

For All Enemies

Basically lethal amount is almost 10 rows (=60 garbage).
In case that you aim PB, you can send minimum 8 rows.
You have only to fill enemy's 3rd row. If enemy's middle is high, required garbage amount become decrease.

1st Stage - ARMS

Arms is the easiest enemy but it is not easy to defeat him quickly in speedrun.
Arms put Puyos very slowly, so player takes much time by a piese of Arms behind.
So if you aim high record, you need many resets at 1st stage.

2nd Stage - FRANKLY

Frankly uses a special stack called "Suketoudara-stack" (or "tara-stack"?).
At first, Frankly stacks Puyos quickly to fill in the bottom four rows.
By Sketoudara-stack, Frankly's field is narrow. So only garbage of 6 row is lethal amount usually.(I think 4-chain is almost enough amount.)
But pay attention to enemy's rush attack. Frankly draws pieces very quickly. If pieces' color is biased, Frankly send some garbage at high possibility.

3rd Stage - HUMPTY

Humpty stage requires much sending garbage.
He triggers Puyos with high frequency so there are few Puyos in his field.
These factors affect to speedrun's record.
If your sending garbage doesn't reach to lethal, Humpty tries to survive for long time.

4th Stage - COCONUTS

4th Stage is¡¡the only healing stage in mean bean.
Coconut uses a special stack called "Harpy stack". he stack Puyos at the top of each edges - 1st and 6th column.
In Original Puyo Puyo rule, there is "Otsuri system". (Otsuri = change (i.e. money))

Otsuri system is this:
-Puyo's field is 13 row * 6 column.
-If garbage is fallen above 14th row, garbage isn't put on such column. That garbage is equal to be vanished.
-Alternatively, vanished garbage is sent to¡¡puyo notification.

In this case, it makes 8 otsuri, as garbage.

At cocnut's stage, he gets many garbage by otsuri system, cause of his stack.
So garbage of 6~7 rows can be lethal amount.

5th stage - DAVY SPROCKET

From 5th stage, enemies try to set up 2 or more chain.
Early enemies trigger single chain as possible but enemies from now deny to trigger Puyos to set up chain.
So opposite field tends to be narrower than early stage.

6th Stage - SKWEEL

Skweel is the worst record killer.
He always does hard drop and sends rush of single chain constantly.
Player is required stable and defensive stack.
For example,

stack of right pic is more stable.

7th Stage - DYNAMIGHT

Dynamight is most chain-oriented enemy, so sometimes he fill in half field. But if Dynamight trigger chain, it may be large chain.
He is an opponent with a strong and weak point.

8th Stage~ 13 Stage

There are a few differences, but it is the same for every opponent.
The biggest enemy is the fast falling speed, so try your best not to get swept away by the Puyo.

How To Stack For Speedrun

Puyo Puyo Speedrun Guide: How to set up "stable chain"

My stack, "Diffusion": https://youtu.be/vfFGJRCad50

My record video: https://youtu.be/4JWh5oh_Hb4

My OPP speedrun record with explanation (JA / EN)







