



Colavito (2011)によれば、古代宇宙飛行士説はさらに古く、Madame Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891)の「Secret Doctrine (1888)に、その萌芽が見られる。
The most important early writer to propose extraterrestrial visitation on earth was Madame Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891), the founder of Theosophy, a Victorian-era amalgam of Spiritualism, Eastern religions, and good old-fashioned hokum. In The Secret Doctrine, Theosophy’s most important text, Blavatsky noted Greek speculation about life on other worlds and asserted that the ancients had first-hand knowledge of the fact of extraterrestrial existence. She speculated that the beings on the innumerable inhabited worlds may have “influence” or “control” over the earth. She also asserted that spiritual beings originating on the moon contributed to the metaphysical development of earth life, but for her any alien intervention is a sideline to the epic history of evolutionary and spiritual developments of an assortment of earth creatures who grew from primal ooze to Aryan supremacy on the lost continents of Hyperborea, Lemuria, and Atlantis.

地球外からの地球訪問者を提唱した初期の最重要執筆者は神智学の創設者であるMadame Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891)であり、その著作はビクトリア朝時代のスピリチュアリズム、東洋の宗教、古き良きでっち上げの融合だった。神智学の最も重要な文書あるThe Secret Doctrineで、Blavatskyは、異世界の生活についてのギリシャの憶測に言及し、古代人は地球外生命体の存在の事実を直接知っていたと主張した。彼女は、無数の人が住む世界の存在が地球を「影響」または「支配」しているのではないかと推測した。彼女はまた、月に由来するスピリチュアルな存在が地球の生命の形而上学的な発達に貢献したと主張したが、彼女にとって、異星人の介入は、原始の滲出物から成長したさまざまな地球の生き物の進化的およびスピリチュアル発達から、失われた大陸ハイパーボレア、レムリア、アトランティスの覇権に至る、アーリア人の壮大な歴史のサイドラインだった。

[ Jason Colavito: "The Origins of the Space Gods" (2011) ]
The First Race of men were, then, simply the Images, the Astral Doubles, of their Fathers, who were the pioneers, or the most progressed Entities from a preceding though lower Sphere, the shell of which is now our Moon. But even this shell is all-potential, for, the Moon having generated the Earth, its phantom, attracted by magnetic affinity, sought to form its first inhabitants, the pre-human monsters. [pg 122]To assure himself of this, the student has again to turn to the Chaldæan Fragments, and read what Berosus says. Berosus obtained his information, he tells us, from Ea, the male-female Deity of Wisdom. While the Gods were generated in the androgynous bosom of this Wisdom (Svabhâvat, Mother-Space), its reflections became on Earth the woman Omorôka, who is the Chaldæan Thavatth (or Thalatth), the Greek Thalassa, the Deep or the Sea, which Esoterically and even exoterically is the Moon. It was the Moon (Omorôka) who presided over the monstrous creation of nondescript beings which were slain by the Dhyânîs


[ Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: "The Secret Doctrine" vol 2 of 4 (1888), p.122 ]

One of the most dramatic ideas found in the Cthulhu Mythos is the suggestion that extraterrestrial beings arrived on earth in the distant past, were responsible for ancient works of monumental stone architecture, and inspired mankind’s earliest mythologies and religions.


[ Jason Colavito: "The Origins of the Space Gods" (2011) ]
The Call of Cthulhu (1928)の該当する記述は...
>Old Castro remembered bits of hideous legend that paled the speculations of theosophists and made man and the world seem recent and transient indeed. There had been aeons when other Things ruled on the earth, and They had had great cities. Remains of Them, he said the deathless Chinamen had told him, were still to be found as Cyclopean stones on islands in the Pacific. They all died vast epochs of time before men came, but there were arts which could revive Them when the stars had come round again to the right positions in the cycle of eternity. They had, indeed, come themselves from the stars, and brought Their images with Them.

These Great Old Ones, Castro continued, were not composed altogether of flesh and blood. They had shape—for did not this star-fashioned image prove it?—but that shape was not made of matter. When the stars were right, They could plunge from world to world through the sky; but when the stars were wrong, They could not live. But although They no longer lived, They would never really die. They all lay in stone houses in Their great city of R'lyeh, preserved by the spells of mighty Cthulhu for a glorious resurrection when the stars and the earth might once more be ready for Them. But at that time some force from outside must serve to liberate Their bodies. The spells that preserved Them intact likewise prevented Them from making an initial move, and They could only lie awake in the dark and think whilst uncounted millions of years rolled by. They knew all that was occurring in the universe, but Their mode of speech was transmitted thought. Even now They talked in Their tombs. When, after infinities of chaos, the first men came, the Great Old Ones spoke to the sensitive among them by moulding their dreams; for only thus could Their language reach the fleshly minds of mammals.

