

Blancke et alの疑似科学がなくならない理由

Stefaan Blancke et al.(2017)は、科学に勝る(あるいは同等の)別の知識獲得方法を掲げて、人々にある「専門家に対する不信」を利用する者たちがいると言う。
Another psychological factor working in favour of pseudoscience is distrust of recognized experts. Anti-expertise is a phenomenon noticed by anyone who has spent any time debating supporters of pseudoscientific notions, for example, young-earth creationists. These are often highly intelligent people, who are perfectly capable of functioning within society and are thus not to be dismissed as uninformed “hillbillies”.
Anti-expertise also explains why irrational beliefs do not necessarily assume the cloak of science. Some purveyors of irrational beliefs appropriate the label of “science”, but others claim their beliefs originate from “other ways of knowing” which are more reliable than science, and to which science is not applicable – in fact they often switch between the two strategies.

疑似科学に有利に働く別の心理的要因は、認知された専門家に対する不信である。 「反専門知識」は、「若い地球の創造論」者など、疑似科学概念の支持者と議論したことがある人々が気付いた現象である。これらの支持者たちは、社会的に機能する高度に知的な人々だったりするので、物を知らないバカとして無視するわけにいかない。

[ Stefaan Blancke et al.: "Why Do Irrational Beliefs Mimic Science? The Cultural Evolution of Pseudoscience", THEORIA, 2017, 83, 78–97 ]

他方で、Stefaan Blancke et al.(2017)は、「人々は情報源については批判的に評価する」ので、それを回避すべく、非合理的な信念は、「人々が信頼できると考える傾向のある情報源、すなわち科学から由来するふり」をすると指摘する。
The reason why pseudoscience exists is not that people are stupid or ready to believe anything that they are told. In fact, humans have a suite of mental mechanisms that enable them to filter the information that they receive from others. They can assess the quality of the source by checking competence and honesty, and the quality of the content by checking for consistency and coherence. In the case of science, things become a bit more complicated. Because people tend to be epistemically vigilant, and critical about sources of information, irrational beliefs need to pretend to originate from a source that people tend to deem trustworthy, i.e., science. However, people do not fully understand or appreciate the epistemic authority of science. They either ascribe authority to science on the basis of its effects or simply because of its reputation. The resulting confusion makes it easier for irrational beliefs to mimic science. In sum, the mechanisms of epistemic vigilance, an environment in which science is regarded as an epistemic authority, and a public who lacks an understanding of that authority, together constitute sufficient conditions for pseudoscience to emerge.


[ Stefaan Blancke et al.: "Why Do Irrational Beliefs Mimic Science? The Cultural Evolution of Pseudoscience", THEORIA, 2017, 83, 78–97 ]






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