

Alert America Convoys (巡回展示)

1951年に設立されたFederal Civil Defense Administration(連邦民間防衛局)は、米国民への広報手段の一つとして、巡回展示"Alert America"を実施した。
The Alert America civil defense exhibit convoy of 1952 was what Millard Caldwell, Administrator of the Federal Civil Defense Administration (1951-1952), called “Paul Revere on Wheels.” The purpose of the much ballyhooed tour was to demonstrate to Americans the value of preparing for an atomic attack by the Soviet Union and, perhaps more strikingly, the consequences of ignoring such a threat.

The convoy (which was actually three separate convoys on three different routes) found a receptive audience in the nearly forty-eight states that it visited. Over the eight-month tour, an estimated one million visitors turned out in eighty-two cities to view the exhibit.

On May 15, 1952, the exhibit rolled into Los Angeles, California. The lead truck driver, Cpl. Samuel Leible, was greeted in grand style by “Miss Alert America,” Jeanne Lambros and two “hostesses,” one of whom bestowed a Hawaiian lei around his neck.

For a show that purported to demonstrate the grim realities of atomic war, its promotion was pure Hollywood. From having starlets Merry Anders and Charlotte Austin pose with an Alert America placard to advertising the show in the movie section of the Los Angeles Times, the P.R. people did not miss a trick.

1952年のAlert America民間防衛展示コンボイは、連邦民間防衛局長Millard Caldwell (1951-1952)が「Paul Revere on Wheels」と呼ぶものだった。鳴り物入りのツアーの目的は、ソ連の核攻撃に備える価値、そしてもっと驚くべきは、そのような脅威を見逃したときの帰結を、を米国民に示して見せることだった。


1952年5月15日、展示はカリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスに入った。リードトラックの運転手Samuel Leible伍長は、Miss Alert AmericaのJeanne Lambrosと二人のホステスに壮大なスタイルで迎えられ、そのうちの一人にハワイアン花輪をかけられた。

核戦争の厳しい現実を示して見せることを意図したショーの宣伝は純粋なハリウッド方式だった。スターのMerry AndersとCharlotte AustinがAlert Americaのプラカードを持ってポーズをとることから、Los Angeles Timeの映画欄で展示を宣伝することまで、広報担当者たちはすべてを活用した。

[ "Atomic Cheesecake: The Alert America Convoy Comes to Hollywood" on Conelrad Adjacent ]

[ "Alert America" on Googl Art & Culture ]

The civil defense Alert America Convoy program was developed during the later months of 1951. Operated by the Valley Forge Foundation, Inc., in cooperation with FCDA, they are intended to carry civil defense information directly to the American people and to spearhead local drives on civil defense education and participation for recruitment.

The exhibits offer highly dramatic visualizations of the entire civil defense problem. Through photographs, movies, three-dimensional mock-ups, and scientific action-dioramas they depict the possible uses of atomic energy in both peace and war. Visitors to the exhibits see the damage that could be done to American communities by atomic bombs, nerve gas, and germ warfare. Visitors experience a vivid dramatization of a mock A-bomb attack on their own cities. They learn what they can do through civil defense to protect themselves and the freedoms they cherish.

The exhibits were designed by the designer of the famous Freedom Train. Three of these exhibits, each mounted on a 10-truck convoy, will visit target cities in many States. The convoys were made possible by substantial contributions of materials and personnel by more than 30 key industrial concerns and government agencies.

民間防衛Alert America Convoysプログラムは、1951年後半に準備された。FCDAに支援のもと、Valley Forge Foundation, Incによって運営され、米国民に直接に民間防衛情報を伝え、民間防衛の教育と参加について、地元の推進力を発揮することを目的としている。



[ United States. Federal Civil Defense Administration: "Annual Report for 1951 of the Federal Civil Defense Administration to the President and the Congress of the United States of America", p.15 ]

The combined efforts of civil defense officials and volunteers, public-spirited citizens, the military, and the information media enabled the Alert America Convoys to create a tremendous amount of public interest in civil defense and self-protection among the 67 million residents of the cities visited.
In addition to the great popular appeal and media coverage of the Alert America exhibits, the convoys were responsible for a number of long-term benefits to the civil defense program locally and nation-ally. The convoys served as rallying points for civil-defense organ-izations in every city where they appeared. Large groups of civic leaders and organizations were drawn into the program for the first time. The active aid of private industry was obtained. New impetus was given to civil defense training in the schools.

Many public officials were aroused to the need for immediate action and civil defense staffs and funds were implemented accordingly. Local committees, formed in advance of the convoy, retained their active interest and participation in civil defense. Many continued to serve as a permanent part of the local civil defense organization.

In several cities, recruiting drives were stepped up and emphasis was given to the prompt training of instructors and an increase in training facilities. Although many cities did not use the convoy as a direct recruiting appeal, more than 67,000 people volunteered for specific duties in oivil defense during the convoy tours.

民間防衛当局者とボランティア、公徳心あふれる市民、軍、情報メディアの協力により、Alert America Convoysは、巡回した6,700万人の都市の住民の間に民間防衛と自衛に多大な関心をひくことができた。
Alert Americaの展示品の人気とメディアでの報道に加えて、コンボイは、地域および全米の民間防衛プログラムに対する多くの長期的な利益をもたらした。コンボイは、巡回したすべての都市の民間防衛組織の集結地点として機能した。市民の指導者や組織の大規模なグループが初めてプログラムに参加した。民間産業の積極的な支援を得た。学校での民間防衛訓練に新しい弾みついた。



[ United States. Federal Civil Defense Administration: "Annual Report for 1952 of the Federal Civil Defense Administration to the President and the Congress of the United States of America", pp.47-49 ]



