to be scary enough to motivate, yet realistic. People have to believe it could affect them, and they also have to believe that the recommended actions will reduce the threat. Politics have to be put aside for the sake of public health so as not to overplay, or underplay, the health threat. (Brief aside: Citizens must also put politics aside so they can rationally assess the threat and take important risk-reduction actions.)

結論:適量の恐怖を与えることは困難である。望ましい健康行動を動機付けるには、脅威は動機付けをするのに十分なほど恐ろしく、しかも現実的でなければならない。人々がそれが自分たちに影響を与える可能性があると信じる必要があり、また推奨される行動によって脅威を抑制できると信じる必要がある。健康への脅威を過大評価または過小評価しないように、公衆衛生のために政治は脇に置かれなければならない。(余談: 市民もまた政治を脇において、合理的に脅威を評価し、重要なリスク削減行動をとる必要がある。)

[ Shawn M. Burn Ph.D.;"COVID-19: What Is the "Right" Amount of Scared?" (2020/03/04) ]

The recent reported outbreaks and fatalities of the COVID-19 disease may impact mental health by elevating anxiety worldwide. COVID-19 is the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). A quick query on Google for COVID-19 returns well over

Before the emergence of COVID-19, anxiety disorders already rank as one of the most common mental health problems globally. According to University of Oxford research, anxiety disorders, the most widespread of mental health disorders, impacted an estimated 284 million people in 2017 worldwide. In the U.S. alone, anxiety disorders affect an estimated 40 million adults according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.



[ Cami Rosso: "How COVID-19 May Impact Mental Health" (2020/03/02) ]



