
人類と類人猿の交配を目指したIlya Ivanov

Ilya Ivanovich Ivanovの人類と類人猿の交配実験

2006年12月時点のwikipediaの記述によれば、ソビエト連邦の生物学者Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov[1870〜1932]は人工授精を専門とし、人類と類人猿を交配する試みをした。
1910Grazで開催されたWorld Congress of Zoologistsで、人工授精による交雑種の可能性について発表。
1924パリのPasteur Instituteで研究していたとき、Kindiaの霊長類実験ステーションの使用許可を研究所長から取得した。さらに、ソ連政府からの支援を求めて、教育科学長官Anatoliy Vasilievich Lunacharskyや当局に手紙を出した。
1925科学研究所長Nikolai Petrovich Gorbunovの目に留まり、その援助により科学アカデミーから10万ドルの研究援助を得た。


University of Floridaの心理学のClive D.L. Wynne准教授の署名寄稿記事が2005年12月12日にNew York Timesに掲載された。この記事で、Wynne准教授は、Ilya Ivanovのキューバでの実験準備工作の失敗を記述した:
Next Ivanov wrote a Cuban heiress, Rosalia Abreu. Abreu was the first person to breed chimps in captivity and had a large menagerie outside Havana. Ivanov asked if any of her male chimpanzees might be available to inseminate a Russian volunteer known to posterity only as 'G."

At first Abreu was agreeable. But Ivanov made the mistake of approaching Charles Smith of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism for fund-raising support. Smith was something of a showman - he liked to appear in public with a chimpanzee dressed in a business suit - and went to the newspapers with Ivanov's proposal. The New York Times thundered, "Soviet Backs Plan to Test Evolution."

The resulting publicity brought the case to the attention of the Ku Klux Klan, which threatened Abreu with retaliation if she took part in Ivanov's experiment, calling it "abominable to the creator." Abreu withdrew her consent.

Before Ivanov could find another chimpanzee breeder, he fell out of favor in one of Stalin's purges and was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1931. He died a year later, in March 1932, waiting for a train home to Moscow.

次にIvanovはキューバの相続人Rosalia Abreuに手紙を書いた。 Abreuは檻の中でのチンパンジー飼育を最初に実現した人物で、ハバナ郊外には大きな動物園を持っていた。IvanovはAbreuに、飼育している雄のチンパンジーを、後世に"G"としてのみ知られるソビエト人ボランティアに受精させるために使えないか、問い合わせた。最初はAbreuは同意した。しかし、Ivanovが、資金集めの支援のために、米国無神論推進協会のCharles Smithに近づくという間違いをした。Smithはショーマンのような人物で、はビジネススーツに身を包んだチンパンジーと一緒に登場することを好み、Ivanovの提案を新聞社に持ち込んだ。New York Timesは「ソビエトは進化論の実験計画を支持している」と報じた。結果として、この宣伝で、Ku Klux Klanがこの件に関心を持ち、そのような行為は「創造者に対する忌まわしい行為」と呼び、AbreuがIvanovの実験に参加した場合、Abreuに対して報復行為を行うと脅した。Abreuは同意を取り下げた。Ivanovが新たにチンパンジー飼育家を見つける前に、彼はスターリンのお気に入りではなくなり、1931年にカザフスタンに追放された。1932年3月に、彼はモスクワへ帰郷する鉄道便を待っているときに亡くなった。

[ "Kissing Cousins" (2005/12/12) on NY Times (Copy) ]
キューバで実験をしようとして、Rosalia Abreuに協力を要請した。さらにAssociation for the Advancement of AtheismのCharles Smithに資金援助を要請したのが失敗で、New York Timesに「ソビエトが進化論の検証を支援」という大々的な記事になってしまう。そして、Ku Klux Klanの脅しを受けてRosalia Abreuが手を引いてしまう。


New York Timesの寄稿記事の掲載一週間後の2005年12月20日に、Scotman Newsに「スターリンが、人と猿の交雑による半人半猿の兵士の生産を命じた秘密文書が見つかった」という、怪しい記事が掲載された:
THE Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered the creation of Planet of the Apes-style warriors by crossing humans with apes, according to recently uncovered secret documents.

Moscow archives show that in the mid-1920s Russia's top animal breeding scientist, Ilya Ivanov, was ordered to turn his skills from horse and animal work to the quest for a super-warrior.

According to Moscow newspapers, Stalin told the scientist: "I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat."

In 1926 the Politburo in Moscow passed the request to the Academy of Science with the order to build a "living war machine". The order came at a time when the Soviet Union was embarked on a crusade to turn the world upside down, with social engineering seen as a partner to industrialisation: new cities, architecture, and a new egalitarian society were being created.

