


Colavito (2011)によれば、古代核戦争説の初出は1959年である。
Instead, the earliest reference to prehistoric nuclear warfare appears to be the Soviet mathematician and ethnologist Matest M. Agrest, who argued in 1959 that Sodom and Gomorrah had been destroyed by nuclear bombs from alien spaceships. This claim was brought to the attention of the other side of the Iron Curtain through The Morning of the Magicians (1960), a French work by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier which outlined one of the earliest complete (nonfiction) versions of the modern ancient astronaut theory (see my eBook The Origin of the Space Gods) and, on page 122 of the 1963 English edition, offered outlandish claims about ancient nuclear warfare.

代わりに、先史時代の核戦争への言及の初出は「ソドムとゴモラがエイリアンの宇宙船からの核爆弾によって破壊された」と1959年に主張したソビエトの数学者および民族学者だったMatest M. Agrestだと思われる。この主張は、Louis PauwelsとJacques Bergierによるフランス語の執筆物「The Morning of the Magicians(神秘学大全)」(1960)によって、鉄のカーテンの反対側で注目を集めた。これには、最初期の現代の古代宇宙飛行士説の完全な(ノンフィクションバージョンの)概説(私のeBook"The Origin of the Speae Gods"参照)であり、1963年の英訳版のp122には、風変わりな古代核戦争の主張があった。

[ Jason Colavito: "Ancient Atom Bombs" (2011) ]
"The Morning of the Magicians"の該当部分は...
And yet, with our knowledge of modern science and techniques, we ought to examine this literature with an unprejudiced eye. The book of Dzyan speaks of 'superior beings of dazzling aspect' who abandoned the Earth, depriving the impure human race of its knowledge, and effacing by disintegration all traces of their passage. They departed in flying chariots, propelled by light, to rejoin their land 'of iron and metal'.

In a recent study published in the Literaturnaya Gazeta (1959) Professor Agrest, who accepts the hypothesis of the Earth having been visited long ago by interplanetary travellers, relates his discovery among the first texts introduced into the Bible by Jewish priests of references to beings from another world who, like Enoch, disappeared into the heavens in mysterious ark-like vessels. The sacred Hindu texts, such as the Ramayana and the Maha Bharatra, contain descriptions of airships appearing in the sky at the very beginning of time and looking like 'blueish clouds in the shape of an egg or a luminous globe'.

They could encircle the Earth several times, and were propelled by 'an ethereal force which struck the ground as they rose', or by 'a vibration produced by an invisible force'. They emitted 'sweet and melodious sounds', and 'a shining light as bright as fire', and their trajectory was not straight, but appeared 'to follow a long and undulating course bringing them alternately nearer to and farther from the Earth'. The material of which these engines were composed is defined, in these texts more than three thousand years old and doubtless based on memories going back infinitely farther into the past, as being a blend of several metals, some white and light, others red.


Literaturnaya Gazeta(1959)に掲載された最近の研究で、Agrest教授は「古代に地球を惑星間旅行者が訪れた」という仮説を受け入れ、これを自分が発見した「エノクのように、謎の箱舟状の乗物で天国に姿を消した、異世界からの存在を参照して、ユダヤの聖職者たちが聖書に導入した最初の記述」に関連付けた。ラーマーヤナやマハーバーラタなどのヒンドゥー教の聖典には、時間の始まりに、空に現れた「卵または明るい球形の青い雲」のように見える飛行船の説明が記載されている。


[ Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier: "The morning of the magicians" (1960) (translated by Rollo Myers, 1963), p.122 ]

Another objection: a highly developed technical and scientific civilization does not disappear completely without leaving any trace.

Reply: 'We civilizations know now that we are mortal.' It is precisely the most highly developed techniques that threaten to cause the civilization of which they are a product to disappear completely. Take the case of our own civilization in the near future. All power stations, weapons, transmitting and receiving apparatus in telecommunications, all electric and nuclear instruments — in short, all our technological equipment is based on the same principle of the production of energy. As a result of some chain reaction all these instruments, from the largest to the smallest, might at any time explode. In this way every trace of the material and the greater part of the human potential of a civilization would disappear. All that would remain would be things that threw no light on that civilization, and men who were more or less excluded from it. The survivors would relapse into a state of primitive simplicity. Only memories would remain, unskilfully and inaccurately recorded after the catastrophe: stories of a mythical and legendary character through which might run the theme of expulsion from an earthly paradise and the feeling that there are great dangers and great secrets hidden at the heart of matter. Everything begins again, as in the Book of Revelation: 'The Moon became as blood . . . and the Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together. . .


回答: 「我々文明は、我々が不滅でないことを今知っている」 それはまさに、それらを生み出した文明を完全に消滅させる恐れのある最も高度に開発された技術である。近未来の我々の文明について考えてみよう。すべての発電所、兵器、電気通信の送受信装置、すべての電力および原子力機器、要するに、我々のすべての技術機器は、エネルギー生産の同じ原理に基づいている。いくつかの連鎖反応の結果として、これらすべての機器は、最大のものから最小のものまで、いつでも爆発する可能性がある。このようにして、物質の痕跡と文明の人間の可能性の大部分が消え去る。残るのは、その文明の光があたらなかったものと、多かれ少なかれそれから排除された人間だけである。生存者は原始的な質素な状態から再出発することになるだろう。大惨事の後、記憶だけが残り、巧みにそして不正確にそのことが記録される:地上の楽園からの追放のテーマとする神話的で伝説的な登場人物たちの物語と、ことの中心には巨大な危険と巨大な秘密があるという感覚。黙示録のように、すべてが再び始まる:「月は全体が血のようになって、... 天は巻物が巻き取られるように消え去り、...」

[ Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier: "The morning of the magicians" (1960) (translated by Rollo Myers, 1963), p.124 ]


ここで、The Book of Dzyan(ジャーンの書)は、Helena Petrovna Blavatskyの神智学の基本的な本のひとつ"Secret Doctrine"の基礎となった、通説では古代チベット文書となっている本である。

また、Matest M. Agrest(1915-2005)は、ロシアの数学者で古代宇宙飛行士説の支持者である。掲載誌とされるLiteraturnaya Gazeta(Литературная газета)は、1830〜1849及び1929〜に発行されているソビエト連邦及びロシアの週刊新聞である。その後、それなりの関心をソビエト連邦内で惹いたようで、1961年に長めの記事「Космонавты древности(古代宇宙飛行士)」を、「陸地と海洋」という学術誌らしき雑誌に掲載している。



