理想的被害者, ホームレス



Shelters have structure and rules: curfews, schedules, no outside food, no alcohol, limited smoking breaks, and limits on visitors. This has a practical benefit; sensible from the perspective of maintaining health and safety. But it limits the freedom that comes naturally with living unsheltered, or in your own home. Living in a shelter also means living among people you don't know, may not trust, or even fear.


[ "Why would a homeless person not want to go to a shelter?" on BRC(Bowery Residents' Committee) ]
Further, most of our clients have lived in shelters before, and often in other institutional settings as well (such as foster care, hospitals, residential treatment, jail and prison, halfway and three-quarter houses, etc.); their lack of success from these past experiences only reinforces their doubts that anyone wants to or can help them.


[ "Why would a homeless person not want to go to a shelter?" on BRC(Bowery Residents' Committee) ]
Finally, seeking shelter means both acknowledging you need help, and then believing enough in yourself and the shelter system that you will get the help you need and that it will change your life for the better.


[ "Why would a homeless person not want to go to a shelter?" on BRC(Bowery Residents' Committee) ]

The views were put together by Shelter Cymru and Cymorth Cymru as part of research for a homelessness review by the Welsh government. Housing Minister Huw Lewis said more action was needed to prevent the "social exclusion" of homelessness. "What emerged most clearly from our research is that people first and foremost want to be treated with respect," said the director of Shelter Cymru, John Puzey.

ウェールズ政府によるホームレスレビューの調査の一環として、Cymru保護施設と(ホームレス支援団体)Cymorth Cymruが意見をまとめた。Huw Lewis住宅相は、ホームレスの「社会的排除」を防ぐために、より多くの行動が必要であると述べた。 「我々の調査から最も明確に浮かび上がったのは、人々は何よりもまず敬意を持って扱われることを望んでいるということである」と、Cymru保護施設の責任者John Puzeyは述べた。

[ "Homeless suffer lack of respect, says Shelter Cymru and Cymorth Cymru report" (2012/05/01) on BBC ]

Poor people have long been stigmatized and blaned for their situation. According to theory about stigma and about inequality-legitimating ideologies, homeless people should be stigmatized even more severely than the "generic poor". Recent research suggests that the opposite may be true, but the data used in comparing attitudes toward homeless and other poor people have not been strictly comparable. Thus the conclusions that can be drawn are limited. Using a vignette experiment designed to directly compare attitudes toward a homeless and a domiciled poor man and to compare the effects of being labeled homeless with those of being labeled mentally ill, we find that (1) the homeless man is blamed no less than the domiciled man and generally is stigmatized more severely; (2) the strength of the stigma attached to the "homelessness" label equals that for mental hospitalization; and (3) the stigmas of homelessness and mental hospitalization are independent of one another. Thus, in addition to the hardships of the homeless condition itself, homeless people suffer stigmatization by their fellow citizens. The results also suggest that the robust tendency to blame the disadvantaged for their predicament holds true for modern homelessness as well.

貧しい人々は長い間、その貧しい状況の故に汚名を着せられ、非難されてきた。スティグマと不平等を正当化するイデオロギーについての理論によれば、ホームレスの人々は「一般的な貧しい人々」よりもさらに厳しくスティグマを受けるべきだとされる。最近の調査では、反対のことが当てはまる可能性が示唆されているが、ホームレスと他の貧しい人々に対する態度を比較するために使用されたデータは厳密には比較できなかった。したがって、引き出すことができる結論は限られている。ホームレスと住処のある貧しい人々に対する態度を直接比較し、ホームレスとラベル付けされた効果を精神障害とラベル付けされた効果と比較するように設計されたビネット実験を使用して、我々は以下を見出した。 (1) ホームレスと住処のある貧しい人々は同様に非難されているが、一般的にはホームレスの方がより強く汚名を着せられること。 (2) 「ホームレス」のラベルに付けられた汚名の強さは、精神的入院のそれと等しい。(3)ホームレスと精神的入院の汚名は互いに独立している。このように、ホームレスの状態自体の困難に加えて、ホームレスの人々は同じ地域に住む市民による汚名を被る。これらの結果はまた、不利な立場にある人々が、その苦境の故に非難される強い傾向が現代のホームレスにもみられることを示唆している。

[ Jo Phelan et al: "The Stigma of Homelessness: The Impact of the Label "Homeless" on Attitudes Toward Poor Persons", Social Psychology Quarterly Vol. 60, No. 4 (Dec., 1997), pp. 323-337 ]



