

ホメオパシーの始祖Samuel Hahnemann [1755-1843]は、種痘をホメオパシーな方法だと考えていた。
The inoculated cow-pox, whose lymph, besides the protective matter, contains the contagion of a general cutaneous eruption of another nature, consisting of usually small, dry (rarely large, pustular) pimples, resting on a small red areola, frequently conjoined with round red cutaneous spots and often accompanied by the most violent itching, which rash appears in not a few children several days before, more frequently, however, after the red areola of the cow-pock, and goes off in a few days, leaving behind small, red, hard spots on the skin; ? the inoculated cow-pox, I say, after it has taken, cures perfectly and permanently, in a homoeopathic manner, by the similarity of this accessory miasm, analogous cutaneous eruptions of children, often of very long standing and of a very troublesome character, as a number of observers assert.


[ Samuel Hahnemann: "Organon" § 46 ]

To attempt to cure by means of the very same morbific potency (per Idem) contradicts all normal human understanding and hence all experience. Those who first brought Isopathy to notice, probably thought of the benefit which mankind received from cowpox vaccination by which the vaccinated individual is protected against future cowpox infection and as it were cured in advance. But both, cowpox and smallpox are only similar, in no way the same disease. In many respects they differ, namely in the more rapid course and mildness of cowpox and especially in this, that is never contagious to man by more nearness. Universal vaccination put an end to all epidemics of that deadly fearful smallpox to such an extent that the present generation does no longer possess a clear conception of the former frightful smallpox plague.


[ Samuel Hahnemann: "Organon" § 56 Sixth Edition ]


1860年代のニュージーランドでは、ワクチンは、ホメオパシーを構成する要素だったようだ。たとえば、「genuine virgine cowpox virus」というの怪しい広告。この広告が正直であるなら、現在のホメオパシーと違って、普通に病毒。
[ [Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 --Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVIII, Issue 1698, 29 December 1862, Page 4 ]
また、別の広告では「Vaccination Daily」と書かれている。
[ Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 --Southland Times , Issue 1066, 2 December 1868, Page 8 ]

1894年4月のブルックリン強制ワクチン接種反対連盟の決議記事には「It is wrong to suppose that only homeopaths are opposed to vaccination.」とある。
[ OPPOSED TO VACCINATION.; Anti-Compulsory League Questions, Power of Brooklyn Board of Health. New York Times - Apr 24, 1894 ]

The Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League of Brooklyn, which was recently formed in that city, will hold a meeting on Friday evening, at 515 Fulton Street, when measures will be determined upon to fight against the authority of the Health Department. The members of the league, who number about fifty, and among whom are many physicians, claim that the Health Department violates the American Constitution when it forcibly compels persons to submit to vaccination


It is wrong to suppose that only homeopaths are opposed to vaccination. Many members of our league are allopaths, and the electics are united in opposition to Board of Health.


[ BOTH SOCIETIES FAVOR VACCINATION.; Allopaths and Homeopaths in Kings County Sustain Dr. Emery. ,New York Times - Jun 14, 1894 ]
Kings郡の通常医とホメオパスはともにワクチン接種を支持し、Dr. Emeryを支持する

The Kings County Medical Society has approved the methods adopted by Health Commissioner Emery of Brooklyn and has adopted the following resolutions, which were sent to Dr. Emery yesterday:

Whereas, This city has been recently threatened by an epidemic of smallpox, and its widespread ravages only prevented by the energetic action of the Health Department; be it

Resolved, That the Kings County Medical Association recotd its approval of the wise and efficient measures adpoted by and extend its thanks to Commissioner Z. T. Emery, for so successfully combating this dread disease.

The Homeopathic Medical Society of Kings County has adopted the following:
Resolved, That this society affirms its belief in the value of vaccination, and its proper enforcement by the health authorities.

Kings郡医師会はブルックリン保健コミッショナーEmeryの採用した方法を承認し、以下の決議を採択し、Dr Emeryへ昨日送った:


決議:Kings郡医師会は、この恐ろしい病気と闘うために、コミッショナーZ. T. Emeryによる賢明かつ効果的な対策を採用・展開を承認する。







