

バックファイアー効果の再現失敗 (2022)

バックファイアー効果を再現できなかったという研究(Wood and Porter (2016)がある。Abstractによれば...
Thomas Wood and Ethan Porter: "The elusive backfire effect: mass attitudes’ steadfast factual adherence", 2016

Abstract: Can citizens heed factual information, even when such information challenges their partisan and ideological attachments? The “backfire effect,” described by Nyhan and Reifler (2010), says no: rather than simply ignoring factual information, presenting respondents with facts can compound their ignorance. In their study, conservatives presented with factual information about the absence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq became more convinced that such weapons had been found. The present paper presents results from four experiments in which we enrolled more than 8,100 subjects and tested 36 issues of potential backfire. Across all experiments, we found only one issue capable of triggering backfire: whether WMD were found in Iraq in 2003. Even this limited case was susceptible to a survey item effect; when presented with a less elaborate survey item, we found no WMD factual backfire. Comparably elaborate items were incapable of instilling backfire in questions other than WMD. Evidence of factual backfire is far more tenuous than prior research suggests. By and large, citizens heed factual information, even when such information challenges their partisan and ideological commitments.

国民は、たとえその情報が自分たちの党派的、イデオロギー的愛着に反するものであっても、事実の情報に耳を傾けることができるだろうか。Nyhan and Reifler (2010) が述べた「バックファイア効果」は、ノーだと言う。つまり、事実情報を単に無視するのではなく、回答者に事実を提示することで、彼らの無知をさらに悪化させることがある。彼らの研究では、イラクに大量破壊兵器が存在しないという事実の情報を提示された保守派は、そのような兵器が発見されたことをさらに確信するようになった。本論文では、8,100人以上の被験者を対象に、バックファイアの可能性がある36の問題を検証した4つの実験の結果を示す。すべての実験を通じて、バックファイアを引き起こす可能性のある問題は1つだけであることがわかった。それは、2003年にイラクで大量破壊兵器が発見されたかどうかである。この限定された事例でさえ、調査項目効果の影響を受けやすく、それほど精巧でない調査項目を提示した場合、大量破壊兵器に関する事実のバックファイアは見られなかった。同程度に精巧な項目は、大量破壊兵器以外の質問ではバックファイアを引き起こせなかった。事実の裏目に出るという証拠は、これまでの研究が示唆するよりもはるかに薄弱である。概して、国民は、たとえその情報が党派的、イデオロギー的信念に反するものであっても、事実に基づく情報に耳を傾ける。

Nyhan, Brendan, and Jason Reifler. “When Corrections Fail: The Persistence of Political Misperceptions.” Political Behavior 32, 2 (2010): 303–30. doi:10.1007/s11109-010-9112-2.

その後の研究状況は、Ecker et al (2022)によると、「オーバーキルバックファイアー効果」「身近になるバックファイアー効果」「世界観バックファイアー効果」のいずれもの再現が明確にできておらず、カウンターする際に、これらを避ける必要はない:
Box 2 The elusive backfire effects

There have been concerns that corrective interventions might cause harm by inadvertently strengthening misconceptions and ironically enhancing reliance on the very misinformation that is being corrected. However, these concerns are largely overstated. Specifically, three types of ostensible ‘backfire effects’ have been discussed: the overkill backfire effect, the familiarity backfire effect, and the worldview backfire effect[89].

Only one study has investigated the potential overkill backfire effect, thought to result from a correction using too many counterarguments. This study found that corrections of dubious claims were more (rather than less) potent when more counterarguments were used, so long as those counterarguments were relevant[286]. Thus, the overkill backfire effect does not have empirical support.

The familiarity backfire effect is thought to result from a correction that unintentionally boosts the familiarity of the misinformation being corrected. This effect is characterized as an increase in misinformation belief following a correction, relative to a pre-correction baseline or no-exposure control condition. There are some findings that repeating corrections might lead to a tendency to recall false claims as true, especially after a 3-day delay or in older adults (age 70+years)287. Likewise, it has been argued that presenting ‘myths versus facts’ flyers that repeat to-be-debunked misinformation when correcting it could lead to familiarity backfire effects after a mere 30min[288]. However, these findings have not been replicated[107,289] or remain unpublished. Other putative familiarity backfire effects did not compare the backfire condition with a proper baseline (for reviews see[92,256]). Strong evidence against familiarity backfire comes from findings that explicit reminders of misinformation enhance the effect of corrections[104,290]. Although some researchers have argued that familiarity backfire might occur when a correction spreads novel misinformation to new audiences[185], only one study has found support for this claim (and only in one of two experiments)291, with other studies finding no evidence[112,151,222]. Other demonstrations of familiarity backfire effects in the context of vaccine misinformation might be driven by worldview rather than familiarity[292]. In sum, misinformation familiarity contributes to the CIE but does not typically produce backfire effects.

The backfire effect of greatest concern is arguably the worldview backfire effect, thought to arise when people dismiss and counterargue against corrections of false beliefs that are central to their identity[126,293]. Early demonstrations of worldview backfire effects124,294,295 drew much attention from the academy and beyond, but have proven difficult to replicate[81,128,130], partially due to unreliable methods[256,296]. Although findings of worldview backfire effects continue to be reported occasionally[25,297], overall the potential threat of worldview backfire effects seems limited and should not generally discourage debunking.





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[ Ullrich K. H. Ecker, Stephan Lewandowsky, John Cook, Philipp Schmid, Lisa K. Fazio, Nadia Brashier, Panayiota Kendeou, Emily K. Vraga and Michelle A. Amazeen: The psychological drivers of misinformation belief and its resistance to correction", naTure RevIeWS | PSychology, volume 1, January 2022 ]






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