最近発見された秘密文書によれば、ソビエトの独裁者ヨシフ・スターリンが、猿の惑星スタイルの戦士を人間と類人猿と交配させることで創り出すよう命じた。1920年代半ばにロシアの最高の動物飼育科学者Ilya Ivanovが、馬や動物から超戦士探求に研究対象を変えるよう命じられた。モスクワの新聞によれば、スターリンは科学者たちに「私は、痛みに鈍感で抵抗力があり、食物の質に無関心な、新しい無敵の人間が欲しい」と語った。1926年にモスクワの共産党政治局は「生ける戦争機械」を造るよう、科学アカデミーに命じた。新しい都市、建築、新しい平等主義社会が創造され、社会工学が工業化の手段とみられていた時代、ソビエトは世界を転覆させるための聖戦を始めたときに、この命令が出された。

[ "Stalin's half-man, half-ape super-warriors?" (2005/12/20) on Scotsman News ]
あやしいのは、「According to Moscow newspapers(モスクワの新聞によれば)」である。新聞の名前もない。また、Brian Dunning (2010)が調べたところによれば、該当するモスクワの新聞記事は存在しない。おそらくは、Scotsmanの紙面を埋めるためのフェイクと思われる。
Ilya Ivanovとボルシェビキの動機

ロシア史学者Alexander Etkind(2008)によれば、Ilya Ivanovが人間と類人猿の交配実験をしようとした動機を明示した文書は残っていない。
Yet Ivanov’s efforts during the 1920s to create an ape-human hybrid had been anything but secret, according to Alexander Etkind, a Soviet-born specialist in Russian history now at the University of Cambridge. Ivanov’s project was a sensation at the time and generated almost as many headlines as it would later on, but when no ape-man materialised the fuss died down and his research was forgotten. Some 60 years later, scholars reconstructed events from scattered letters, notebooks and diaries held in assorted government archives. Despite years of digging, however, one vital part of the story remains elusive. “None of these documents reveals why he did it,” says Etkind. After examining the available evidence, he thinks he has an answer (Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, vol 39, p 205).
ソビエト生まれの、ケンブリッジ大学のロシア史学者Alexander Etkindによれば、1920年代に類人猿と人間の雑種を創り出すIvanovのプロジェクトは秘密でもなんでもなかった。Ivanovのプロジェクトは当時のセンセーションであり、後世と同様に多くの見出しを飾った。しかし、類人猿と人間の雑種を実現できず、大騒ぎは静まり、彼の研究は忘れ去られた。約60年後に、学者たちは政府の様々な記録に保管されていた、散財した手紙やノートや日記から、何が起きたのかを再構築した。しかし、長年の探求にもかかわらず、この出来事の最重要部のひとつが、あいまいなままになっている。「これらの文書のどれにも、彼が何故、それを行ったのか明らかにしていない」とEtkindは言う。使える証拠を調べ尽くしたのち、Etkindは一つの答えにたどり着いた。

[ Stephanie Pain: "Blasts from the past: The Soviet ape-man scandal" (2008/08/20) on New Scientist ]

When Ivanov put his proposal to the Academy of Sciences he painted it as the experiment that would prove men had evolved from apes. “If he crossed an ape and a human and produced viable offspring then that would mean Darwin was right about how closely related we are,” says Etkind. When Ivanov approached the government, he stressed how proving Darwin right would strike a blow against religion, which the Bolsheviks were struggling to stamp out. Success would not only bolster the reputation of Soviet science but provide useful anti-religious propaganda to boot.

That might seem motive enough, yet as Etkind points out, some have suggested that the ageing Bolshevik leaders had something less intellectual in mind. “There is conjecture that Ivanov was sent to Africa to bring back apes in order to provide them with glands for rejuvenation.” The Kremlin’s doctors certainly dabbled in rejuvenation treatments and Ivanov did have links to Voronoff, but Etkind is not convinced. “If you want to cover up a bizarre scheme to rejuvenate ageing politicians then you wouldn’t choose an even more bizarre project that’s going to attract a lot of publicity.”



[ Stephanie Pain: "Blasts from the past: The Soviet ape-man scandal" (2008/08/20) on New Scientist ]
There is a third possible motive – that Ivanov’s research was part of an ambitious plan to transform society. The high-ranking Bolsheviks who backed Ivanov were intellectuals who saw science as a means of realising their dream of a socialist utopia. “Politicians could change the political system, nationalise industries and turn farms into vast collectives – but the task of transforming people was entrusted to scientists,” says Etkind. “The aim was to match people to the socialist design of Soviet society.”

One way to do that was through “positive eugenics”, using AI to speed up the spread of desirable traits – a willingness to live and work communally, for instance – and to get rid of “primitive” traits such as competitiveness, greed and the desire to own property. “There were many projects aimed at changing humanity,” Etkind says. “Ivanov’s was the most extreme but if he succeeded then that would show that humans could be changed in radical and creative ways.”

Etkind believes this is the most likely reason why the Bolsheviks backed the project and that it was also what motivated Ivanov, at least in part. Like many others, Ivanov was swept along by the Bolshevik dream, he says. “He had proved that AI had the capacity to change nature, and testing its limits was perfectly in tune with the revolutionary times.” At the end of the day, Ivanov was a typical Russian intellectual.




[ Stephanie Pain: "Blasts from the past: The Soviet ape-man scandal" (2008/08/20) on New Scientist ]



