


Quacks were just as quick to exploit advances in the physical sciences as they were to pervert biological achievements. The discovery of radium by the Curies gave a cue to Dr. Rupert Wells, though even his name was a fake. He called his medicine Radol, labeled it as "radium impregnated," and advertised that it would cure all cancer. The liquid was really an acid solution of quinine sulphate with alcohol added, and such a product could be expected to exhibit the bluish fluorescent glow which Wells attributed to radium. But Radol, as a critic said, contained "exactly as much radium as dishwater" did and had the same therapeutic powers when treating cancer [23]. Thus the glamor of new science was twisted to benefit the unscrupulous promoter and to injure poor, suffering humanity, ill equipped to differentiate between the valid and the specious in the realm of health.

ニセ医療は、物理科学における発展をあっというまにパクって、生物学的効果の話に悪用する。キュリー夫妻によるラジウムの発見は、Dr. Rupert Wellsにとって切っ掛けとなった。もっとも、その名前そのものがフェイクだったが。彼は"Radol"という商品に「ラジウム配合」と書いて、あらゆる癌を治癒すると宣伝した。その液体は実際には、硫酸キニーネの酸性溶液にアルコールを添加したもので、青みがかった蛍光を発しうる。それをDr. Rupert Wellsはラジウムによるものだと宣伝していた。しかし、批判者によれば、Radolは、そのへんの水と同量しかラジウムを含んでおらず、癌治療について、そのへんの水程度の力しかない。したがって、新たな科学の魅力は、捻じ曲げられて、恥知らずな宣伝屋の銭儲けに使われ、貧しい人々を傷つけ、人を苦しめ、有効な医療と見せ掛けの区別ををあいまいにした。

[23] Samuel Hopkins Adams, The Great American Fraud (Chicago, 1906), 91.

[ James Harvey Young, PhD: "Chapter 2: The Lawless Centuries" (2001/12/23) ]

[ Radol (ca 1905-1910) on ORAU ]