カストロ老人の記憶は断片にすぎなかったが、その伝承の奇怪さは、見神論者の考察をたじろがせ、人類とこの世界をまだ根が浅く、暫定的なものにすぎぬと思わせる何かがあった。人類誕生以前のこの地球は、星から渡ってきた「あるもの」が支配していて、彼らは各地に壮麗豪華な大都市を建設した。それがいまなお -- 不死の中国人僧の言葉によれば -- 太平洋上の島々に、巨石文化の遺跡として残存している。彼らは人類が生まれてくる以前に死に絶えたが、宇宙は永遠の周回を繰り返しているので、いつかまた、星座が正しい位置に復帰する日が訪れる。その日、彼らは、星から地球に降下するときに携えてきた聖像の力で甦る。


[ H.P. Lovecraft: "The Call of Cthulhu" (1926), 宇野利泰 訳: "ラヴクラフト全集(2)", 創元推理文庫(1976)]

Colavito (2011)はこれが、「Morning of the Magicians」に影響を与え、それをほぼなぞったErich von Dänikenによって、古代宇宙飛行士説が広まったとみている。
Morning of the Magicians became one of the most important sources for Erich von Däniken, the Swiss writer whose Chariots of the Gods? brought what had hitherto been a theory known only to Theosophists, Lovecraft aficionados, and fringe theorists into the cultural mainstream. Von Däniken did not mention Pauwels and Bergier in his works, however, until a lawsuit forced him to disclose the sources he closely paraphrased in Chariots. The bibliography of Chariots thereafter listed the French writers’ book in its 1962 German translation, Aufbruch ins dritte Jahrtausend.

「Morning of the Magicians(神秘学大全)」は、自著「Chariots of the Gods?(未来の記憶)」で。それまでは神智学者や、Lovecraft愛好家や、フリンジ理論家だけあ知っていた理論を文化の主流に持ち込んだErich von Dänikenの最重要の情報源のひとつとなった。しかし、訴訟で、「未来の記憶」の改変元の情報源の開示を強制されるまで、Von DänikenはPauwelsとBergierの「神秘学大全」について自著内で言及したことはなかった。その後、「未来の記憶」の参考文献には、フランス語原著の1962年のドイツ語訳であるAufbruch insdritteJahrtausendが記載されるようになった。

[ Jason Colavito: "The Origins of the Space Gods" (2011) ]

一方ロシアの超常現象の世界では、古代宇宙飛行士説の始まりを、ソビエト連邦の数学者M Agrestだとしている。ロシアのParamnormal Newsによれば...
Matest Agreste:足跡が宇宙につながる!



しかし、物理学者は古代接触理論の研究を試みた。物理及び数理科学博士であるMatest Agrestは、異星人が地球を訪問したことを確信していた。さらに、彼はまさしく科学の助けを借りてこれを正確に証明した。彼は謎のテクタイトの構造を研究して、それらが核爆発の結果生じたと論じた。



しかし、クルチャトフの突然の死により、この出版は妨げられた・科学界はこの仮説を大胆すぎると考えた。(この出版を妨げた科学者たちの名前は誰も覚えてはいないだろう。というのは彼らは何か特別なことをして有名になったわけでも、何かを発見したわけでもないからだ。)その後、Agrestは、その記事を"Литературную газету"(Literaturnaya Gazeta()に送り、「Следы ведут в космос?(痕跡は宇宙につながるか?)」というタイトルで出版された。

クルチャトフの死後、Agrestは権威ある支持を失い、彼の出版物は科学界から冷淡な扱いを受けた。しかし、西側の報道機関はすぐにAgrestの成果を掲載し、その後、古代接触理論が西側の研究者のお気に入りのトピックとなった。その最初がエーリッヒ・フォン・デニケンだった。 [ "Матест Агрест: следы ведут в космос! " in PARANORMAL NEWS (2014/01/13) ]



